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These need exist in a hierarchy. You must satisfy the higher needs before gaining satisfaction from satisfying the less immediate needs. Here is a very short and incomplete list.







Human interaction

Physical challenge

Mental Challenge

Be a contributing part of a larger society that meets its needs

A dude by the name of Maslow already pretty well articulated this one... :)

A dude by the name of Maslow already pretty well articulated this one... :)
Maslow was on the right track. Does he speak of how the subconscious will work to satisfy unfulfilled needs? This leads to all sorts of interesting potential dynamics between ones conscious and unconscious like ambiguity. The capacity to sort out these dynamics by bringing you unconscious thinking into you consciousness is essential if one is to improve on the unconsciousness limited capacities and success in finding happiness and contentment. This process occurs when one lets go as you put it and allows the unconscious to be heard.

What is termed as "conscious" and what is termed as "unconscious" are still components of one mind. The seperation between the two is both self-imposed and unnecessary.


Treat the mind like a coin. It has a "heads" side and a "tails" side, but it is still one coin.

this is probably not a good question to ask someone other than yourself.

This is true.


And if you DO ask yourself this question, be sure and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.


Also, be careful not to discuss the purpose of your life in mixed company, or where children (or unemployed adults) are present.

What is termed as "conscious" and what is termed as "unconscious" are still components of one mind. The seperation between the two is both self-imposed and unnecessary.


Treat the mind like a coin. It has a "heads" side and a "tails" side, but it is still one coin.

I must disagree. While a certain level of conscious monitoring of the unconscious is possible the conscious mind is unable to deal with large amounts of complexity as the unconscious can. It is true that the unconscious process may have started out, as conscious reasoning it must become an assumption based on forgotten experiences. The real power of the human mind to handle complexity is its capacity to discard information while still retaining the conclusions the analysis of that information provided. This power is possible through the unconscious. Without an unconscious our conscious mind would be overwhelmed.
this is probably not a good question to ask someone other than yourself.
That would depend on what you mean by probably, good and yourself. One could engage in a similar dialogue with oneself.
What is the Purpose of Life?


The Purpose of life is the one you create.


I agree. Should we assume that the creation of a "Purpose of life" has a purpose? What would it be? I suggest a "Purpose of life" should provide a person with a navigational orientation for goal and perspective setting. Perhaps you could give me two or more distinct "Purpose of life"'s and we could see if both get the job done.

I must disagree. While a certain level of conscious monitoring of the unconscious is possible the conscious mind is unable to deal with large amounts of complexity as the unconscious can. It is true that the unconscious process may have started out, as conscious reasoning it must become an assumption based on forgotten experiences. The real power of the human mind to handle complexity is its capacity to discard information while still retaining the conclusions the analysis of that information provided. This power is possible through the unconscious. Without an unconscious our conscious mind would be overwhelmed.


Define for me "conscious mind."

Define for me "unconscious mind."

Define for me "complexity."


Once we've reached a parellel in our semantic understaning of these terms, I would then ask if you can you support your claims, or, conversely, if you can prove how mine was mistaken.



Cheers. :eek2:

Define for me "conscious mind."

Define for me "unconscious mind."

Define for me "complexity."


Once we've reached a parellel in our semantic understaning of these terms, I would then ask if you can you support your claims, or, conversely, if you can prove how mine was mistaken.



Cheers. :eek2:


concious mind = mental functioning that is being processed at the time of the functioning.


unconcious mind = mental functioning that has been proceesed previously. What Freud called the Preconsciousness and the unconsciousness together is what I am refering to.


complexity = the number of constituants composing the whole.


Please forgive any harsh treatment of your assertions. I did not mean to imply that my disagreement with you invalidates your conclusions. My goal was to present and contrast my view.


Please forgive any harsh treatment of your assertions. I did not mean to imply that my disagreement with you invalidates your conclusions. My goal was to present and contrast my view.

