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Hello, folks.... Dabo here... (pronounced DAYBO)... fambly name... anyway, stumbled over your site today when I was looking around about my theory of aliens being future humans, and various UFOs being time machines from various future ages ... Looks like I'm not alone. From the half hour or so I spent on this board, it seems pretty cerebral, cosmic, and escoteric.... somebody tell me what that last word means, it sounds pretty good!


Anyway, hope to now be able to bounce in and give my 2 cents worth once in a while... Y'all may find my responses and contributions more rural than you may be used to, but from the looks of a few of your personal avitars, ... a few of y'all look like you might be from my neck of the woods!


Glad to be aboard ( I think) and I'll see y'all around...


Dabo :hihi:


Glad to be aboard ( I think) and I'll see y'all around...

Howdy Dabo.


So, you're into aliens huh? What are your thoughts?



(fyi... you might start a thread with a topic such as this in Strange Claims... the science behind it is somewhat thin...)




Enjoy. :angel:


A bit off topic from here, and I guess I'm jumping in with both feet but here goes;


After reading numerous threads on evolution, biology, et. al., I offer up this;


Many here seem to creationism, as Democrats are to Bush...


...full of hostility, contempt, and seemingly unable (most) to have a discussion without reverting to becomming a name calling provokateur, seemingly unable to tolerate intelligent expression of opposing ideas, without contemptuous, replies, as though they have already cornered the market on origins and intelligence. As I'm sure it has been said here before, it all boils down to "faith"; faith in God as creator, or faith in scientific attempts at explaining origins without God or a god. As I see it, as a "scientist" myself, science cannot, and I believe, will never answer all the questions, and scientific explanation of origins is admittidly full of holes, while faith in God as the creator, seems to be .... well,... complete. But as I see it, both require faith, because neither can satisfy the other and are therefore mutually exclusive.


We should however, be able to enjoy free flowing of ideas without such contempt, though, really......


That's just an obvervation. I nevertheless look forward to offering my 2 cents when I get a few...


This is an interesting board, to say the least! :hihi:


But to answer your question, I will present my ideas on aliens when I have more time later today... See ya then! Y'all have a great day.


Hey, BM.... bummer initials, man!:angel: Responding because as I type, I'm playing some Stevie Ray Vaughan for my 3rd period class while they copy notes on the Phylum Molluska.... How appropriate!


Now to answer the question by I.N. about my ideas about aliens, I'll start another thread... Cryptozology... one of my passive interests.....

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