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Interesting point about the number (plural vs. singular) of word # 3 of the Bible, ”Elohim”. Although the preceding wikipedia article explains that Elohim is used in the Bible as both a singular and plural noun.


Sure it is used in the explanation as both a singular and a plural. But Elohim only means GODS and not God. There is even a Psalm (90/91/92?) by Asef with a congregation of Gods, JHWH presiding...

Sounds like the makins' of a "fine" new cult. I'm sure you'd quickly develop a large following. There's plenty of people who like to twist the bible into the same pathetic, distorted version...


Who's twisting? If you point out the numerous contradictions, is one twisting then? I didn't tell God to write down that Judas dies twice in a different on top. The author of the Bible is the twister. In fact, no normal book has so many absudities and contradictions, as the Bible does. So a human writer has more overview then God. That one simply has to conlude.

I was baffled at first with the title, and how on earth homosexuality could be brought to relation with resurrection. I still am.


However, I have to grant the truth behind the observation of Christianity with alchemy. Alchemists tried to convert ordinary stuff to gold. Christianity is able to convert fire and brimstone into gold very efficiently. Every Sunday, matter of fact.


Churchiantity is going to develop 'The Kingdom within, you people don't know'. Alchemy is. Alchemy is the living God.


For all you people who are addicted to the straigth Jesus: 'beware of finding a Jesus entirely congenial to you.' (Can't remember the author.)


This is also valid for gay people who are to eager to find a gay Jesus, but for us straight people too (asuming there are no gay people posting in here).

Churchiantity is going to develop 'The Kingdom within, you people don't know'. Alchemy is. Alchemy is the living God.

...you've missed me somewhere along the line.

Alchemy is the practice of trying to turn ordinary stuff like lead into gold. That is what alchemy is. Assigning "God" to alchemy just serves to illustrate that you have no idea what you're talking about. It souds pretty cool, though, 'alchemy' being the 'living God', so you should be able to turn a few bucks on this sentence.

And that's what pop culture (and pop religion) is all about, ain't it? Spinning stuff that sounds nice, but in essence means absolutely nothing.

...you've missed me somewhere along the line.

Alchemy is the practice of trying to turn ordinary stuff like lead into gold. That is what alchemy is. Assigning "God" to alchemy just serves to illustrate that you have no idea what you're talking about. It souds pretty cool, though, 'alchemy' being the 'living God', so you should be able to turn a few bucks on this sentence.

And that's what pop culture (and pop religion) is all about, ain't it? Spinning stuff that sounds nice, but in essence means absolutely nothing.


You clearly haven't read the Letters. The led and gold is allegory. Mettalurgic allegory. Like the alchemy in the Gospel is agricultural.


Carl Jung did extensive research in Alchemy symbolism. His best work is his most challenging work, "Mysterium Conjunctionis" or the mystical union. The alchemists were actually mystical psychologists. There were using the symbolism and the prechemistry to induce an inner transformation leading to a rebirth. The symbolism of Lead into Gold, implies that one starts with their imperfect self and becomes transformed into something of the puritiy of gold. Gold is unchanged by the fire or one obtains a position of wisdom where the fires or emotions/instincts can no longer to influence one in a negative way. For example, an adult can look at the turbulence of a teen with quiet understanding. Maybe the gold was a position where one can look at the turbulence of all the ages with quiet understanding.


I believe Tatsuko made a reference to Christ being homosexual since tradition often associates him with celebacy. However, some 1st century writing were found that suggest that he was married (by God outside the law of men) to Mary Magdaline.


Mary M was not so much a prostitute as a temple priestess, who in those days were similar to Geisa. The weathy men of the commnuity would come to the temple and make donations for a full body, mind, spirit and heart renewal, from a beautiful, intelligent, spiritual, loving woman. When Christ healed her of the seven demons, which is symbolic of the seven days to create the world and the seven planets or Gods of Rome, she essentially lost the darkside of old testament and Rome influence. Her former position made her very well connected in the community with very powerful friends making her exempt from the harassment the rest of the Christian were receieving. It is not cooincidence that she was the first to see him missing from the grave, since it was the wife's duty to attend to her dead husband.


I'm Sorry..


Jesus, Alchemy, homosexuality rolled into one ??


What the hell is wrong with this thread! :)


There is NO turning lead into Gold.

We don't know what Jesus did 'cuz we weren't there.

And Homosexuality is a genetic trait that affects about 8 - 10% of the population.

Jesus, Alchemy, homosexuality rolled into one ??


What the hell is wrong with this thread!

There’s actually nothing in this thread that doesn’t exist in a lot of slightly obscure works of history, theology, and history-of-science and religion. Everybody I’ve met who has had contact with this literature experienced a WTF? moment like the one Racoon appear to have had, but, strange and potentially disturbing as they are, these ideas are a part of human history of ideas, and are informative of the nature of man, science, and religion.
There is NO turning lead into Gold.
Sure there has been. You just need a particle accelerator, and a lot of electricity to power it. While, in principle, you might be able to obtain cheap enough power to get rich this way, the cost of a particle accelerator pretty much assures a lack of any interest in nuclear transmutation for fun and profit.
We don't know what Jesus did 'cuz we weren't there.
I agree. Over half the rest of our fellow humans (some of them hypography members) don’t
And Homosexuality is a genetic trait that affects about 8 - 10% of the population.
This is by no means an uncontroversial claim, with strong evidence existing both in support and opposition.


