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lets rewind for a minute, and remember the destructive psychedelic 60's. chemestry and psychedelics loved each other! there was much to be learned and there was even that slogan "better living through chemestry!".


then the main (and most scientifically interesting) psychedelics were put on scedule one, every chemist had to turn in his/her drugs, also any paperwork and research results to the government. a bright, wide-open door had been closed. all of the sudden no chemest is interested in psychedelics, and research halted in the US for 30 years.


then Rick Strassman, MD., performed the first government-sanctioned psychedelic test in 30 years, proving, at least in my eyes, that psychedelic research IS possible...however nearly every chemest that i have talked to discourages it!


it is my personal belief that there is much to be learned from the psychedelics, (ex: LSD has been shown to help improve the mental states of skitzophranic patients, psilocyben had uses in psychietry, and woth DMT the doors are wide open that one could start nearly anywhere with its research.) so what i want to know is "where have all the psychedelic chemests gone?".


:hihi: :)


so what i want to know is "where have all the psychedelic chemests gone?".


Part of the problem is that you cannot really sanction research on humans that might be dangerous. For example, no matter how good your informed consent is, you cannot study cancer by injecting cancer cells into a participant. It's not ethical at all. A similar view is taken with LSD... might cause harm, and the potential benefits don't outweigh the potential costs (the key determining factor in all research... medical and psychological)


There were some pretty cool studies done on spiders, whereby the compared the webs spun by spiders on LSD vs. webs spun by a control group not on LSD...


It was pretty wacky.


I think the CIA did some research on the stuff too, but that was for more manipulative purposes as far as I know.



To answer your question, the chemists likely avoid it because it could ruin their carreer due to the highly taboo nature of it as well as the perceived dangers... medically, socially, and politically.


in 1991 (or so) Rick Strassman, MD., got a government grant to perform a human DMT reaction study. he had no problems, and afterward got a grant to do a psilocyben(sp?) study for therepy. he also was granted permission to do an LSD study, though he never completed, or even started it, becuase his wife fell ill with cancer.


DR. Strassman proved that it IS possible, even today, to get government permission to test psychedellics on human volonteers. i suppose i was jsut wondering why nobody has followed down that path, thank you for your reply.

  • 1 month later...

there is some video floating around on the net of some soldiers that were test subjects of LSD back in the 60's.


The video shows soldiers starting to slowly act more and more goofy, until they can't hike anymore because they are too busy laughing and relaxing in the woods. A few of them start climbing trees for, omg.... FUN?


What is up with this FUN stuff? And why do Entheogens cause people to experience it?




I don't understand the government at all.

there is some video floating around on the net of some soldiers that were test subjects of LSD back in the 60's.


The video shows soldiers starting to slowly act more and more goofy, until they can't hike anymore because they are too busy laughing and relaxing in the woods. A few of them start climbing trees for, omg.... FUN?


What is up with this FUN stuff? And why do Entheogens cause people to experience it?




I don't understand the government at all.

sometime you ought to look up the two part BBC documentary on LSD. its quite neat.


man no matter what you research,

what program you watch

what BOOK you read, even,

it's all pretty much the same information.

There hasn't been any break throughs in psychedelics and the human brain/consciousness for HELLA DAYS,


and by that I mean decades.


It's time to like innovate or something,

Alex Shulgin's PIHKAL and TIHKAL are the most recent things to really matter,

he created a sorcerers book of chemicals!

Nearly 200 psychedelics he synthesized himself!

Tested them on himself too,

he's got to be like 90 years old and fit a fiddle!


BBC Stands for Broccoli Brank Colligraphy,

and the last time I ate there I was Five years after I was one year less than 14 Minus three plus 6,

Which wasn't really my REAL age,


Theres a friend of mine, Joe Flemming.,

told me True story about the Last Time he ever dosed;

Seems he pissed someone off at a party(I wasn't there), so Homeboy dropped about 30 hits of acid in his drink! :) :eek_big:


He was running naked down the freeway several hours later, got picked up and sent to the hospital; Joe was Wigging Out!

