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IThe same as we individually may be able to figure out our purpose, but as a whole, the entire population of humans has no idea what its purpose is. You individually may know your purpose but The whole human race as an entity has no idea where it is going, what it is doing, or for what purpose it is doing what it is. Until god comes down from heaven at the time of Revelation or whatever, we will never have any idea what our purpose is simply because we are not the creator and we dont even understand all of the universe yet.


Those are just my opinions. Feel free to sway them at any time.:shrug:




Those same questions bothered me when I was a young man and I decided that I would not live my life unless I found the answers. So I spent the next twenty years visting wizards all around the globe - Africa, Middle East, Far East, Europe and America. Then I sat down in the desert for ten years and wrote a book about what I discovered. It answers all my questions. Now that I am 65, I am truly living my life for the first time because i know who God is and what His purpose is. Some people laugh at that claim, but no matter. I am personally happy. I know I did my homework and I am satisfied.

We are the Source, the collective experience of each Cosmic cycle. In the End, memory, all the sweat the bood and the tears, the triumphs and the loving, that is all we have. God is the silent witness behind every life. Each contribution is imprinted on the Akashic Records. We watch re-runs of each person's soap opera and re-live each breath through eternity.

:hihi: i dont know, i've never been much of a soap opera guy, but i guess with a coke and alittle buttered popcorn i can probably ease myself into it.

soap opera re-runs? for eternity? hmmm, man that kinda sounds like Hell to me.

You claim to know God's purpose.. so what is it.. enlighten me please because this is the question that I have been DYING to understand.



When you actually die it will all be revealed. Hopefully you lived a selfless life, for the view of God on the deathbed is spotless and you will not want enter His Presence wearing dirty shoes. My view of God is unique to me alone. Each of us paint our own picture of Him. Paint your own. If you really want to see my view, read my posts or read my book. All I paint is portraits of God, for He is all that exists and I see His reflection everywhere. Scientists are looking for him only outside of their own atomic selves through microscopes and telescopes, fascinating and marvelous as that view is, they should realize that He is also inside them, waiting patiently for recognition.


As to the bozo who thinks life is hell. That is of his own making.


When you actually die it will all be revealed. Hopefully you lived a selfless life, for the view of God on the deathbed is spotless and you will not want enter His Presence wearing dirty shoes. My view of God is unique to me alone. Each of us paint our own picture of Him. Paint your own. If you really want to see my view, read my posts or read my book. All I paint is portraits of God, for He is all that exists and I see His reflection everywhere.

I just threw up a little bit... in my mouth. :cup:


What is your view of your death?

It's tough to summarize in one post, and there are few details that I could clarify much more simply in a live, back and forth, verbal conversation, but basically...


That the folks left alive after my death will be more impacted by it than I will. Once my heart stops beating and my brain goes dead, my cells will die and I'll be nothing more than a memory in the minds of those still breathing.


That the folks left alive after my death will be more impacted by it than I will. Once my heart stops beating and my brain goes dead, my cells will die and I'll be nothing more than a memory in the minds of those still breathing.


Do you believe in re-incarnation until you finally reach Enlightenment (Nirvana) and end its painful cycle??


(like Obi-wan, Yoda, Skywalker at the end of Return of the Jedi?)




I get around much of the strangeness by my sense that it is always right now... then, later, always... right now. That's much more daunting a comprehension challenge for me than "what happens after death," because I'm still trying to wrap my head around "what is 'after'?"

The purpose of life is specific to the life itself. The easy answer? The purpose of life is to live. Bam.. there ya go. However, I'm not a big fan of self-referencing definitions.


Life is what you make of it. The purpose of my life? To be happy and to be understood, and to perhaps share some of both with those around me. That's the cliff's notes version anyway.


It'd be a good starting point to first define life adequately, no easy prospect. Plus, your version and someone else's might not line up perfectly. I think life is anything that exists... even the most seemingly lifeless objects. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of folks who will disagree with that one! :evil:


Life (and it's purpose) is what you make of it.

I am part or mostly American Indian, I feel what you said. We have always known spirits were in rocks, bugs, trees, water, birds and all were joined together by a force. We had no word for GOD. You can claim the right of your ancestor who could have been a wolf,turtle, fish, almost anything that fell into your surroundings I was an Eagle. Darwin tried to tell you the same thing. Our purpose in life is to achieve GOD like capabilities. We are already masters of this planet and with in time will become much more. Some body said once you know the whole story the story is over! WOW, what a thing to say ..I Love QM or Quantum Mechanics, where at level 4 spirits are possible. W e only need to connect the atomic weight of a photon, calculate it's relative speed to light, find which value does not conflict with Synchronicity and POP GOS THE WEASEL, will be close. If you notice people like yourself and I ask some strange stuff to a layperson, but we get real answers and go back and re-think what we thought. Like grains of sand on a beach we are one beach that can not be without each grain of sand, any single grain is almost nothing but all of them together holds back an ocean. GOD won't be bored and his trail is easy to follow just do what will preserve your body and you will find you need help, treat your folks as you woulf treat your self and guess what you will always be in a balance of nature. I hope this helps! Please respond.



When you actually die it will all be revealed. Hopefully you lived a selfless life, for the view of God on the deathbed is spotless and you will not want enter His Presence wearing dirty shoes. My view of God is unique to me alone. Each of us paint our own picture of Him. Paint your own. If you really want to see my view, read my posts or read my book. All I paint is portraits of God, for He is all that exists and I see His reflection everywhere. Scientists are looking for him only outside of their own atomic selves through microscopes and telescopes, fascinating and marvelous as that view is, they should realize that He is also inside them, waiting patiently for recognition.


