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_____This may sound a bit silly, but with the confidence that nobody knew facts from birth, i'm shooting this.


_____Why do i have a nerve cracking pain for the first couple of days when i work-out(heavy duty exercises) and after which even if i work with more weight i don't get any pain(and even if it does, doesn't last long)???


_____Anybody there to enlighten me?:steering:


Racoon, where are ya??



When there is a need, the body reacts. You work out and it tears muscles. The body then rebuilds them stronger than before. Since they are stronger with each workout, the impact of the next workout is less severe, and also the body has sensitized and the response to healing happens more quickly with each iteration. Plus, your mind becomes less sensitized to the pain response, and it doesn't seem as severe as the first time.


Like a channel of flowing water... the more water that passes through it, the deeper the channel. So it is with healing post workout. Same with the pain, it's like a heavy drug user searching to find the same high they had the first time... it'll never happen.


DOMS Dude...


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness...


As your body neurologically adapts to the workload and the Muscles build in strength, size, and efficiency; there is less Soreness pain associated with the next workout, unless you use considerable more weight than previous.

which isn't recommended...

You're basically "Frying" your Motor Units, Sarcomeres, and Myofibrils...

and then they adapt with proper recovery techniques.


Give me more Details.....


Got my Exercise Physiology text next to me... :hyper:

although I got to go to school shortly for more programming....:confused:

  • 2 weeks later...
How about the old adage. No pain. No gain. This relates to everyhting in life.



But not always the wisest thing ;)


Taken to extremes, and there are plenty of examples, result in serious injury!!:( :eek2: :lol:


There is a "Mental" or psychological pain threshold that must be crossed in order to "get better, stronger, faster, smarter"...

But pain in your body tells you 1. You are out of your comfort Zone.

2. You are really only damaging your body. :eek2:


I am an Athletic Trainer, (...personal trainer, working on my ACSM certification; a *New Program!* :omg: :cool: )

I deal with this All the Time :)


I'm not a Psychologist, but I play one at Hypography,



Actually the psyhcology behind pain is far more extensive than the physiology.

It is the prime mover for those in search of satori, for instance. I spent a year in a Japanese soto zen monastery. Every three months the monks go through an ordeal called a zen seshin. For one week you sat in lotus for a total of seventeen hours per day. Lotus cuts off the circulation to the legs. Oxygen starvation results and the pain is like the bends. The last five minutes of each 45 minute seating takes a month to drag by. One is left sitting in a sea of pain tjhroughout the day and half the night for seven days. The psychology is subtle - for it is self-inflicted punishment - one can get up from the tatmi mat, roundly curse the sanga and go home whenever one wishes. Only the stubborn remain seated in the zendo and politely listen to the roshi tell us that we are all **** machines. All I can say is Ouch! Ouch! Nobody got satori that I knew of, but we did end up with the inner rage gone and enjoyed marvelously serene thoughts.:)

Actually the psyhcology behind pain is far more extensive than the physiology.


True MagnetMan.

You sound wise,well-traveled, and versed! :)

I am Glad you are a Member here...


There is a Desire and Will Power factor that you alluded to.

There is also Balance.

The Human Body is amazingly adaptable. (and fragile)


I am talking relatively sedentary Americans/people here. Most people lack the discipline and/or pain tolerance that is required for Satori.


Lifting too much, too often, with bad form/technique can Cause serious injuries such as torn muscles, tendons, disk-slippage, on and on...


Pain is necessary, but the type must be distinguished. Pushing yourself too far ,too fast, too soon is a recipe for Rehab!


Example: Torn ACL. You are a competitor. It hurts. You think playing through the Pain is Gain for you/team. wrong.


Example: You are Benchpressing. It burns. It hurts. You want more. Your stabilizer muscles give out. your mind pushes you. Your form goes crappy. You tear a Pec. You will be out for at least 6 months after surgery :)


Example: Boxing. you are getting pummeled. You refuse to quit. You take all the pain! You end up with concussions and broken nose.


I Know what you are saying MagnetMan. :)

The phrase should be reworded: "No physical discomfort, No gain"


Discomfort yes. To the point it Hurts! AAHHHH it Burns GOOD!!

Pain no. Response of the body telling you something is Wrong!


As usual, lots of people take "No Pain No Gain" LITERALLY, and they end up Injured...:hihi: :hihi: (I see it Constantly)

Like I said. There is a line. And I play Both sides :hihi:

All too true. I have a young son at work busting his butt lifting too much weight. I am going to get him to read your post.


