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What TV shows Do You Watch Most Regularly  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What TV shows Do You Watch Most Regularly

    • Crime Drama - CSI,NYPD Blues, stuff like that, Law and Courtroom Drama
    • Hardly Ever Watch TV; less than 1 hour a week
    • Sitcoms - including SNL, re-runs of stuff
    • Animated Shows - Family Guy, Simpsons, Cartoons
    • Documentaries & Public Broadcasting
    • News Shows - 60 Minutes, Dateline
    • Reality Shows - Survivor, American Idol
    • Soap Opera's & ET - incl. celebrity gossip shows
    • Talk Shows - Oprah, Ellen, Letterman ,etc..
    • Sports - ESPN, Pro & College Sports and Games

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What Kind of TV shows do you watch?...

CSI -- My wife is obsessed with these and I finally got hooked. Especially with the version in Las Vegas.

Law and Order -- the detective who is always cocking his head to one side and talking right into the perp's face. Same reason.

Firefly -- The best (goddam best!) science fiction since the first season of STTNG. The movie "Serenity" using the same characters was just killer.

NOVA -- because I don't like stupid TV.

M*A*S*H reruns -- because they are the funniest shows on TV.

Seinfeld reruns -- because they are the second funniest shows on TV.

And a variety of documentaries on cable, like Mega-Structures and National Geo.


I fudged a lil' bit..

closes 0 days, i meant 'fer a 100


Multiple Choice: Limit 3! (pretty please.....:hihi: )


If there isn't a category for your vote, it's because I only had 10 options!

y'all know that..


I didn't really see a good choice but voted 'Documentaries' since it covers some of them. I pretty much watch the Science Channel, National Geographic, The Discovery channel and even NASA's video feed. Pretty much anything I can find that is educational and/or scientifically interesting.


Choices were not too open ended, but I watch a lot of DIY and HGTV since I'm getting ready to buy a house. Also, I love the Discovery Science Channel and NOVA on PBS. After that, 24, Food Network, and the occasional FitTV program for a quick in home workout...


My dog likes Animal Planet and National Geographic, I just feel, for me anyway, that they've gone too far into the "when animals attack" end of the pool. He's down with it though. :hihi:


My goodness, I haven't voted because most of my fave shows don't fit! I like the chick shows:

  • Veronica Mars (Crime drama? I don't think so...)
  • Desperate Housewives (Crimes yes, drama? soap? :hihi: )
  • Las Vegas (occasional crime, yes guys, we do talk about you like that, and Josh Duhamel...yum!)
  • Sex and the City reruns (ditto Las Vegas comment)
  • Gilmore Girls (that's me n' my kid! I got the good kid!)
  • Lost (Sci fi? Soap? Crime drama? Ufologists documentary? Animal show on tropical polar bears?)
  • 24 (Crime by government because the end justifies the means? Situation comedy [that's what I call it!])

Ah, all such polls have "problems" with being biased by the pollster...


Don't let that stop you folks! Vote! Its your obligation--er, right!


Veni, Vidi, Vici Teli,


to be honest, i used to all of the time.

recently i just find it disgusting and it does not turn me on at all-


Yeah, On-line porn is so much better. :hihi:


just grab your d^ck, and double-click!! :) :)

**** tv
NO TV show is better than sex with a cute person of your preferred persuasion. I agree with Orby on that one (and he's getting lots of it these days: he's such a hottie! Go for it Orby! :hihi: )


Hot and Bothered,


just grab your d^ck, and double-click!! :)

You guys are so easily amused! :hihi:


Seriously, you *all* look better to us with your pants *on* (and well, shirts off if you've got the requisite six-pack...)! :)


No TV for me tonight!





I don't even have a working TV in this apartment.

Turns out I love a lot more (as Buffy so kindly pointed out)




I just get to do more of the things I want without getting distracted by the ever so visually stimulative TeleVision.

My knowledge isn't filtered, thanks!

(Nor, my entertainment)

But seriously,

I'm entertained by almost anything.


i must say, BET Jazz was a good channel when I lived with my Parents. So was the independent film channel.


Notice: Orbsycli named two channels out of the what-they-want-you-to-think-you-have-hundreds-of


TV shows?!?! What are those?!?!


Seriously, now - used to watch TV years ago - until I realised that there's actually, in Orby's vernacualr, f*ck-all to watch!!!


Being dead serious, now... TV is a medium, artificially created and maintained, by the advertising companies of this world, to serve as a medium to sell you **** you don't need. Programming is getting ever shallower, so much so that we stare at the idjit box for hours on end to see people 'surviving' on an island where the biggest concern is not where the next coconut is coming from, but rather if Mathilda rolled in the hay with Fred. For God's sake...


To put it mildly, (and I apologize for my language, but...)


WHO THE **** CARES?!?!?!


Reality shows about COOKS, for God's sake? Reality shows about building up scrapped cars? About auctions? About... Jesus, Mary and Steven...


I can't handle it!


My TV is standing in the corner, marking time till I feel like gettin' a movie again. There is simply nothing on commercial TV that I would care to watch. And if anybody here admits to watching soaps, I will personally move that you be banned from Hypo for life. And not only your life, your great-great-great-great grandchildren's lives...

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