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Canadian Military teach new recruits how to stand at attention for long periods (typically while on parade). Knees slightly bent, and shift weight from leg to leg.

There is good reason for this other than comfort of the feetzies... While in basic (United States Naval Corps.) I saw several recruits pass out from standing with their knees locked straight...this is apparently quite common as we were instructed not to stand as such.


Slavery is alive and well in the U.S.

the whips and chains are gone but it still thrives.


Millions work for mere survival to obtain enough to obtain food and shelter to live to work to live to work etc.

Reality sucks!!!!! I want the TV american lifestyle!!!!!!gimmegimmegimme!!!!


Hey!!!!!! that is a fact in and of itself!!!!!.....Reality sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!! Truer words were never spoken!!!!!!!!


Good to see you again D-Disturbed :eek:


Pneumatics is the branch of Physics concerning mechanical proprties of gases.


Not really that quirky eh?


OK >> the leaf of Rhubarb is toxic

South Africa has 10% of all the known plant species!
I think Australia is 2000 species ahead of you.:hihi:


The truth is no one knows for certain.

The recent interest of botanists in the flora of Forest canopies has found many new plant, insects and animals previously unknown to science.

This is agreat web site:-


" after 250 or so years of cataloguing and describing the plant kingdom we do not yet have a reasonably accurate estimate of the total number of flowering plant species, threatened or not, on Earth. We just do not know how large the world’s flora is! We do not even have a list of plant species. (Producing one is now a principal target of the GSPC.)


South America 98,800 species

Central America 7,380 species

Tropical Central Africa 16,032 species

East Africa 7,850 species

Europe-Mediterranean Basin 19,236 species

Temperate Asia 61,680 species



25,000 species

Total Australia 25,000 species:)


Southern Africa

Estimates between 21,000 and 23,000 have been made. I accept the upper figure as it allows some margin for undescribed species.

Total Southern Africa 23,000 species"

This thread is like flipping randomly through an encyclopaedia! Cool!


The world has seen a consistent rise in IQ's over the last four decades of up to 20 points! The points have been adapted to get the average back to 100, which means the average human today (IQ 100) would have been a 120 back in 1960!

Yes! and STILL half the bloody population has below average intelligence !!


Yes! and STILL half the bloody population has below average intelligence !!



Hey, is'nt that a easily deducable result from the fact that nobody can have 100 IQ exactly?

I guess that we can say so if we assume that equal distribution of intellegence is there in both sides of average IQ...:)

Hey, is'nt that a easily deducable result from the fact that nobody can have 100 IQ exactly?

I guess that we can say so if we assume that equal distribution of intellegence is there in both sides of average IQ...:)

You get the Prize!;)

But there was one American (USA) President who was shocked by such a statistic!

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