Experience teaches you many things MM.

Better to learn too from other peoples mistakes...

Good for your son; It shows the kid has heart.(and he's self-motivated)


Oftentimes Less is More! Especially with weights...

Plus, its an Ego thing, wanting to Jack-Up a lot of weight!


My Power lifting buddies are Strong, but they all got shoulder/back/knee problems.

I don't really see the Functionality of Benching 450 pounds or Squating 700.

I do really see the joint problems associated...

I've stayed pretty much Injury free by using good form, and reasonable weight poundages.


heres two pieces of good advice I got early on:

"If you want to be great, you have to Learn to Like the Pain" :hihi:


"Settle down kid! You're going to live longer than you realize"


This whole thread on pain, having gone somewhay philosophical in places, would not be complete it it did not include the original pain of Eve.


With eight kids of my own via three separate mothers, and a daughetr with my grandson, I have some observational experience in this department.


Most modern births are experienced via drugs or cesarean section. Drugs divorce the mother from the infant right from the start. In fact the doctor gives birth, with very little help from her. Some of these births drag on for forty hours and more. I witnessed one of them and it was absolute hell. The epidural line in her spine got snagged, the contractions went on and on with no result. Eventually, 36 hours later, tongs had to be used tro drag the baby out. Next time, my wife had it naturally. It was all over in four hours. I have noticed that drugging seriously affects subsequent bonding between mother and infant. The connection is far more affectionate when the mother takes it on the chin.


I managed to convince my daughter to give birth naturally and she allowed me to document it on a video camera. In front of my eyes I watched a sixteen year old girl/child struggle with her fear, get a grip on herself, and in eight hours, go from an unresolved teenager into a fully focused adult. Her subsequent bonding and mothering of her child has been impeccable.


In prehsitoric times boys got their initiation in pain in the circumcision lodge. Learning to face it without flinching, awoke the warrior in them and gave them the courage to face the lion with only a spear.

Women got their initiation in birth.


Why the pain?

Pain instills courage and character in the human psyche.


Why the pain?

Pain instills courage and character in the human psyche.


Agreed! :singer:

(as you know, I was only making a distinction between the Injurious variety of pain)

It seems our American culture is phobic of pain, and entirely Over-medicated.


Humans seek comfort.

The human psyche and its actions can be broken down to Two simple factors

> Pain avoidance

> Pleasure

Its about as simple as I can break down the Psychology of humans.


Drugs are all about pain avoidance: whether Drugs and Alcohol to avoid emotional and/or physical pain, to a Hospital/Doctors setting where medications and drips are administered.

There ARE a some exceptions when Pain Should be medicated. One being War, when serious injury requires Morphine to prevent Shock


Pain strengthens the Spirit. Pain toughens the resolve! :singer:

BUT IT HURTS!!! :cup:

Learn to like it...:singer:


This thread has been thrown way off, from the original "I'm really sore after working out" into a Meta-physical discussion...:secret:


After my last post I thought that I had nothing more to add to this Ode to Pain. But i do have one final observation to make - concerning self birthing.

I told you how my daughter was initated into adulthood by birthing her baby herself, without leaning on the crutch of drugs. But the fact is that there was one final crutch she knew she could lean on. If she failed to birth the baby for any reason, and it got stuck, the whole lodge of scuience stood ready to back her up and deal with the emergency. That thought not only reinforced my profound respect for science, but also made me think of all our ancestral mothers, down through the ages, who never had that reassurance - and I found a lump rise in my throat.


Countless women died in labor in the past. Every girl knew that. So in every birth, they were forced to stare death in the face. None ever bragged about what they went through and no medal was pinned on their chest. But I say to each man - we are all the sons of heroines!

  • 2 months later...


_____Why do i have a nerve cracking pain for the first couple of days when i work-out(heavy duty exercises) and after which even if i work with more weight i don't get any pain(and even if it does, doesn't last long)???


Have you heard the phrase, 'No pain, no gain'. I suspect the answer to your question is The Gain ..............Infy
Why do i have a nerve cracking pain for the first couple of days when i work-out(heavy duty exercises) and after which even if i work with more weight i don't get any pain(and even if it does, doesn't last long)???


Physiological pain is a signal sent by nerve pathways. The signal indicate tissue damage of some kind.


The reason for pain are:

1) To know you are damaged.

2) To help the bodys repair system (healing).


Work-out can damage the muscles, when they are not strong enough. This cause pain.

When the muscles get strong enough, they will not be damaged anymore and you don't feel pain

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