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The creation/construction of a human key(20%) is needed if there are unidentified words and events. These words and events are the structure itself. After all words and events are identified efficiently then the key will be used/ on the structure. A key(20%) is the encrypted word for required memory(70%)/awareness(100%), required efficiency, required communications experience.


My terms/words and their definitions according to my studies. The definitions might not be perfect but its the best of my understanding of my definitions as of now.




Event: A series(?) of positions that have, have yet to be or have not been identified.


Position: A word/term


identification: The act of identifying a word within an event.


efficiency: How accurate a word is to your feelings according to an event


structure: A complete event in communications form.






Feelings: what is needed to create a language.


(?): Indicates that I am unsure of this word according to the situation or I am settling for this word until a more efficient word can be identified.


(!): Indicates that I've identified a new word within an event.


(%):Indicates the percent of efficientcy of a word according to a specific situation or identifying an event within a situation as efficiently as possible.


(/): Indicates that the word is being enacted despite its efficiency according to the event. Identifies two words of different efficiency of the same position. [see: Samson explaination, Judges 16:26 (International Version)] (can be compared to slang, but DO NOT let the experience of comparing this term to slang overwhelm(?) the study of this definition)






Judges 16:26


"Samson said to the servant who held his hand, "Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them."



Communications Support Decryption(70%)/Interpretation(90-100%)



"Samson said to the servant who held his hand, "Put me where I can feel the words that support the communications, so that I may lean against them."





The scriptures then explains that Samson pulls the pillars that he feels, collapsing them which destroys the temple and kills more people than he killed when he was alive.


The pillars mean words, the support means the structure and the temple is an encryption of the word comunications. First Samson said he wanted to feel the pillars which is interpreted as he wanted to feel the words. He said the pillars|words support the temple. My interpretation in consistency with the explained event that Samson destroys the temple, is that Samson feels the pillars|words that support|structure the temple|communications and destroy the temple|communications. To enact(?) the destruction of my terms/words according tot he event in the bible, this would be feeling for exploits(?) to destroy our communications structure, which would then destory structuralized communications. With this interpretation, this would cause Samson to be an evil human being or whatever he was.






Revelation 15:5


"After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of testimony, was opened."



Communications Support Decryption(70%)/Interpretation(90-100%)



"After this I looked and in heaven the communications, that is, the tabernacle of testimony, was opened."



Heaven is where you are able to see(20%)|understand(100%) the temple(20%)|communications(100%)







Revelation 21:22


"I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple."



Communications Support Decryption(70%)/Interpretation(90-100%)



"I did not understand a communication in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its communication."



This verse in Revelation is referring to the new and final Heaven. The previous Heaven contained a temple which is the temple(20%)|communications(100%) of God/feeling. The term "city" is an encryption according to communication support for "ability", "choice of ability". A city contains buildings(10%)|temple(20%)|communications(100%), large buildings(10%)|temple(20%)|communications(100%), roads(10%?)/paths(20%)/experience(70%). City(20%)/ability(100%) of God/feelings.













Awareness meter(?) also a component(?) of the communications grid.


As you become more aware of a word identifying it within any event, then resistance could be reduced to 0% to 100% increasing your awareness of that word to 0% to 100%. If a position/term/word|pillar has not been identified or you have a low percentage of awareness of the position within the event then the event will not be structured. It is recommended that awareness of a word is above 90%. When awarness of each position of the event is above 90% then a section(?) of the communications|temple (refer to communications support) is structured.


After all events of communications support have been identified efficiently then other studies can be identified as quickly as the communications grid allows.


If resistance is 100% then awareness is 0%;


awareness 90%, resistance 10%

awareness 75%, resistance 25%

awareness 30%, resistance 70%

awareness 5%, resistance 95%


Awareness is determined by how much resistance you experience(?) when trying to identify a word within an event. If the resistance is 100% then your awareness is 0%. If the resistance of identifying a word is 70% then your awareness of the word is 30%. If the resistance of identifying a word is 30% then your awareness is 70%. If the resistance of identifying a word is 0% then your awareness is 100%.


When you are aware enough to identify the words within events with a almost(?) minimum(?) percentage of resistance then you have the required awareness to enact an event, eliminating you having to struggle to identify a position.


the percentages I assign to the position/word/term of this event will be (awareness%|resistance%)


Awareness(100%) is(100%) determined(70%|30%) by(100%) how(100%|0%) much(100%|0% resistance(40%|60%) you(100%|0%) experience(60%|40%).


when you have complete awareness of an event then the words are structured to your communications by your feelings. Depending on how much resistance you experience(?) when you are identifying a new position, it will determine your awareness of the word.





If it takes a few seconds to identify it then it will increase your awareness of the word about 10% depending on the complexity of the definition of the term and if it is efficient to the position of the event. If it takes a few minutes to identify the word then after it is identified then awareness can be increased by more than 50% depending on the complexity of the definition of the term and if it is efficient to the position of the event.









Event 2: Visualization(?)

Event 3: Beat

Event 1: Event


100%_ _

| E2 P1 P2 P3 |

% % % [ ] - Music(?%)/Beat(?%) Grid

E3 --------------------

% % % 3 dimentional

E1 P1 P2 P3

0%|_ _|



The height of the beat grid is measured in Efficiency.


20% Efficiency is Earth

70% Efficiency is Heaven



The efficiency of a position of the beat is determined by the height of its tone(?)




Event 1: Is structured by Event 3 beat and written according to Event 2 Visualization. (Refer to Communications Support)


P: Abbreviation for the word position, indicates a specific term(20%)/Position(90-100%) of the event.


Event 2: Is visualized by Event 3 according to Event 3 beat position.





