Tatsuko Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 Dear members, Your attention please for the Forbidden Letters at http://www.world-mysteries.com/PhilipGardiner/forbidden_letters.htm This URL gives access to the Letters, but there is a link to Part 2 too (emails on the Letters) and at the bottom of The Letters there is a PS of Philip Gardiner. The Letters say that only certain (!) homosexuals have the necessary balance of the microcosmic male and female (animus/anima) to safely conduct the forces of resurrection. Which sheds a light on the very old speculations on the possible homosexual orientation of Jesus Christ (mythological or historical). Greetings, Tatsuko.
Biochemist Posted February 16, 2006 Report Posted February 16, 2006 Dear members, Your attention please for the Forbidden Letters at www.world-mysteries.com/PhilipGardiner/forbidden_letters.htm This URL gives access to the Letters, but there is a link to Part 2 too (emails on the Letters) and at the bottom of The Letters there is a PS of Philip Gardiner....Welcome to the forums, Tat. I looked over the URL, and frankly I can't make any sense out of it. I don't think I understand your question either. What do you mean by "safely...resurrect" and "animus"? Bio
Tatsuko Posted February 17, 2006 Author Report Posted February 17, 2006 Welcome to the forums, Tat. I looked over the URL, and frankly I can't make any sense out of it. I don't think I understand your question either. What do you mean by "safely...resurrect" and "animus"? Bio Dear Biochemist, I'm not the author of the Letters, but I know a few things about alchemy. The forces of resurrection is the Kundalini fire. If it is wrongly conducted the force creates (as they say) havoc in the body and mind ending with death. Animus is the microcosmic male (anima the microcosmic female). They have to wed in the 'chemical wedding', the 'hieros gamos', the 'wedding of the Lamb'. This wedding is done through that fire. One is reborn then after one is recomposed by that fire again and thereby resurrected again, and erected from the dead. The dead are not the buried ones, but the not through that fire reborn. So one is not resurrected from a usual grave in the ground, but the grave of the 'dead (=not reborn) body'. Religion is mythology misunderstood. That's why the Gospel according to Thomas says: the dead (not through fire reborn) are not live, and the living (the through fire reborn) will not die. Alchemy is supposed to be about physical immortality. Tatsuko.
Biochemist Posted February 17, 2006 Report Posted February 17, 2006 ...They have to wed in the 'chemical wedding', the 'hieros gamos', the 'wedding of the Lamb'. This wedding is done through that fire. One is reborn then after one is recomposed by that fire again and thereby resurrected again, and erected from the dead. The dead are not the buried ones, but the not through that fire reborn. So one is not resurrected from a usual grave in the ground, but the grave of the 'dead (=not reborn) body'. Religion is mythology misunderstood. That's why the Gospel according to Thomas says: the dead (not through fire reborn) are not live, and the living (the through fire reborn) will not die.This seems to be a mystic reinterpretation of some elements of standard Christian dogma. Christian rebirth is characterized as a spiritual rebirth (as the discussion between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3 suggests). Christians generally interpret "fire" in rebirth contexts (like in the non-cannonical gospel of Thomas) as the Holy Spirit itself, consistent with the apparently physical display of "tongues of fire" in Acts 2. The animus/anima connection is new to me, and I don't think I understand where it came from.
InfiniteNow Posted February 17, 2006 Report Posted February 17, 2006 The animus/anima connection is new to me, and I don't think I understand where it came from.Not quite sure how it's being used here by Tatsuko as a way to help people be okay with homosexuality or it's incorporation into other mystical perspectives... ...but the idea of animus and anima reminds me of the work of Carl Jung. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_jung#Anima_and_Animus
Tatsuko Posted February 18, 2006 Author Report Posted February 18, 2006 This seems to be a mystic reinterpretation of some elements of standard Christian dogma. Christian rebirth is characterized as a spiritual rebirth (as the discussion between Jesus and Nicodemus in John 3 suggests). Christians generally interpret "fire" in rebirth contexts (like in the non-cannonical gospel of Thomas) as the Holy Spirit itself, consistent with the apparently physical display of "tongues of fire" in Acts 2. I don't know who said this, but is was said and very true:' religion is myth misunderstood. ' The Gospel has both hidden alchemy and was edited too by christians who didn't understand what they were reading. Anyone really familiar with alchemy knows that. Allegories are taken litteraly, and vice versa.
