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if we want to delay the effects of global warming i.e. coastal flooding and the its associates, and at the same time get water to the drought stricken nations all we have to do is harvest the ice caps.

is that not a plausable route to take? or am i just presenting to the wrong audience?

Based on a web search for “iceberg water supply”, with finds from this commercial one to a wikipedia article, “iceberg harvesting” appears to be not only plausible, but to already have occurred on a small scale, from frivolities like novelty ice cubes (iceberg ice is claimed to melt more slowly than ordinary ice) and bottled water and vodka making (warning – flash animation) (iceberg water is very pure), to plans to (but, to my knowledge, no actual implementation expedition to) enclose an iceberg in plastic and supply Los Angeles or Saudi Arabia with fresh water for over a century. Compared to on-land reservoirs, icebergs are huge.


It’s an interesting subject, and surprisingly topical. Because iceberg harvesting has the potential to provide water to wealthy but water-poor countries with growing populations such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen for less than the cost of present day desalinization plants, it could substantially reduce theses countries needs for energy. The massive energy needs of desalinization plants are often candidates for nuclear power, raising the specter of civilian nuclear power being used to produce nuclear weapons, which is currently the source of much serious political difficulty in the middle east.


PS: welcome to hypography, greatdiver87! I think you’ll find this a good forum for this sort of discussion.

Ok, so when i posted my other thread with a question about global warming I didn't actually know too much about it. Well, the library in my town only has 4 books about global warming.. 2 were in the kids section:eek_big: . That is where i learned that between 1940 and 1970 scientists were actually concerned about an ice age coming. Even though I live in the north, thinking about an Ice Age scares me more than Global Warming. So it wouldn't really bother me that the earth is getting warmer if it wasn't for the coastal regions that could be destroyed. (and the poor polar bears:( ) So if the government doesn't want to cut down on greenhouse gases & stuff then shouldn't it make more preparations for flooding or what might happen (i'm still not totally sure what would happen)? I don't know if this thought makes sense yet.. but maybe I could get some more of your thoughts on this issue. :confused:


What was the new thought on Global Warming?


I think you fail to realize. Global warming leads to Global freezing. Ironic but that would be the case. Why don't you read on Global Warming on the internet instead of you're library? Of course there wouldn't be too many books. Global warming is still being debated, why? Because some scientist are pointing out how we already had an ice age and at that time there were no greenhouse gases, no CFC* nothing that would be consider harmful to the enviroment. So this is just a stage we are going through and we are not responsible for it and wether or not this global warming is really happening is still being debated. But somehow the load of data and record breaking storms around the planet seem to evade these peoples eyes.


*CFC is Cloroflorocarbon each one can destroy over 500 O3 (ozone, O2 is oxygen) molecules. CFC's come from paints and sprays we use around the world.


I fail to understand why you don't google this information.

What was the new thought on Global Warming?


I think you fail to realize. Global warming leads to Global freezing. Ironic but that would be the case. Why don't you read on Global Warming on the internet instead of you're library? Of course there wouldn't be too many books. Global warming is still being debated, why? Because some scientist are pointing out how we already had an ice age and at that time there were no greenhouse gases, no CFC* nothing that would be consider harmful to the enviroment. So this is just a stage we are going through and we are not responsible for it and wether or not this global warming is really happening is still being debated. But somehow the load of data and record breaking storms around the planet seem to evade these peoples eyes.


*CFC is Cloroflorocarbon each one can destroy over 500 O3 (ozone, O2 is oxygen) molecules. CFC's come from paints and sprays we use around the world.


I fail to understand why you don't google this information.


Well actually I have been researching Global Warming for school so i do know more about it now. But the reason why I had the thought which you quoted is because of people saying that global warming isn't happening or isn't a threat. Their arguements are convincing which is scary because I really am concerned about the earth but even I can be convinced to have doubts. That's why I think that global warming should be more publicized and brought to our attention. I don't know if you read the thread but I think a lot of the thoughts posted on here are new thoughts, at least I haven't read them anywhere else. But in the last little while I think that some politicians are starting to realize the problem and pay attention to it. And almost no scientists are saying that it isn't happening anymore. I think the problem is now if governments are going to find ways to combat the problem are not. And also for individual people to want to change their lives so that less global warming will occur. I don't think we would see any results anytime soon if we did change now, but I think future generations would be thankful. Plus new sources of energy would definitely be a good thing.. but in the end it comes down to politicians who are too greedy and just want all their oil money and all that.... anyways those are just some of my thoughts based on the research I've done.


And I just think that global warming should be discussed and publicized more. I wouldn't know anything about if I didn't pick it for my paper topic.