No harm done... but I did want you to support your assertions. I am approaching this from a combination of neurobiology and humanities, so my ideas may not be those familiar from textbooks, but meritorious all the same.


concious mind = mental functioning that is being processed at the time of the functioning.

Okay... it's always right now though.


unconcious mind = mental functioning that has been proceesed previously. What Freud called the Preconsciousness and the unconsciousness together is what I am refering to.

This sounds like you are saying that the unconscious mind is like a dump where all thoughts and functions about which we were previously conscious are sent "after now." If I were to suppose that there were this thing called "unconscious," (and I'm playing semantics here, because I think I know to what you're referring) that is not the definition I would hold to, so we are not yet parallel on this point.



Also, there have been a few new ideas presented in mind theory since the time of our cigar smoking, cocaine snorting, mother desiring, dream analyzing friend Sigmund. :)



complexity = the number of constituants composing the whole.

As we are discussing the reasons for or against a distinction in one's mind, a dichotomy described by the terms "conscious" and "unconscious," what constituents would you say apply, and at what point does the "number" of those imply complexity?


i.e... how many constituents does it take before it goes from "simple" to "complex," and again, of what are those contituents composed?



I am truly curious, and if your opinion differs from mine, no problem. However, when someone disagrees with me I want to know why so I can adjust my own mindset if appropriate.



Cheers. :eek2:

Okay... it's always right now though.
That is correct.
This sounds like you are saying that the unconscious mind is like a dump where all thoughts and functions about which we were previously conscious are sent "after now."
To discard would be to forget. The unconscious is what is retained.
If I were to suppose that there were this thing called "unconscious," (and I'm playing semantics here, because I think I know to what you're referring) that is not the definition I would hold to, so we are not yet parallel on this point.

Feel free to apply another label if unconscious gives you trouble.
Also, there have been a few new ideas presented in mind theory since the time of our cigar smoking, cocaine snorting, mother desiring, dream analyzing friend Sigmund. :evil:
You seem to have strong emotions about this man, why?
As we are discussing the reasons for or against a distinction in one's mind, a dichotomy described by the terms "conscious" and "unconscious," what constituents would you say apply,
A dichotomy implies opposition, balance, or equality. I did not mean to imply this. They are simple two aspects of mental function. They are never opposed, as every thought is a combination of the two.
and at what point does the "number" of those imply complexity?
Complexity is not a state but there are degrees of complexity. Perhaps I should have said increasing complexity.
i.e... how many constituents does it take before it goes from "simple" to "complex," and again, of what are those contituents composed?
When a task to be learned is new the conscious mind must be applied to the unfamiliar aspects of the task. This limits the relative complexity of the task that can be managed until the unfamiliar aspects become familiar this frees up the conscious to focus on internalizing more unfamiliar complexity. In computer programming object orientation is used to end run around having to familiarise oneself to new concept by labeling them to analogus familiar concepts. People do this everyday with metaphors in their explanations.

the Secret Of Life Is Revealed.


What Is The Purpose Of Life?


The Purpose Of Life Is To Live It On Purpose. To Live Inspired, To Be In-spirit.


The Purpose Of Life Is To Evaluate Your Journey.


The Purpose Of Life Is To Also Populate And This Part Is Real Fun.

the Secret Of Life Is Revealed.


What Is The Purpose Of Life?


The Purpose Of Life Is To Live It On Purpose. To Live Inspired, To Be In-spirit.


The Purpose Of Life Is To Evaluate Your Journey.


The Purpose Of Life Is To Also Populate And This Part Is Real Fun.


Cheers!!! Arkain:thumbs_up


Feel free to apply another label if unconscious gives you trouble.


You seem to have strong emotions about this man, why?


You charge by the hour or something? :eek: "Tell me about your mother..." Hahahaha.



It sounds like you are sure about that which is consciousness and that which is unconsciousness. Congratulations. That's awesome. Now, maybe you could articulate these concepts to the rest of us so we are no longer just looking at shadows of reality, but instead at reality itself.



Cheers. :eek2:

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