Although I suspect newcomer Tasuko is too thin-skinned and impatient to make continuing contributions to hypography, I’m disappointed (but not surprised) by a couple of the responses to this thread. Relative to most of the threads in the Theology forum, this one is, IMHO, one of the best and most interesting. I hope folk will continue to explore the ideas it raises.


ive read a bit about alchemy, not just about the transformation of the physical lead into gold, but also about turning ourselves within, our souls, from lead to...gold, basically through a process of catharsis, purification, identification, almost like being reborn. i think i get what tatsuko is saying but it took a while to sink in since I'm knackered. i think she was trying to give an explanation of homosexuality through physical alchemy within the body. basically i think what she was getting at was that the coupling of the animus and anima (masc and femn) a bit like sulphur and mercury, both complete opposites that react to catalyse the base metal to gold. its all basically a marriage of opposites within. i think she was saying was that jesus already had that without physically coupling with an opposite. i dont want to put words into her mouth, i could be complelely wrong by trying to simplfy complexities in my head, but it'll fall into place.


its probably the most fascinating and thought provoking thing ive read in a long while! i wish that tatsuko would come back and enlighten us on a few things, and discuss other aspects such as the Kundalini fire, that significance of the seven chakras which could also have an interesting link to what hydrogenbond said that jesus healed mary magdeline of her seven deamons, which have significance since there are seven chakras and they are the energy centers that are aspects of our conciousness, the root chakra is at the root of the spine. i think there is some significance there.


dont quote on anything here also, ive just on what ive read and made my own connections which could wrong or too simplified,



If one reduces the sexual drive to its most fundamental thing, it is here to make babies and propagate the species. The pleasure and ritual are all carrots on a string to help lead humans and animals to the fundamental thing. Homosexuality, by its very nature gets stopped at the foreplay.


As another example, hunger is here to induce us to fuel the body and input needed chemicals for its proper functioning. It is a very flexible machine not requiring the ideal foods to work. If this was not the case, humanity would not have gotten this far, since most of history did not have the luxury of the perfect diet and chemical suppliments. That is mostly marketing and creates jobs and wealth.


Associated with food is also pleasure to give us incentive to eat so the body can have its fuel. Many people get stuck at the pleasure foreplay of eating and become overweight. Other prefer greasy/salty potato chips and ice cream for its pleasure value. Yet nobody seems to suggest that overeating or eating only junk food is natural for 8-10% of the population. If anything culture tries hard to discourgage this genetic or personality based aberation to help get them back in turn with the more fundamental requirements of eating.


Don't get me wrong. I believe in live and let live, as long as nobody is violated or hurt. But where I differ is that one should not market foreplay as natural because it creates a bad starting premise for behavior. One should start in the center and not at some point on a secondary perimeter.

…Yet nobody seems to suggest that overeating or eating only junk food is natural for 8-10% of the population. …
I believe many people have suggested a link between genetics, dietary preference, and dietary requirements. Although the correctness of much of this research is the subject of debate, it’s safe to say that there are genes that predispose an individual to prefer on food to another, and genes that make an individual more susceptible to ill or beneficial effects of certains foods. Recently, this science, sometimes called “nutrigenetics”, has even spawned a pseudo science, and several commercial ventures – see Quackwatch.org’s ”Dubious Genetic Testing”.


While HydrogenBond’s post seems reasonable, I’m unsure how it relates to this thread's original idea, the relationship between homosexuality, immortality, and alchemy. :hyper:


The analogy I was trying to make is that homosexuality and eating disorders are do not stem from the base of instincts, but rather from something that is more periphreal. The goal of sex is babies not pleasure. The basis for eating is fuel for the body not pleasure. The pleasure is the carrot on the string leading to the natural base. Morality, at its best, tries to ccordinate human behavior with the base of instinct instead of the periphreal. That is why homosexuality is usually considered immoral; it is a perephreal phenomena.


If one's value system is centered on the pleasure principle, which is periphreal to both natural hunger and desire, then anything is possbile, since it is not rooted in instinctive reality. It is free floating, up in the air.

While a widely repeated statement, this horridly oversimplifies the issue, to wit: the success of any species or social group depends or procreation, therefore it is to be encouraged, if the *group* is to survive. For the individual, procreation is an expensive activity: it involves an immediate increase in labor, and the only direct benefit is that in more advanced species, offspring can provide support in old age, or in sophisticated societies, at least temporary slave labor. Since neither old age nor the need for familial labor was common until recent times, it can be argued that there's *no* motivation that would likely be actually innate (rather than reasoned or learned) in the species that involves these concepts. On the other hand, we know that in *every* species, the act of sex produces extreme pleasure via the massive release of endorphins and other goodies. Now *that's* an evolved process, and for the *individual* its hard to argue that sex for pleasure is *not* a motivating factor.


Now it still becomes a rational choice to choose *not* to procreate under many circumstances, and religion being the original organizing force among social groups, found itself very early on espousing "go forth and multiply" because its good for the *group*. Discouraging homosexuality is another edict that serves this same goal because it gets people who are naturally predisposed to not procreating to being forced to do so for the good of the group.


Insofar as the group that has the most dominant religion will have a monopoly on the "truth" of their view of the future, then yes, ensuring that these edicts are not just "good for the team" but are "mortal sins" reinforces the power structure and thus, ensures that the "reality" of the pending Rapture and resurrection is seen as Gods Own Truth.


Eating disorders have much more evidence of being caused by chemical imbalances and ties to genetic defects, so I won't try to stretch the same argument there, but it *can* still be made.




  • 2 months later...
Although I suspect newcomer Tasuko is too thin-skinned and impatient to make continuing contributions to hypography, I’m disappointed (but not surprised) by a couple of the responses to this thread. Relative to most of the threads in the Theology forum, this one is, IMHO, one of the best and most interesting. I hope folk will continue to explore the ideas it raises.


News on the Letters!



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