Well actually I have been researching Global Warming for school so i do know more about it now. But the reason why I had the thought which you quoted is because of people saying that global warming isn't happening or isn't a threat. Their arguements are convincing which is scary because I really am concerned about the earth but even I can be convinced to have doubts. That's why I think that global warming should be more publicized and brought to our attention. I don't know if you read the thread but I think a lot of the thoughts posted on here are new thoughts, at least I haven't read them anywhere else. But in the last little while I think that some politicians are starting to realize the problem and pay attention to it. And almost no scientists are saying that it isn't happening anymore. I think the problem is now if governments are going to find ways to combat the problem are not. And also for individual people to want to change their lives so that less global warming will occur. I don't think we would see any results anytime soon if we did change now, but I think future generations would be thankful. Plus new sources of energy would definitely be a good thing.. but in the end it comes down to politicians who are too greedy and just want all their oil money and all that.... anyways those are just some of my thoughts based on the research I've done.


And I just think that global warming should be discussed and publicized more. I wouldn't know anything about if I didn't pick it for my paper topic.


Well I am glad it HAS been brought to you're attention. Too many people regard it as nothing. But why turn a blind eye on something, if you know you can think of way to prevent it? Maybe some people are just hoping that it is nothing serious. Up until recently, I have been monitoring events since 1998, when global warming came to my attention, I was 8 at the time (you can do the math to know how old I am now). At the rate it was going back then it was obvious that by 2000 things would turn for the worst and some options of stopping this disaster became impossible. I remember in September (of this year) I think it was, I noted soooo many geological changes that I was jsut stunned that nobody cared. As welll, meterological, 100 mile part of anartica broke off, 10 days of non-stop rain in seatle, and so much more. Sea level rising, skin cancer, crop being ruined, global freezing, they are just basics of the Global Warming. When fresh water reachs the the underwater conveyer belt then all hell will break loose, well as beginning basicly. Climates have already begun to do this, but it will get worse, climate WILL change around the world. Flood will appear where there are usually droughts or good plantation, heat waves will flare as high as canada. But it doesn't matter what you do anymore, the year 2000 was the border line between what can be prevented and what could not. Brace yourself, the next 50 years will be quite the ride. Nah, make that 25 years.


Have you been watching Perfect Disaster or something like that on the discovery channel, all those events will happen if the situation are right, like in climate shifts. I believe you have seen "The Day after Tomorrow" ? The movie got most of it right, except the events happened too fast and were brought to a much higher extreme than reality. Also the hurricane in the very end? No way in hell will hurricane size of most the planet would dissapate in a week, it would ravage on for almost as century or two. Don't believe me? Then the Red Eye on jupitor would be the first place you should look. You wish to see the results of the greenhouse gases? again look towards space. Venus would be you're prime example.


Sorry to say, you're thoughts are nothing new. Also you make childish wish, where do you see logic in that? People will not abandon their way of life for something they aren't sure about. Do you dirve a car? Well if you care for gloabl warming, then stop driving! It pollutes the ozone layer to same extreme as CFCs. Well of course you won't stop driving. You need to get to work or whatever, human beings are too lazy to give up the things they have. How many things do you havei n you're room? Furniture out of wood is my first example. Trees are the first attempt to clear the greenhouse gases out the Earths atmosphere. But wait! Here you see all you're furniture, you know what? There is you're salvation from Globabl Warming. Dead and being used for you're benefits that will lead to you're demise. Ironic. How many other things do you have? all of which were manufactored in factories They polllute everythingl the water, the soil, the air. Nothing you can do to stop this. You've passed you're chance of salvation. New sources of energy? scientist try that, electric, solar, hydrogen powered work well, but its all too expensive. The only you thing you can do is wait, politics don't care about the science, they care about politics, that why we have politicans and scientist, not one and the same thing. Funny how in latin poli means many and tics means blood sucking creatures....so ... politics means ....wow. Sorry if it sounds depressing, but there isn't much left to do. Doesn't mean you should stop trying whatever you're trying, just saying. Earth's resources won't last forever and the way we use them, niether will Earth.

Well I am glad it HAS been brought to you're attention. Too many people regard it as nothing. But why turn a blind eye on something, if you know you can think of way to prevent it? Maybe some people are just hoping that it is nothing serious. Up until recently, I have been monitoring events since 1998, when global warming came to my attention, I was 8 at the time (you can do the math to know how old I am now). At the rate it was going back then it was obvious that by 2000 things would turn for the worst and some options of stopping this disaster became impossible. I remember in September (of this year) I think it was, I noted soooo many geological changes that I was jsut stunned that nobody cared. As welll, meterological, 100 mile part of anartica broke off, 10 days of non-stop rain in seatle, and so much more. Sea level rising, skin cancer, crop being ruined, global freezing, they are just basics of the Global Warming. When fresh water reachs the the underwater conveyer belt then all hell will break loose, well as beginning basicly. Climates have already begun to do this, but it will get worse, climate WILL change around the world. Flood will appear where there are usually droughts or good plantation, heat waves will flare as high as canada. But it doesn't matter what you do anymore, the year 2000 was the border line between what can be prevented and what could not. Brace yourself, the next 50 years will be quite the ride. Nah, make that 25 years.


