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I am taking my first vacation in an extremely long time...two weeks in a place where there is no Internet, no phones (but a TV It *is* Euro 2004 football right now!).


I am leaving the forums in the able hands of Freethinker and IrishEyes, who will moderate with iron fists and make sure all of you behave.


Obviously the main site will not be updated on a daily basis, either - but for everyone who is a forum member, you can actually post content if you just go here: http://www.hypography.com/member.cfm - it may take a while to figure it out (tutorials are forthcoming) but if anyone wants to give it a shot feel free.


Note that you must use either IE 6, Mozilla, Netscape 7.1 or Firefox because there is a WYSIWYG content editor which requires these browsers. You can even work on a Mac (but not with IE).


Well, take care - and behave. And GO SWEDEN!!!! (No, Norway didn't qualify... ).




For those wondering about the Science Shop - it remains open and all orders are handled on a daily basis (by someone other than me, obviously).




Heay heay, enjoy the much-deserved rest Tor. I must say Irish Eyes and Freethinker as mods is gonna be interesting; 2 diametrically opposed individuals, I can't wait to see what happens....


Originally posted by: GAHD

Heay heay, enjoy the much-deserved rest Tor. I must say Irish Eyes and Freethinker as mods is gonna be interesting; 2 diametrically opposed individuals, I can't wait to see what happens....


Watch it! Your getting close to being booted! :-)


Yes Irish and I may have to have a competition to find out which can eliminate the most users and erase the most posts before Tormod gets back




Tormod did not want you and Irish to know until he was gone, but he made me the interim EDITOR. Better walk the straight and narrow.... or face my wrath.


AH YES, POWER, ........... Give me POWER!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Originally posted by: Uncle Martin



Tormod did not want you and Irish to know until he was gone, but he made me the interim EDITOR. Better walk the straight and narrow.... or face my wrath.


AH YES, POWER, ........... Give me POWER!!


Now, dear Uncle, where are all those articles you promised to write??? Here I am gone for TEN DAYS and you don't produce a single line of meaningful text? You're fired!




Originally posted by: Tormod

Well, take care - and behave. And GO SWEDEN!!!! (No, Norway didn't qualify... ).


Quoting myself now (where will this end).


Anyways, both Sweden and Denmark lost in the quarter finals and England (always among my favorites) wnt the same way but my FOURTH favorite, Portugal, who are also hosting the cup this time, just made it to the finals today!!! (Never put all your eggs in one basket).


We had 10 days of storms and heavy showers, a broken satellite antenna, and only 3 Swedish channels. Thankfully two of them sent every game from the Euro 2004 every other day so I got my share of sports...so I'll spend some quality time with my kids now and come back here in another few days.




Originally posted by: Tormod


Now, dear Uncle, where are all those articles you promised to write??? Here I am gone for TEN DAYS and you don't produce a single line of meaningful text? You're fired!




I did try. I posted a headline. I really wanted to post an article in the latest news section to make things look up to date. I may have a browser problem, couldn't do what I'd wished. But as you've stated," the tutorial is yet to come". Maybe I'll have it figured out next year.


Welcome back. I sincerely hope you enjoyed yourself. You were missed.


Originally posted by: Tormod

Anyways, both Sweden and Denmark lost in the quarter finals and England (always among my favorites) wnt the same way but my FOURTH favorite, Portugal, who are also hosting the cup this time, just made it to the finals today!!! (Never put all your eggs in one basket).

You said something about Football. It ain't even close to football season.





We had 10 days of storms and heavy showers, a broken satellite antenna, and only 3 Swedish channels.

All Swedish girls all the time! Sounds horrible!


Sorry you didn;t have better weather. But just getting away can be worth it. Best I can remember. Been many years. The jobs I've had don't allow for you to stop juggling things constantly. Take advantage of it.


Things are fine around here.


I'm trying real hard to be nice!


Go finish your vaction. Or would that be "go Norway your vacation".


Originally posted by: Uncle Martin

I may have a browser problem,

Are you using Internet Explorer? Or some other browser? This site is based on ColdFusion. It may be browser specific for some operations. IE does not play well with industry standards but uses it's brute force market penetration to promote web design specific to it's nonstandard coding.


Thing is, Microsoft quietly discontinued IE. It is no longer an actively supported product by Microsoft. It is not planned for any future upgrade. And now we also find out it has a MAJOR security hole. So large that Slate, owned by Microsoft, published a report suggesting switching to Mozilla products. The Browser I use.


But I have trouble with some sites because they are coded for IE and not industry standards.


From UNC-

Yes I do use IE, however, with all of the good things I've heard of Mozilla, I'm considering a change.


Unc, CHANGE IS GOOD!!! I recently switched from MS and IE to Fedora and Mozilla. Wow, what a difference that can make. of course, after years of MS products, and even having my MCSE, it's been strange having to ask my 12 year old to help me out. Thankfully, her father has been teaching her computers, and she's had LINUX on her laptop for 2 years now. Otherwise, I wouldn't know a Mozilla from, well...anything. If *I* can do it, I know *YOU* can!!


Originally posted by: Bo

but even better is a change to opera! See e.g. http://www.searchlores.org/tuttiope.htm (everything you want to know about internet browsing and searching is on searchlores, you should really check it ou, but the site isn't very well structured) Bo


Oh good. Another battle! :-)


My oldest son, the major computer hacker, LOVES Opera. I don't. Well I PREFER Mozilla anyway. Opera is 2nd, with IE 10th.


I find it to be a difference based on basic desk top preferences. I like to ahve lots of individual windows open at reduced size for all the stuff I am working on, on my desktop at once. Most people I watch, tend to like to minimize each program and have one full screen window at a time.


Opera is probably a better implemenation of Tab based browsing. While Mozilla is probably a better implementation of seperate windows based browsing.


e.g. In Opera, a right button click over a link brings up a window with "Open in new tab" as top of the list while "Open in new Window" is top of the Mozilla list.

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