As to the bozo who thinks life is hell. That is of his own making.


So... is it god who judges me? Or what? On what basis does he judge me? I mean, if I get hit by a truck tommorow, before I have a chance to read your book, would I be ****ed cos Idnt lived in right way? Doesnt seem fair, really, if Idnt know how to go about it.


Whats a selfless life? All actions are motivated by self interest, theresnt such a thing as altruism. Or do you mean in some zen kinda way, a life with no self?

So... is it god who judges me? Or what? On what basis does he judge me? I mean, if I get hit by a truck tommorow, before I have a chance to read your book, would I be ****ed cos Idnt lived in right way? Doesnt seem fair, really, if Idnt know how to go about it.


Whats a selfless life? All actions are motivated by self interest, theresnt such a thing as altruism. Or do you mean in some zen kinda way, a life with no self?

lol, I guess God just somehow knows. But if he knows my 'true' nature anyway, why am I judged on my actions? That assumes he knew before I acted. Man, He must be bored.

That would be like watching a marble roll off a table for the 500th time. "yup, it still does it. Sheesh. Maybe this time it won't."


You know, there is another way to look at it. What if we always 'fulfill our purpose'. I mean, it would be a pretty piss poor design if it didn't do what it was supposed to do, wouldn't it?


And, I suspect that goes for all life forms too. What is it we all do?


We perceive existence and attempt to comprehend it. And I suspect that is true of all life forms, to the limit of their capabilities.

So... is it god who judges me? Or what? On what basis does he judge me? I mean, if I get hit by a truck tommorow, before I have a chance to read your book, would I be ****ed cos Idnt lived in right way? Doesnt seem fair, really, if Idnt know how to go about it.


Whats a selfless life? All actions are motivated by self interest, theresnt such a thing as altruism. Or do you mean in some zen kinda way, a life with no self?

Take a moment and thumb through ECCLESIASTES 3rd chapter in the OLD TESTAMENT it is short so read all of it to see at least one answer to your question of is there some ultimate consequence. The observation is that the just and the unjust are judged the same because as you suggest it was already designed to go down like it did... so rest in peace cause our part of the whole picture aint going to change the picture.



So... is it god who judges me? Or what? On what basis does he judge me? I mean, if I get hit by a truck tommorow, before I have a chance to read your book, would I be ****ed cos Idnt lived in right way? Doesnt seem fair, really, if Idnt know how to go about it.


Pan, I think I havre already said that God never judges. It is we who do the judging. God is the standard of Goodness against which we judge ourselves. If we do it in everyday life then the deathbed experience is not truamatic. That is why Catholics go to confessionals. Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead. It explains the death moment. It's quite complex, my book gives a simple explanation of what is infered by that ancient text. People who have had near death experiences describe how their whole life flashes in front of them. Some see a bright light at the end of a tunnel. The ancient lamas knew all about it. They implore the dying person, who is confronted by the purity of God, not to judge themselves too harshly for their mistakes in life - that they are ultimately pure light themselves and should not shrink from God in shame for He is eternally compassionate and foregiving.


Whats a selfless life? All actions are motivated by self interest, theresnt such a thing as altruism. Or do you mean in some zen kinda way, a life with no self?

Selfishness is closely related to a selfless life. I personally want to spend my old age in peace playing with my grandchildren and having a daily round of golf. But I cannot indulge wholeheartedly in my selfishness because I feel guilty about all the less fortunate people on the planet who could do - not with a hand-out - but with a hand-up. So in oder to fully enjoy my selfish aims, I first have to be selfless and do what I can to help them. In Buddhism there was a sage called the Bodhisatva, who vowed to never enter Nirvana until all sentient beings are there before him. He is absolutely selfish - for he knows that there is no heaven while another suffers in hell. So he is purely looking after his own self interests.


I am part or mostly American Indian, I feel what you said. We have always known spirits were in rocks, bugs, trees, water, birds and all were joined together by a force.


I, too, have native american in me, so I know what you mean there. However, you brought up God and I tuned you out. Sorry. Interconnectness? Yes. Scripture based approach to the world? No, not so much.

The ancient lamas knew all about it. They implore the dying person, who is confronted by the purity of God, not to judge themselves too harshly for their mistakes in life - that they are ultimately pure light themselves and should not shrink from God in shame for He is eternally compassionate and foregiving.


I consider myself Gods superior. I am pure to the core, I have no tatters of guilt and shame hanging off me. I have never done anything that I didnt feel was necessary, so naturally I regret nothing that I have done. Likewise, I dont feel the consequences of my future actions because I know 100% that I will do whatever is necessary to avoid them. If it cant be done, well, no point being 'upset' about it. Likewise, any 'baggage', any childhood molestations, or adulthood rapes, why bother to think about something thats in the past? I dont waste any time thinking about 'might-have-beens'. By your reasoning, do I qualify for heaven or hell?


Selfishness is closely related to a selfless life. I personally want to spend my old age in peace playing with my grandchildren and having a daily round of golf. But I cannot indulge wholeheartedly in my selfishness because I feel guilty about all the less fortunate people on the planet who could do - not with a hand-out - but with a hand-up. So in oder to fully enjoy my selfish aims, I first have to be selfless and do what I can to help them. In Buddhism there was a sage called the Bodhisatva, who vowed to never enter Nirvana until all sentient beings are there before him. He is absolutely selfish - for he knows that there is no heaven while another suffers in hell. So he is purely looking after his own self interests.


You contradict yourself, I think. You begin by discussing selflessness (without offering any examples of it) and conclude by suggesting all actions are ultimately selfish, which would mean we are in agreement.

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