Have you been watching Perfect Disaster or something like that on the discovery channel, all those events will happen if the situation are right, like in climate shifts. I believe you have seen "The Day after Tomorrow" ? The movie got most of it right, except the events happened too fast and were brought to a much higher extreme than reality. Also the hurricane in the very end? No way in hell will hurricane size of most the planet would dissapate in a week, it would ravage on for almost as century or two. Don't believe me? Then the Red Eye on jupitor would be the first place you should look. You wish to see the results of the greenhouse gases? again look towards space. Venus would be you're prime example.


Sorry to say, you're thoughts are nothing new. Also you make childish wish, where do you see logic in that? People will not abandon their way of life for something they aren't sure about. Do you dirve a car? Well if you care for gloabl warming, then stop driving! It pollutes the ozone layer to same extreme as CFCs. Well of course you won't stop driving. You need to get to work or whatever, human beings are too lazy to give up the things they have. How many things do you havei n you're room? Furniture out of wood is my first example. Trees are the first attempt to clear the greenhouse gases out the Earths atmosphere. But wait! Here you see all you're furniture, you know what? There is you're salvation from Globabl Warming. Dead and being used for you're benefits that will lead to you're demise. Ironic. How many other things do you have? all of which were manufactored in factories They polllute everythingl the water, the soil, the air. Nothing you can do to stop this. You've passed you're chance of salvation. New sources of energy? scientist try that, electric, solar, hydrogen powered work well, but its all too expensive. The only you thing you can do is wait, politics don't care about the science, they care about politics, that why we have politicans and scientist, not one and the same thing. Funny how in latin poli means many and tics means blood sucking creatures....so ... politics means ....wow. Sorry if it sounds depressing, but there isn't much left to do. Doesn't mean you should stop trying whatever you're trying, just saying. Earth's resources won't last forever and the way we use them, niether will Earth.


Ok, so if destroying the earth is so inevitable then why r u even talking about it?

It's true that we can't escape a certain amount of global warming because of the gasses that already exist and they will continue to exist there for a long time, but thinking about future generations, it would be beneficial to start changing things now. When you say Earth's resources won't last forever- what about renewable energy sources? It seems like you're mad about what is happening to the earth but you seem to be blaming instead of starting on an individual level to do what you can. Not everybody will be able to lives as energy efficient lives as they would in a perfect world, but whatever anybody can do will be enough to satisfy most people. Earth has gone through these changes before so I think it will survive, but our ways of life, where we live, things like these could be changed. I think that your attitude on this subject is probably a common one, but it won't help, so don't criticize somebody you don't even know.


. . .


Hm. Chill. OK now we that we are all relaxed, let continue. I am not giving any negative attitude, I am saying, there is little you can do at this stage. Prepare and thats all. I am not critizing you, I don't see the point. Now that we got our emotions striaght lets get down to buisness, shall we?


Missed my point I see. And something you misunderstand in general. Allow me to clarify. First of all, I am not "mad" frankly I don't give rats *** any more, saving the the enviroment was never my cup of tea anyways.


You are being naive. Yes what you are saying makes perfect sense, but why don't you throw some EXAMPLES at us how we can solve these things? Hm? And how do you think on social scale it would work? It wouldn't, I am not blaming anyone. I am pointing out the hard reality of the matter. Saving the future generations? A little late for that. Doesn't mean you're suppose to kick the bucket and roll over and die. Hell no. Surivival is the primal instinct of the human race. We survived one ice age, we can do it again. Adopt or die. The way you say it "could be changed" makes it sound like its a little snow fall, nothing serious. If you believe you can still do something. FINE. Why don't you throw a bone (an idea) at the scientific community and stop saying "We should find a better fuel source" or whatnot. Sit down and breath. Think. What can you do to change a whole climate? Now you think about that. When an idea pops up, come back here and discuss it. Keep you're cool.

. . .


Hm. Chill. OK now we that we are all relaxed, let continue. I am not giving any negative attitude, I am saying, there is little you can do at this stage. Prepare and thats all. I am not critizing you, I don't see the point. Now that we got our emotions striaght lets get down to buisness, shall we?