He busted out of the Hospital in his gurney, and went to Safeway...all kinds of crazy sh*t!! :hihi:

Just total trip for 3-4 days straight! plus a week just to get back to "normal"

There was a whole lot more, and I laugh:hihi: when he rehashes the story - But he thinks it was anything BUT funny! :(


Oddly, that was the last time he ever tripped. He can't even 4:20 anymore.

It reminds me of Cheech and Chong's *Up In Smoke*

-Dude, you just took the most acid I've ever seen anyone take-

-Don't worry, its good acid- :hihi:


I haven't dosed in years (since~ 2000) although I would consider a hit or 2 out in the woods again.


I guess the research application to this would be don't piss anyone off at a party who might happen to have a dropper bottle full of LSD mate!

And 30 hits will spin you LOOPY!


I've done lots of human psychedelic research. No government sanction is going to end it, the media just talks about it less. Educated people experimenting with altered states of consciousness will always be going on. Sometimes we're just not allowed to publish it. These are conservative times.


I am, and am good friend with a decent number of people I consider psychedelic chemists.

Underground, when it became a felony for EACH hit of acid! :hihi:

at least around here...


Yeppers, I remember reading that LSD was moved to a class A, schedule 1 ( [there's some other decent info there too]), as was marijuana.


Such misunderstanding in the world.

Check this out:


It's sad how out of touch this conservative movement has become.


EDIT-- those links are from google cached, and I just noticed that the URL specifies opera (the browser I use) so I'm not sure if that'll effect how it works for you cats. Otherwise, just cut&paste the url after the **** google adds.


They've always been insane, and always will be.


As for 30 hits, WOWOWOWOW!!! that's toooo much!.

I've heard of a guy taking a sheet and a half and tripping for 3 months straight, hitchhiking around the US.

That guy's dying of cancer now. (in his 50's or 60's, met him in SF)


Yeah, you never want to take TOO much...

I took 13 hits once,

and had a blast,

and then another time i took 3 hits of this other stuff (that was supposedly bought off the family of a dead rocker :thumbs_up) and it was the hardest i've ever tripped in my life.

I remember getting sucked into my bathtub drain, when I took the weirdest shower of my life.


That night, my heater wouldn't turn off.

And it was 100degrees in my apartment.


Me and my friends were FREAKING out because it was so hot, and we opened up all the windows, and had to be verrry quiet

when I devised a plan to flank the heater with water.


It worked, this was not that long before I learned how it, and the pilot light worked...heh...


I feel for that guy though,

too much of a psychedelic is probably one of the most menacing things a human can experience!


Other than you know, getting your whole body chopped in half or something.


I d

They've always been insane, and always will be.


As for 30 hits, WOWOWOWOW!!! that's toooo much!.

I've heard of a guy taking a sheet and a half and tripping for 3 months straight, hitchhiking around the US.

That guy's dying of cancer now. (in his 50's or 60's, met him in SF)


Yeah, you never want to take TOO much...

I took 13 hits once,

and had a blast,


1) That guy was crazy. That day was crazy. SF's crazy. Good times.

2) I'm getting to a point where I don't believe in the notion of too much. I thought my 13 hit experience was excessive while I was tripping, but in retrospect, Tom (that was his name, right? Lot's of crazy older guys named tom in cali) managed those 300 hits and isn't psychotic, so perhaps there is no limit... I'm excited to just to what degree I can alter my perception.


I'm planning on a 20 hit trip as soon as I can afford it. I'm trying to find Rolf(the reverse engineer)'s documentation of his 13 geltab hit trip. It's my favorite trip report ever, I read it in anticipation of my first experience, and now I really wish I had it as a reference, but I've long lost it. He turned it in as a writing assignment and now it's required reading in the course! Gotta love New College!

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