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TheBigDog's First Hypography Scavenger Hunt

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I thought this would be fun. I am making a list of things to find here at Hypography. I am not sure if all of them exist or not. It is up to you to see if you can find the items and being them back to here. Any post referenced must exist prior to the start of the game. So here is the list...


Blue items have been found at least one time.


  1. An argument that the earth is flat
  2. A compliment to anyone from UncleAl
  3. A number with more than 100 digits
  4. A picture with 3 galaxies in it
  5. A post promoting Windows and Internet Explorer as being superior software
  6. An explanation of Entaglement
  7. A post about chicken soup
  8. A mathmatical formula involving hydrodynamics
  9. A personal alien abduction story
  10. A post about an idiot sevant
  11. A post about the mathmatics any sport
  12. A really angry rant
  13. An extremely high compliment
  14. The humblest post you have read
  15. The funniest post you have read
  16. The wisest post you have read
  17. A solution to an unsolvable puzzle
  18. A post with song lyrics
  19. A post with a recipe
  20. A post about a miracle
  21. A post about playing board games
  22. A post about cow tipping
  23. A post about things that smell awful
  24. A beautiful description of something that has never been seen
  25. A post about falling in love
  26. A post about the bottom of the ocean
  27. A post about parallel universes
  28. The longest Hypography member/not moderator or administrator
  29. The worst spelled word
  30. The longest word correctly spelled
  31. A post claiming that magic is real
  32. A post about superhero's
  33. A post about Pokemon or Digimon
  34. A post about venomous snakes
  35. A post with a great excuse
  36. A post about music
  37. A post about art
  38. A post about dog poop on your shoe
  39. A post about how cool Hypography is


Have fun!






Turtle - #2, 3, 17, 19, 36, 11, 13, 37, 25, 32, 31, 14

Blazer2000x - #33

Tormod - #22, 27

Infamous - #38, 15, 10, 12

Skywyse - #18

pgrmdave - #4, 21, 23, 28, 7, 26, 39, 34, 20

Racoon :hyper: - #32, 16

InfiniteNow - #6, 24, 1, 9, 8

ingannilo - #30


___I'm in for #2 with this compliment from Uncky A. To have ones' painting considred art is a compliment indeed.:hyper: Or not.:hyper:




Re: Chemistry of Paint & Pigments - 04-24-2005, 08:40 PM



Use what you desire for your art. Ignore the Enviro-whiners. Don't put brushes in your mouth.



Uncle Al


(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)



What is this BigDog?

An Easter egg, Treasure Hunt??? (Oh, scavenger hunt)


We do all the digging to find what YOU are looking for!?


You are a Dastardly Lot! :hyper:


I'll be of service to you where I can. :hyper:


I read the list and most of the things I have a recollection of happening and I know they are all here but I would rather sit back and watch others find them :hyper: I may contribute here and there :hyper:




We have our first contestant back with a second find in our ongoing scavenger hunt. Turtle leads currently with two finds, while Tormod and Blazer2000x are each tied with one.


Rules update! If someone has found an item, you can still find a different example of the same item. But the first person to an example claims it!



Quatrain Corner, post #411



Egg on my face,

and poop on my shoe.

Waisted all this time,

should have had a brew.



Wow! I was not sure if there would be any dog poop on the shoe found!


Infamous steps into the game with a gem of a find! It will be a stinker to find another one of those. :)




Funniest post I can remember:


Orby's response about cell-phones, post #194 in the Quatrain Corner.


so do us all a favor

and go find a hammer

put your phone in a bag

and give it a slammer.


I'm still laughing over this one...............Infy




Infamous has arrived on the scene with a fury, and now leads with 3 items collected - including an entire thread on Idiot Savants! Well played indeed!




The longest and most intense rant I can remember was an exchange between Biochemist and TeleMad in the thread; Punctuated Equilibria theories


This began to get really out of hand around post #256 and finally ended when C1ay closed the thread in post #303. This exchange eventually resulted in TeleMad's bannishment...................Infy

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