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The definition of a black hole vs. parallell universes or worm holes

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If Back Holes exist and the findings tell us how they work, then how can a Parallel universe or another part of space be reached through one of them.


Example…..Parallel universes or Worm Holes should also exist in with Black Holes or Worm Holes.



My look at a Black hole


If this is how we exit one then a Parallel Universes

Black Hole should have the same findings. This would also

Also suggest that light also reaches a Parallel Universe from

Our Black Hole


Why can’t we find any trace of light or energy appearing out of

Nowhere in our universe. If that’s how a Black Hole works then

It would also works the same way in another part of space or another

Universe, unless the exit of a Black Hole is at the centre of a Star. This would also be the same theory for a Worm Hole in Space.



If this is true for a Star that ends up becoming a Black Hole Or Worm hole then a in order to Travel through either

Would have to be at the exact moment the Star in a Parallel Universe explodes. This situation would allow travel at a split second before the Parallel Star Implodes to become its own Black Hole.


This situation would form a Reflection of our Black Hole, thus creating a Zero point for both Black holes (see figure 1a), where light cannot pass through or escape and we cannot travel through a Black Hole to reach the designation assumed. It’s ethical to suggest that a different dimension of space would have a Black Hole or Worm Hole to travel, so if Black Holes and Worm Holes do exist in Space or a Parallel Universe then how come we can’t see the exit of any in our universe.


If they didn’t exist in another universe of dimension of space then Smash is the only boundary of a Black Hole. If they do exist, then here’s my look at situation for the Big Bang, if it happened.







At the centre of any Universe















Before the Universe


Figure 1a shows the Zero Point of

Our Black Hole And the new

Black Hole of its Reflective Self in

A Parallel Dimension or a Position in






End of notes for figure 1a.




My look Before the Universe and After if the Big Bang happened.


Please note that figure 1 and 1a are not connected with my theory of The Big Bang until the 2nd concept.


1st concept


There is a Black Hole, at the centre of every Born Universe formed by a Dead Star. This Dead star once upon a time had a connection to the Black Hole of a Parallel Universe right in its Centre Core. The Parallel Universe Has Reached its Maximum Expanse Rate due to the unstable Quantum Energy caused by the low Magnetic push between Galaxies and the Universes Central Core. Due to the Unstable energy the Parallel Universe has Started to collapse in on itself causing it to eat up its remaining energy with its own Black Hole at its Central Core.


Forcing all its light and energy along with Anti matter and matter into our Central Universes Un-dead Star. The pressure builds up on our Universes Central Core and after reaching and sustaining its maximum pressure it then starts to react violently as the pressure builds up ever more, causing itself to Explode.


2nd concept


If this is True for the Big Bang then our Central Universe Does Already Have a Black Hole, Connected to the Reflective Universe.


Because the Reflective Universe has eaten up its own Atmosphere, our Black Hole and its Black Hole has started to merge, Creating the Zero Point effect (figure 1a). The Parallel Universes Central Core is Still eating up its light and energy (anti-matter and matter), and Our Central Cores Black Hole is also pushing energy to its Smash zone they start to store all the energy in the Zero Point Zone (Central Point of both Universes Reflective Black Holes).


When our Universe starts to eat itself up with its Central Cores Black Hole, the Black Hole of the Parallel Universe has nearly completely Shrunk to Create the New Central Core for itself. Remember that it’s Central Core Would Start to appear as its Black hole Shrinks. The Parallel universes Black Hole would Shrink Because its Eaten up its Atmosphere and it has no more energy around it in order to sustain itself.


The Star after a long wait would mostly be smaller

in mass than the one before it due to the energy it put

into our Universes Central core, But only if Atoms and

Anti-Matter lose energy during the life span of its Once

existed Universe. Over this long wait, our Central

Universes Black Hole is Feeding its light and

energy (Anti-matter and matter) into the Parallel

Universes new Stars Central Core,



See figure 2a

Another Situation…….


It Could also be that the Black Hole of the Parallel Universe has its Exit Point in a different Star of Either our universe or Another Universe and not Directly at the Central of a Universe, this would also be a Situation coinciding to our own Universes Stars and Black Holes. If a Black Hole Didn’t Have its Exit in a Star then we Should be able to see an Exit Point of any other Black Hole in our universe. If there is no exit Point then it would take a higher travelling speed than its pressure speed to brake through any Black holes Smash Zone, before the Pressure of it Smashes anything at its Zero Point Zone.


If a Black Hole did have its exit within a Star in any Space zone then this would most likely be the way travelling could take place, as long as the Star its Connected to is about to Explode at the Split Second we travel to it. This situation would also most defiantly connect all Space Dimensions to Each other. If They Really Do Exist.











To put a blunder at any assumptions that the universe or anything created itself from nothing……..


Questions 1 to


Q1: What Created the Energy That Created The Big Bang or Universe?


Q2: If the Universe Created Itself This time Round Then has it Created itself many times Before?


Q3: Where Did the Energy Come From?


Q4: If there’s some way it came from a Parallel Universe then where did the Parallel Universes Energy come From,

and so-on?


Q5: After all, energy Doesn’t appear out of nowhere Does it?


