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I think infinite*0 is undefined. A line of any length has infinite points and each of those points have 0 length(One of Euclid's first defenitions) so 0*infinite can be anyhting. beause a line of 33 length or 23 length has infinite amount of points having zero length each.


I already started a thread concerning this entitled 'deividing by zero':


better question, what's 0 divided by 0?

Well, what answer would you like? :lol:


Assume an equation, (X)*(Y) / (X)


Assume any value for Y.

Now let the value for X be an infinitesimal, e, and let e go to zero.


Obviously, the equation as a whole goes to zero/zero.


But the ratio always remains Y, no matter how small e gets.


Therefore, zero/zero is: Achtung! Verboten!

If (inf)*0=0,then,


How much is the correctness of this eqn?

Hmmm... none at all.


(inf)*0 = 0

(inf) = 0/0 ---> undefined, meaningless, math melt-down, unusable, without valid interpretation, having no logical existence, non-rational, inconceivable, philosophical null, wrong! BAD! BAD! BAD! :lol:

Zero. Anything you multiply with zero becomes zero.
Tormod! :naughty: Put your fingers here for a good rapping!


Multiplying anthing finite by 0 gives zero. Infinity times zero is an indeterminae expression and so is 0/0.


33*0 = 0 and


729*0 = 0




0/0 = 33 and

0/0 = 729


also 0/0 = 81427381


and whatever.....


For further info, look up the name Guillaume François Antoine Marquis de L'Hôpital.


Isn't it "illegal" to divide with 0?


You cannot write 3/0 etc.


I think that inf*0=inf/inf, as 1/inf=0

And inf/inf cannot be determined without knowing what the infinities are (i.e. in terms of limits, series, etc. as, then we need to take in account how fast they tend to 0 or inf)

So i.e (x^2)/x-->inf if x goes to inf.

2x/x = 2,

x/(x^2)-->0 if x goes to inf.

So I would say that the product does not exist properly.


Edit: Forget to say that if 0 is just the number 0, and not i.e. a series tending toward 0, and inf is defined by a series/limit, then inf*0 would be zero, I think.

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