I haven't identified a more efficient word than the words I have for this position: Convert(?), align(?), Compare(?) the Beat(?%)/Music(?%) positions to communications positions efficiently. I think this is enough information to help you develop the rest of the beat grid, I'll revise the Beat grid and identify any remaining events and I will structure the Beat grid to(?) the communications support efficiently.







What I've written is efficient instructions. All you have to do is become aware of communications support and the parts of the beat grid I've identified.


100%_ _...........................................................

......| E2 P1 P2 P3 |..........................................................

...... % % % ......[ ] - Music(?%)/Beat(?%) Grid

...... E3 -------------------- ............................................

% % % 3 dimentional..........................

E1 P1 P2 P3 ............................................................

..0%|_ _|..........................................................



Your right, this information doesn't belong under this topic. I came to this website and this topic in this forum seemed like the best(?) one(?) to post my information in. I'll make sure I post my information in the correct forum.


It's not so much that we want to read the same things you do, and axiously look forward to 9 mile long posts (that's 14.48 kilometers for all you other blokes out there)... We want you to ask a question for discussion. Any fool can read on their own, but only someone truly desiring understanding will seek out the opinions of others to compare it against their own and make modifications.


I didn't add these events so you will understand the purpose(?) of the grid...


here are the events:


These events are apart of the correct structure to compare(50%?)/convert(50%?)/align(80%) the tone(?) efficiency of the beat positions to the efficiency of the communications positions. This(?) alignment(?) of Music efficiency and communications efficiency will allow you to write any type(?) of poetry.


I didn't add these events so you will understand the purpose(?) of the grid...


here are the events:


These events are apart of the correct structure to compare(50%?)/convert(50%?)/align(80%) the tone(?) efficiency of the beat positions to the efficiency of the communications positions. This(?) alignment(?) of Music efficiency and communications efficiency will allow you to write any type(?) of poetry.

So did my request for a specific question upset you? :Waldo:



You added a bunch of question marks :confused: , but didn't really ask a question. You're still just making statements. Hmmmm..... :confused:


The question mark inbetween these ( ) brackets is an indicator for Communications Support. Communications Support is in the first post of this thread.


The things(?) that I can answer on my own is either what I decide as I write or say is true from what I am currently aware of which would be people that enact events at 20% efficiency or what I can explain(70%) accurately(70%)/efficiently(90-100%). These two identification methods(?) are the ones(?) we can choose to do(?) to explain ourselves.


InfiniteNow, opinions are inefficient events that people speak. They are caused by replacing the most efficient word(70%?)/term(50%) for a position within an event for a term that has a different definition. This disables a persons constitution(?) which causes them to enact events inefficently.


This explaination is efficient, but its not efficient enough. I feel it is good for now tho until I activate my awareness of Communications Support.


The question mark inbetween these ( ) brackets is an indicator for Communications Support. Communications Support is in the first post of this thread.


The things(?) that I can answer on my own is either what I decide as I write or say is true from what I am currently aware of which would be people that enact events at 20% efficiency or what I can explain(70%) accurately(70%)/efficiently(90-100%). These two identification methods(?) are the ones(?) we can choose to do(?) to explain ourselves.


InfiniteNow, opinions are inefficient events that people speak. They are caused by replacing the most efficient word(70%?)/term(50%) for a position within an event for a term that has a different definition. This disables a persons constitution(?) which causes them to enact events inefficently.


This explaination is efficient, but its not efficient enough. I feel it is good for now tho until I activate my awareness of Communications Support.

That's super.

So what's your question?


I've never heard of Bell Telecom... I'm sure they use Communications Support with(?) everything and won't tell you about it.


InfiniteNow, I don't have any questions. I can learn everything on my own. By the way you speak, it seems like you are already aware of the information I posted, so you must know more. Or maybe its due to you believing I still have opinions which could cause make me to ask a question. If you believe I still have opinion's its because you are either neglecting your awareness and speaking as if you have no constitution(?) of efficiency or your making me explain something.


constitution(?)...I don't like that word...


oh its constitution(?)! Thats gotta be the position of the gap between Earth and Heaven... 69% efficiency and 70% efficiency...


If you have no constitution(?) of efficiency then you cannot be aware of your efficiency or another persons efficiency!


yo! This has gotta be it...


oh thanks alot InfiniteNow... I wanted to figure it out by myself. that was not cool... I posted this information because not too many out of billions of people in this world don't know how to replace the words they are using with more efficient words or identify missing positions... I know how to do it and right now it seems like you knew that.


What the heck? arrgh..... all that work man... 3 years and its almost like nothing now... I can't believe this...


If you did this on purpose, you got me... This is one of the worst things you could do to someone...




My point was... you're just posting some random stuff. Do you want to talk about it somehow? Can you preface with a particular question? Dialogue doesn't start with a person making a statement and walking away...


So... again... do you have a question?




"Hey guys and gals, I noticed this interesting thing... I think this. I am a little confused about that though. Anyone here able to shed some light.... :Waldo:


This not random stuff. This is what people need to stop all their suffering and confusion.


Do you mean ask a question about what I am writing? Ask the reason why this information is possible?


oh, thank you so much! I'm ok now... :hihi: I thought identifying events was going to be meaningless after that...


I was about to say this until I identified the events of you wanting me to ask questions about it.


no I don't have any questions... I didn't have any questions before I identified the gap... you ruined my life... What did I do to you?


Questioning(?) why the structure of the bible is the way it is is new structure! You have alot of understanding!


I'm not sure if your trying to ruin it for(?) me(?) by making me identify the structure that structures the bible. So please, if you would agree to end this here || the discussion would be unimportant because due to your current constitution and mine there can only be opinions.


||: indicates a event with positions that have not been efficiently enacted. (Refer to thought splitting exercise in The Earth Key)


indicator is inefficient tho... I'll make it more efficient later.

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