Tatsuko Posted February 18, 2006 Author Report Posted February 18, 2006 Not quite sure how it's being used here by Tatsuko as a way to help people be okay with homosexuality or it's incorporation into other mystical perspectives... ...but the idea of animus and anima reminds me of the work of Carl Jung. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_jung#Anima_and_Animus Carl Jung only went half way. He avoided the physical immortality. As a physician very logical (he was a psychiatrist).
CraigD Posted February 18, 2006 Report Posted February 18, 2006 … Alchemy is supposed to be about physical immortality.Although Tatsuko is speaking in and references letters that write in terms foreign to modern Science (and largerly incompatible with it, IMO), his position on alchemy agrees with what I know of its history. Although the popular perception of alchemy is that it concerned the search for a method of transmuting base metals into gold, it appears to have been more the search for a medical therapy to produce physical immortality. Generations of members of the “esoteric brotherhood” of alchemy, including such famous scientists as Newton, give evidence in their writing that finding a way to live forever was their main goal. In some documents, it’s suggested that gold transmuted from base elements might provide a key ingredient in a medicine required by such a therapy, in others, mercury, or many other more complicated recipes. The “'hieros gamos” (“holy coupling”) Tatsuko mentions, which likewise has been taken by many people to mean many different things, including an individual becoming in some sense equally male and female, 2 individuals of opposite sex becoming in some sense a single individual, or, as in the linked-to letters in post #1, homosexuality. Many alchemists appear to have believed that alchemical physical immortality had been achieved by previous people, most notably the biblical king Solomon, Lazarus, and Jesus Christ. Some alchemists claimed to have personally achieved physical immortality, and be hundreds or thousands of years old. There’s substantial evidence that alchemists wrote in personal codes, and sometimes wrote purposeful nonsense intended to throw their contemporaries and antecedents off track, a practice strongly rejected by modern Science. I enjoyed the fictional description of alchemy in Neal Stephenson’s recent (very long!) novels, ”The Baroque Cycle”. Personally, however, I find study of esoterica in general and alchemy in particular to be, though intellectually stimulating and enjoyable, ultimately unproductive. The community of students of the esoteric include hobbyists, believers, and, unfortunately, some outright frauds, charlatans, and thieves. The boundaries between these classes can be blurry. Beware. :lol:
blazer2000x Posted February 19, 2006 Report Posted February 19, 2006 The "fire" reffered to in the Bible is not a physical fire. It is sometimes used in context with the Holy Spirit, but it is not the same. It's being tested, trials, seeing if your faith can hold on. And by the way, the greek Bible contains the same truths as the english version. (though some of the more recent ones do have some stuff a bit confused). I'm not really sure how this is supposed to support homosexuality, or maybe I'm just confused. Anyway, homosexuality is clearly and extravegantely described as evil in the Bible. Not really sure why people are so confused about this, the Bible is never "gray" on any subject. Rom 1:24-32 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.KJV
Racoon Posted February 19, 2006 Report Posted February 19, 2006 Your points are well taken Blazer2000, But it also says in the Bible that God created man in the image of Himself.Now why would God create Homosexuality if it wasn't in the same image? at least to some Degree?Because it is Balance - Counterbalance.
Boerseun Posted February 19, 2006 Report Posted February 19, 2006 I was baffled at first with the title, and how on earth homosexuality could be brought to relation with resurrection. I still am. However, I have to grant the truth behind the observation of Christianity with alchemy. Alchemists tried to convert ordinary stuff to gold. Christianity is able to convert fire and brimstone into gold very efficiently. Every Sunday, matter of fact.
ughaibu Posted February 19, 2006 Report Posted February 19, 2006 CraigD: The name 'Tatsuko' suggests a she rather than a he. 'Ko' is one of the standard endings for female names of Japanese. The name might transliterate as 'dragon-child', depending on the character used for 'tatsu'.
