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is there anything more to space weather than the solar wind and its effects? if so what is the rest of it? this has been puzzling me for some time now so i thought i'd throw it open to the wider physicsy comunity.

Guest chendoh

Becca, Tormod.....

Here's a few......


Space environment, Seems to be shutting down, but will leave database alive. Link now!!!!!


Ames research Center....Click on astrobiology link


Link from above.....Cool Site! :doh:


Canadian Gov. site


American, similar to spaceweather.com


Sun images..Does what it says



And for checking for clear skies, for observing and adding to database http://cleardarksky.com

It even has International sites at the 7timers link, takes you to facts page, click on 7timers = http://csc.lamost.org/eng/index.htm

My apologies to Boerseun, Sutherland, doesn't seem to be updating, neither does Ayers Rock…there may be others.

Home page = http://cleardarksky.com/csk/


I have more ....ask, an I shall look, an ye shall receieve.....


For tormod….the only thing faster than light is your mind…..:).......chendoh.....


___I visit the Spaceweather.com site regularly that Tormod posted. I find the PHA work particularly interesting. PHA - Potentially Hazardous Asteroids. The Spaceweather links to this NASA site which goes into greater depth:


___This is a rather recent area of space environment study & stems largely from increasing discoveries on Earth from past impacts. Just 20 years ago, the idea of Earth being struck by a space rock was 'crackpot' science. This stats graph from the above page gives an idea of just how serious an issue PHA's pose.


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