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When I am subscribed to a thread, it automatically repopulates in my Personal area "User CP" when a new post is made. This is fantastic, and I have come to rely somewhat heavily on this function.


However, it also updates with a new post to my subscriptions area when I am the one doing the posting. Obviously, I know when I submit a post and have no need to be informed of such an event.


Is there a way to prevent the update, but ONLY when it was me who posted to the subscribed thread (i.e. still receive the update when somebody else posts)?



Cheers. :Waldo:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

Okay, what about this...


I've just realized I'm subscribed to almost 1700 threads. To remove the subscriptions, I would need to select each (10 at a time per page) then delete my subscriptions... lather, rinse, repeat ad infinitum.


Is this something that an admin could do through a script? Intended outcome: iNow no longer subscribed to any threads?


QUESTION 2: Do the subscriptions happen just by posting in a thread? I'd certainly rather choose which threads in which I want to be subscribed, but think I may be missing something...


Care to shed some light on someone less bright? ;) Thx.

Is this something that an admin could do through a script? Intended outcome: iNow no longer subscribed to any threads?


Sorry, the only option I have is to delete *everyone's* subscriptions. I'll look for solutions to this so that people can do this themselves without the eternal clicking process.


QUESTION 2: Do the subscriptions happen just by posting in a thread? I'd certainly rather choose which threads in which I want to be subscribed, but think I may be missing something...


Care to shed some light on someone less bright? ;) Thx.


First of all, you need to go into your UserCP -> Options. Choose "Do not subscribe" under "Default Thread Subscription Mode". That will stop new threads from automatically being subscribed to.




If you want to subscribe to a thread, use the Reply button (ie not quick reply) and select the option below the form which lets you subscribe to that thread.

Okay, what about this...


I've just realized I'm subscribed to almost 1700 threads.


1700! :lol: :hyper: I can't imagine. :) Well, yes I can. :doh: Faced with input overload in my Subscriptions sections, not long after I joined I took to the habit of deleting all subscriptions save for the 20 that can be displayed on a single page.


Maybe start deleting 2 pages worth every time you log in and split the chore up over a longer period. :)

Busy fingers are better fingers. :lol:


I've had that happen a couple of times too. I guessed that it was a glitch in the system. Hasn't happened in the past couple of days, but it happened just a couple of weeks ago. Not every thread I was subscribed to reappeared with me as last poster, but some did. My guess was that someone edited their post and so it was letting me know that something had changed on the thread.


You can also subscribe via thread tools at the top of the thread you are reading.


As far as subscriptions go, can we have the unsubscribe button redirect you to your user cp when you're done? When I unsubscribe from a thread it takes me to a page telling me how long it took and then takes me back to the page I just unsubscribed from. Adds a bit to the traffic on both our ends and just takes longer in the long run.


Threads that magically reappear with your username are usually polls. Otherwise there could maybe be a date mixup or something.


As for changing the button that might be doable. I'll put it on the to-do list.


As for changing the button that might be doable. I'll put it on the to-do list.


Cool, that would save me a few seconds each time. :hyper:

Man I hate it when people at work want mapped drives for every folder because "they have to click too many times to get to the folder they want"

:hyper: So you don't think someone edited an earlier post and it reappeared in my list with me as the last poster?


1) If your post is edited by someone, it will say "Edited by (name of moderator or admin)".


2) An edit does not change the time that the original post was made and therefore has no impact on sorting.

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