Q6: Atoms maybe, but they Also have to come from somewhere Don’t They?


Q7: Anti-Matter has to come from somewhere and so-on, all forms of energy came from somewhere didn’t it?


Q8: Where did the Energy of the somewhere come from and where did that come from and so-on?


If you can find a Rational answer to all those questions Whether Scientific or not, The Universe did not Create its

Own Energy.





There is no Beginning without an End, Because There is no Ending without a beginning.













This Is Why Good Will Always Win.



If Good Wins Over bad then Life can Still Beget Good, beget is a word for giving Strength to a situation in order to allow the Situation to continue down the Same Path.


So Good Begets Good and Good Remains Strong to remain Good Forever, because Forever never fades away when Good Wins.







This Is Why Bad Will Always Lose.


If Bad wins Over Good then Life can Only Beget Bad, beget is also the same word giving strength to a situation in order for the situation to never change from its Path.


So Bad Begets Bad and Bad would have to remain strong to remain Bad Forever, until forever Fades away because Bad would have to continue to be Bad in order to keep any Good Things out. Thus Bad will beget Itself to an extent that it will Destroy Itself for continuing to create Bad things to Stop anything from showing any sign of Goodness. Bad also Try’s to Take Leadership of things that are Bad thus Bad things also try to gain leadership over the leadership this Bad Will Always Lose because it Destroys bad things to remain its leadership and so-on.


e.g. When People are Bad to Good People and if Bad wins, then bad will have to continue to be Bad to Keep itself from becoming Good. If it Shows any sign of Good Then It would Lose, Its would Destroy Its own Bad to Stop itself from being good, thus Bad Destroys Itself.


That’s why Bad will Never Win, so Pick a Side so you remain Good. Good wins Because Good Knows whats Bad From Good and Bad Gets Thrown From the Good Side if it Bad. Allowing Good to remain, Because Bad Destroys itself for trying to be Good in order to Win with Good Things. If bad Try’s to win By Sneaking To Be Good, then Bad Also Destroys Itself for Pretending to be good, because it would have to do Good In order to win with Good. Thus Bad will Never Win Over Good and Good Will Always Win.






Good Will Always Overcome All Bad Things.






Richard Michael Streeter



Thank you for reading and God BlesS


Please Email me if you would like the word file of all this information i just sent you.


my email is [email protected]


thank you


Black Holes exist and the findings tell us how they work...

See: Cygnus X-1


The first highly probable (approaching 100% certainty) blackhole/X-ray binary. There have since been several others.





Binary X-ray sources are also places to find strong black hole candidates. A companion star is a perfect source of infalling material for a black hole. A binary system also allows the calculation of the black hole candidate's mass. Once the mass is found, it can be determined if the candidate is a neutron star or a black hole, since neutron stars always have masses of about 1.5 times the mass of the sun. Another sign of the presence of a black hole is random variation of emitted X-rays. The infalling matter that emits X-rays does not fall into the black hole at a steady rate, but rather more sporadically, which causes an observable variation in X-ray intensity. Additionally, if the X-ray source is in a binary system, the X-rays will be periodically cut off as the source is eclipsed by the companion star. When looking for black hole candidates, all these things are taken into account. Many X-ray satellites have scanned the skies for X-ray sources that might be possible black hole candidates.


Cygnus X-1 is the longest known of the black hole candidates. It is a highly variable and irregular source with X-ray emission that flickers in hundredths of a second. An object cannot flicker faster than the time required for light to travel across the object. In a hundredth of a second, light travels 3000 kilometers. This is one fourth of Earth's diameter! So the region emitting the x-rays around Cygnus X-1 is rather small. Its companion star, HDE 226868 is a B0 supergiant with a surface temperature of about 31,000 K. Spectroscopic observations show that the spectral lines of HDE 226868 shift back and forth with a period of 5.6 days. From the mass-luminosity relation, the mass of this supergiant is calculated as 30 times the mass of the Sun. Cyg X-1 must have a mass of about 7 solar masses or else it would not exert enough gravitational pull to cause the wobble in the spectral lines of HDE 226868. Since 7 solar masses is too large to be a white dwarf or neutron star, it must be a black hole.




However, there are arguments against Cyg X-1 being a black hole. HDE 226868 might be undermassive for its spectral type, which would make Cyg X-1 less massive than previously calculated. In addition, uncertainties in the distance to the binary system would also influence mass calculations. All of these uncertainties can make a case for Cyg X-1 having only 3 solar masses, thus allowing for the possibility that it is a neutron star.


Nonetheless, there are now about 10 binaries for which the evidence for a black hole is much stronger than in Cygnus X-1. The first of these, an X-ray transient called A0620-00, was discovered in 1975, and the mass of the compact object was determined in the mid-1980's to be greater than 3.5 solar masses. This very clearly excludes a neutron star, which has a mass near 1.5 solar masses, even allowing for all known theoretical uncertainties. The best case for a black hole is probably V404 Cygni, whose compact star is at least 10 solar masses. With improved instrumentation, the pace of discovery has accelerated over the last five years or so, and the list of dynamically confirmed black hole binaries is growing rapidly.

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