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I kind of had this realization.

We do a lot of complaining about people getting in trouble for doing drugs, when they aren't bothering anyone or anything, i.e. "how can it be illegal for me to take mushrooms when i just go chill up in the mountains with friends and conversate, or how can it be illegal for me to smoke weed if i'm just chillin and listening to music, how can this right here be illegal?"

Yet, is it really illegal. The day i get busted for simple doing a drug, not becuase i broke something, or hurt someone and was high on something, but the day i get busted SIMPLY BECAUSE i'm on lsd, or something, that will be the day i will complain, but as if now, i think drugs are legal.;)


;) ;) ;) ;) ;) :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:;)


..but as if now, i think drugs are legal.;)


Well, of course they are! Alcohol, caffiene, tobacco, Allergy medications, Pain relievers, including aspirin, Cold medicine, Cough syrup, Sinus medications, Nicotine gum or patches, Sleeping aids, Motion sickness pills, herbal medications, pharmaceuticals by Merck, Pfizer, Roche, Lilly, Wyeth, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott, Baxter...



Legal? Of course they're legal! It's just the stuff that we can farm or make ourselves or that have been stigmatized by movies such as Reiffer Madness that are illegal. ;)


Jane should be legal. I have a philosophical belief that all drugs should be legalized as well.


Governor Jessie Ventura had a great article in Playboy a few years ago, that was about prostitution, drugs and other “victimless” crimes.

Now I know that some people do drugs and then commit crimes that have victims. What I would support is severe prosecution for the crimes that are directly related to the victim.


Guy gets stoned and kills someone, do not prosecute the drug prosecute the battery.

Moreover, no pansy *** slap on the wrist, fry the SOB!


I am all for legalization as well. But I would temper that with laws that prevent the costs associated with drug use from being absorbed by those who choose to not do drugs. For instance, when I apply for life insurance I need to answer if I am a smoker or not. Those who do not smoke live longer and thus have lower rates. Similar economic impacts associated with doing drugs should be shouldered by those who choose to take the risk. The only way to do this is to license people to do these things. Age alone would not permit you to drink or to do drugs. You would apply for a license and in applying assume the responsibilities that go along with the action.


Want to smoke weed? Get a license to smoke weed. Then you can purchase, carry and consume. No license? Then you cannot purchase carry or consume. Heft fines for selling to the unlicensed or for using when unlicensed. But there would be other social impacts as well. A company would be in their right to only employ people who are not licensed drug users, it that drug were untestable for being actively in your system, and would pose a hazard to the work environment. Currently you cannot test if a person is under the influence of pot, so you might not be able to get a job as a fork lift operator if you have a pot license since there is no way to prove you are not currently under the influence.


You would fund the associated health and social costs in two ways. 1) taxing the sales and distribution of drugs would fund testing equipment for law enforcement and employers. 2) having a license for drugs would effect the deductibles that you are required to pay for associated medical expenses such as detox, treating symptoms of drug use and life insurance costs.


I would treat things like riding a motorcycle without a helmet in the same way. Want to take the risk? Then get no helmet insureance that keeps my helmet rates nice and low. Want to drive without a seat belt? Then you pay an additional $2500 deductible for personal injury in an accident. I wear my seatbelt, and my rates are nice and low. There are ways to decriminalize personal choices and protect society at the same time. It just takes some creative thinking.


So smoke up, but don't take money out of my pocket for your pleasure.




You Guys make some Great Points! (of course y'all do. You're Dyed in the Wool Hypographites)


I Hate when someone Perpetrates a heinous crime and then blames the Crystal Meth, or Booze, or Weed, or whatever. :lol:


Legalize it! Tax it. Spend Money on Counciling, and empty half the frickin' prisons!


The more Laws the Gov't creates, the more laws will be broken.


Thanks Bush Senior for another endless, unwinnable war. :)


screw the license to blaze.

There is a plant growing,

right over there


that i can simply pluck




No license needed.

Society, my dear society,

there is no need for this complex...




Found it in myself,

and in the scattered hearts of artists



p.s. anybody "stoned" high on marijuana IS NOT GOING TO KILL ANYBODY!

unless they laugh too hard and drive in the wrong lane



yeah if none of us had cars, no one would be worried about inducing these beautiful entheogens.

life would be the ongoing Fiesta

No hurry!


Too late now though


cars gurgle all 'round all the time.

And the 5-0's perched on the corner

Following me

making sure i'm driving



don't we already have a licsense to thrill? Medical marijuana, you get a licsense and yuou xcna legallyt carry X amount and have X amount of plants. I like that idea, i stil dislike the fact that you can hire someone no problem that drinks but second guesse a person that smokes. Specially if you take the stereotypical pothead vs the stereotypical alcoholic. One brawls, crys, moans, doesn't feel a thing and doesn't care about anything but himself when intoxicated, and even at points doesnt care about himself, while the other sits around, plays some video games, maybe draws a little, eats some food, and then simply passes out while watching a movie. I guess you rather hire the raging ******* over the relaxed simplton. Point is, yeah no one should work under the influence although cocaine has proven to increase atheletic abilities, marijuana can increase your concentration, speed your awareness and what not...haha alright, anyways, point is, if your going to make one illegal, might as well as make the other, or disclude one, disclude the other, you can't go, legalize the booze, but make the damn plant illegal, or it's fine to work at this job if you drink, but don't plan on getting hired if you smoke. They both have their positives and negatives, and both are "drugs." Both fit under the webster definitions i believe. Although a lot of things seam to be drugs, includding sex, material items, video games, and television.

I do see one thing though, we are the bunch that sits, and makes points, complains, whines, and says this is how it should be mayube hoping thaet someone will read it, and go Yes! lets do it! When we should be the ones doing it. Hence the problem with marijuana, a lot of great ideas, but no one wants to do them, lol.:lol:

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