Tatsuko Posted February 20, 2006 Author Report Posted February 20, 2006 The "fire" reffered to in the Bible is not a physical fire. It is sometimes used in context with the Holy Spirit, but it is not the same. It's being tested, trials, seeing if your faith can hold on. And by the way, the greek Bible contains the same truths as the english version. (though some of the more recent ones do have some stuff a bit confused). Religion is myth misunderstood (Feuerbach). I'm not really sure how this is supposed to support homosexuality, or maybe I'm just confused. Anyway, homosexuality is clearly and extravegantely described as evil in the Bible. Not really sure why people are so confused about this, the Bible is never "gray" on any subject. Never gray on any object? Judas dies twice in the Bible, Saul even thrice, and every time in a different manner. Check out http://www.unexplainable.net/artman/publish/article_1494.shtml Rom 1:24-32 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.KJV So much for Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Plato and numurous other pearls of the human race. But ofcourse, the Bible is right. These people were without natural affection, unmercifull, proud, boasters, inverstors of evil, backbiters and haters of God... What is it Meyering said, d'apres Nietzsche? 'The old Jews, like Moses/Paul, had something against homosexuals and therefore God had something against homosexuals.' My father told me that the Gospel is in the Bible, but not the whole Bible is the gospel. And that the fundament to the Gospel was to be found in the sermon on the Mount. And he said: prophets become prophets if clergy decides too. (There have been many Moses's, but the one we know made it). And he said too: prophets are failed philosphers. They couldn't convince through reason, and so they had to call in God and say: don't talk back to me: this comes from God. And what is more human than to mix up you own likes and dislikes with those of 'God'? And even to deliberately promote your likes and dislikes under the name of God? Because if I read the Bible I have to believe that the same God who had the inner stability and overview to create the universe, all of a sudden is brought out of balance by the consumption of shellfish or the fact that two men caress eachother. P.S. If you visit Bible and contradictions within (the link I gave) in the first contradition given they even forgot one. In the original manuscript it is written The GODS created (Elohim bereshit/plural) heaven and earth. Not GOD. So much fir 'never being gray on anything'. CraigD 1
CraigD Posted February 20, 2006 Report Posted February 20, 2006 In the original manuscript [Hebrew version of Genesis] it is written The GODS created (Elohim bereshit/plural) heaven and earth. Not GOD.Interesting point about the number (plural vs. singular) of word # 3 of the Bible, ”Elohim”. Although the preceding wikipedia article explains that Elohim is used in the Bible as both a singular and plural noun, it’s odd that the authors used it this way, only to briefly use the correct singlular “Eloah” in a contemporary document, the 17th book of the Bible, Job. It reminds me of J.R.R Tolkien’s very beautiful, expressly fictional creation story, the Ainulindalë, in which Eru ( (=~ God) creates the Ainur (=~ angels), and it is the Ainur, in singing a great symphony for Eru’s pleasure, the Ainulindalë (meaning “music of the Ainur” in the fictional “elvish” language, Quenya), that actually creates the physical world. There seem to be competing creation stories involving “God the choir director” vs. “God the lone craftsman”. I hadn’t ‘til now realized this conflict extended even to the Hebrew of the book of Genesis.
Biochemist Posted February 20, 2006 Report Posted February 20, 2006 ...Not really sure why people are so confused about this, the Bible is never "gray" on any subject....Goodness, Blazer. This really is a remarkable statement. I recognize you were speaking parochially to the Biblical injunctions against homosexuality, but this is hardly a fair generalization. It would be fairer to say that there are several items on which the Bible is clear, but there are a large number on which it is gray. Even among Biblical conservatives (that is, those who believe the Bible is the inspired word of God) there is significant disagreement on numerous issues. Claiming Biblical veracity is one thing. Claiming universal clarity would be a surprise to the hundreds (!) of denominations that have separated from each other over credible differences in Biblical interpretation.
Biochemist Posted February 20, 2006 Report Posted February 20, 2006 Interesting point about the number (plural vs. singular) of word # 3 of the Bible, ”Elohim”....This is generally recognized in most translations of Genesis 1:26 ("Then God said 'Let Us make man in Our image...'" NASB) and is typically either characterized as a supportive text for the doctirne of the Trinity, or a text that suggests some inclusive role for the heavenly host in the creation events.
BEAKER Posted February 20, 2006 Report Posted February 20, 2006 ...So much fir 'never being gray on anything'.Sounds like the makins' of a "fine" new cult. I'm sure you'd quickly develop a large following. There's plenty of people who like to twist the bible into the same pathetic, distorted version that is so far from the original as to be unrecognizable to anyone with a clue. But hey- what's one more? We're still made in His image; not He in ours.
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