Missed my point I see. And something you misunderstand in general. Allow me to clarify. First of all, I am not "mad" frankly I don't give rats *** any more, saving the the enviroment was never my cup of tea anyways.


You are being naive. Yes what you are saying makes perfect sense, but why don't you throw some EXAMPLES at us how we can solve these things? Hm? And how do you think on social scale it would work? It wouldn't, I am not blaming anyone. I am pointing out the hard reality of the matter. Saving the future generations? A little late for that. Doesn't mean you're suppose to kick the bucket and roll over and die. Hell no. Surivival is the primal instinct of the human race. We survived one ice age, we can do it again. Adopt or die. The way you say it "could be changed" makes it sound like its a little snow fall, nothing serious. If you believe you can still do something. FINE. Why don't you throw a bone (an idea) at the scientific community and stop saying "We should find a better fuel source" or whatnot. Sit down and breath. Think. What can you do to change a whole climate? Now you think about that. When an idea pops up, come back here and discuss it. Keep you're cool.


Well I just finished a research paper on global warming so i don't quite feel like giving examples right now just to sound smart or something. Maybe if you read my posts, I have put some ideas in this forum. And I never said "we should find a better fuel source". Other fuel sources have been around for a long time but the issue is how to change over to them and if people are willing to do so, etc. Maybe I should be posting examples of things people can do and why people do them, but I've found that most people on this site are aware of what they can do and decide to figure it out for themselves if they want to.


I have very little to say. Some parts that touched my nerve were " i don't quite feel like giving examples right now just to sound smart or something" what exactly do you hope to achieve by making this thread? You did say "we should find a better fuel source". you just said it like so "I think it would definatly help if we have better energy source" or something among those lines you did say, what i rephrased meant the same thing. Yes maybe you should be posting examples...YOURE examples, not the one we all are aware of. You know the situation, so think of new ideas, your ideas to how to solve htis problem. Thats what I am saying. Don't give things that already were proposed, think of better ways. Or if you wish, ways to achieve the new methods that were proposed. Good luck with you're findings.

I have very little to say. Some parts that touched my nerve were " i don't quite feel like giving examples right now just to sound smart or something" what exactly do you hope to achieve by making this thread? You did say "we should find a better fuel source". you just said it like so "I think it would definatly help if we have better energy source" or something among those lines you did say, what i rephrased meant the same thing. Yes maybe you should be posting examples...YOURE examples, not the one we all are aware of. You know the situation, so think of new ideas, your ideas to how to solve htis problem. Thats what I am saying. Don't give things that already were proposed, think of better ways. Or if you wish, ways to achieve the new methods that were proposed. Good luck with you're findings.


Ok, sorry. I should've said "I think we should start UTILIZING different energy sources". But honestly I don't think that I can think of anything new here. I'm not a scientist. With this thread I just hoped to discuss climate change and learn more about it from other people. I am mainly concerned about people ignoring the problem and not knowing what the problem is. I don't think solving the global warming problem is my life's calling or anything but I'm just going to conserve energy when I can, recycle, etc. and when I can take part in other ways to protect the environment I will. Maybe the only idea I have in this issue is for all news sites and big websites to include environment sections as well as their business, health sections etc. Probably most people on this site know about global warming, but I think that too many people don't know about it or don't know enough about it. For now, i'm gonna take a break from researching this issue cuz my brain hurts, but I hope people will continue to discuss so i can read it and have my input on it also.


First off there is no such thing as an entirely renewable energy source...

any time you consume energy, matter is converted and lost as heat...example hydrogen fuel in a fuel cell reaction is consumed with oxygen yielding heat and water. The water produced will not equal the water used to produce the hydrogen in the first place. So eventually there would be a water crisis similar to the present oil crisis.


Fuels derived from organic matter once burned yield co, co2, h2o,c etc. and heat the heat portion is lost forever once used as are the soil nutrients needed to produce the organic matter.



Secondly people (the masses in general but not everyone) only care about the environment when any of the following apply:

1. It's fashionable to be environmentally concious

2. It involves little or no effort or commitment

3. there's big bucks to be had (ie it's highly proffitable to be environmentally friendly)

4. it becomes too inconvienient to not to be E.F. (If everyone had to choose between personally takeing their trash to the landfill or setting their recycleables properly separated to the curb for pickup...which do you think they would choose?)



another example

Diesels have long been unpopular due to the inconveniences associated with them...they are hard to start when cold, finding fuel can be hit or miss (not good when your running on fumes), in really cold climates they require special winterised diesel or a degree in mixology to keep diesel from gelling kerosine and or gasoline must be mixed with the diesel in proper proportions. Get this mix wrong and all sorts of headaches can pop up.

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