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Did Slavery Actually Create Superior Physicalities In Blacks??

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I'd be very interested in seeing some scientific evidence to support this.


There are many non-Africans winning, say, Olympic medals (a Norwegian snatched the gold in the 800 meters at Atlanta).


Claims like yours need to be backed up - there CAN be questions about this. Who did the selective breeding, and was the purpose to create athletes?


Common sense has to be employed here. The suggestion initially is that the strongest slaves were bred together, which is what any plantation owner would have done to maximize his investment. We cannot run the world purely by the book. Maps are only needed when we are truly lost - so we do need tha library. But the best among us use their gut instinct. Nature breeds out the weak too. But mankind is a past master at producing thourough breds.


As a long-time admirer, not just of African culture, but also black beauty, I have had an interesting time here in America seeing ancient genetic throwbacks of two distinct African body types keep reappearing. The tall slender Nilo-hematics (waTutusi. Masia Turkana etc and the shorter more powerfylly built Nguni's - Zulu, Kikiyu, Ibo etc. Sometimes both types reappear in the same family. Witness the two Williams tennis prodigies, Venus and Serena. The interbreeding here with Europeans is producing some of the most beautiful and healthy people on the planet. The day will come when we all inherit that athleticism.


One thing all of us should never forget. We are all on family. The trail of mitochondrial DNA traces every culture on the planet back to Africa - to the the San Bushmen of the Kalahari to be exact.

Black testosterone facts:



Black violence facts:



You guys need to separate your emotion's from facts.


My God man! Give it a rest already!

Stalin and Hitler and their cronies must have been loaded with the stuff.

Obviously you have never experienecd how kind and generous a black man can be once you show him that you are atrue brother and stop presecuting him for the color of his skin. He is fighting for his self-respect because of the "facts" our culture is shoving at him under the guise of science.


You guys need to separate your emotion's from facts.


You need to seperate your racist fantasy from reality.


That's a complete non-sequiter.










It is not at all clear that "elevated testosterone" is soley responsible for violent behavior.


FURTHERMORE. It is not clear that "elevated testosterone" is genetic.




OR that it exists as a matter of course in African Americans.




PDF warning.


You reasoning is merely specious, sloppy, and wrong.


Your intent is hateful, poisonous and disgusting. Every post you have made on this board has been nothing but racism wrapped up in science, or just blatant racism. (I looked them up.)


Your views are filthy. Your opinions are the foulest of poisons

because they are made up to sound reasonable. THEY ARE NOT. They are lies, lies, lies. The most damnable of lies, the lie with half a truth.


I'm getting tired of having your vitriol intrude upon my life.




Where'd all the love go? Amazing how a question can cause a war... Good thing Racoon didn't post a picture of Michael Jordan or something. People'd be bombing Burger King and ****... :cool:



<poor Muhammed drawing reference>

Where'd all the love go? Amazing how a question can cause a war...


Racism is Ugly.

Black Americans fight a War everyday!! :eek2: :lol:


Our College President, Dr. Branch, is African-American and talked with us in Sociology 102. He said (paraphrasing): Every morning, when he looks in the Mirror, he wonders how being black will affect him that day in a Racial America


MagnetMan's posts have been insightful. as well as TFS's :omg:

I agree that Black people are undeniably generous; But you have to prove yourself first...AND constantly prove yourself. :cool:


But once you're in, its all Good in tha' Hood! :eek2:


Praising Beautiful African Cultures (and Genetics),



It's this continuing sense of difference that is destroying us as a society... and it spreads far beyond skin color. Regional background, economic class... hell, saying that humans and animals are different, or animals and plants for that matter.


One love, one life... let's get together and...


I thought it might be interesting to add another observation about how the mix of black cultures affect athletics.


Afro/Asian Americans are most famously represented by Tiger Woods. I lived for five years in the Far East. Both Hinduism and Buddhism have an ancient history of practicing mnind control techniques as a spiritual discipline. In Thailand, until recently, every young man was supposed to spend three years in a Buddhist monastery. Hundreds of generations of such practice imprint in their genetic behavior. The grace and power of a black physique shows up in Tiger's golf stroke. The will power to keep his concentration, even under extreme pressure, is what separates him from every other golfer that has ever lived.


It is not at all clear that "elevated testosterone" is soley responsible for violent behavior.

"elevated testosterone" is not soley responsible for violent behavior.


But, when you combine "elevated testosterone" with low IQ levels, then you can gain more of a understanding of the violent nature of blacks.



Why else do you think blacks cause the overwelming majority of violent crime in the world?


so i was scrolling down and reading all the lovely posts about equality and then comes that post...it is my opinion, that though the statistics may point to black humans causeing more crime...i refuse to believe it purely becasue i think that certain races are set up from the time they come in to this country. black crime is a byproduct of corprate america, they arent given the good jobs sometimes when they deserve them and this causes them to desire more, thus you get narcotics distribution and petty theft, which evolves witht hings like gang wars and disputes in neighborhoods.


To J.B. -


Quacks, bigots and things that disprove your point.


You're too deep in your own insecurity to ever be redeemed. So, for you, I wish the foulest thing I can think of for bigots and pigs.


I hope your children grow up to be tolerant thoughtful people. That way, they will be as ashamed to be related to you as I am to share a country with you.




edited: to remove the especially mean parts.


Stats on violent crimes by ethnicity. Look at who is collecting them. Look at how representative a sample of the population it is. Look at if the measurement matches the question (does measuring cups of coffee drank dictate caffiene in my system? What if it's decaf? What if I also drink soda and take supplements? Always other factors). Anyway, statistics can be skewed to prove just about anything, especially as the sample size grows.



There are three types of lies:

1) lies

2) damn lies

3) statistics

...i refuse to believe it purely becasue i think that certain races are set up from the time they come in to this country. black crime is a byproduct of corprate america, they arent given the good jobs sometimes when they deserve them and this causes them to desire more, thus you get narcotics distribution and petty theft, which evolves witht hings like gang wars and disputes in neighborhoods.
By far the majority of "black crime" is outside the U.S then within it.


It is in America where blacks have by far have the highest standard of living then anywhere else in the world.


The places in the world where blacks have complete control, have the lowest standard of living in the world, Africa, Haiti, New Orleans Etc......

Stats on violent crimes by ethnicity. Look at who is collecting them. Look at how representative a sample of the population it is.
So then show ANY FACTS or STATS that show blacks commit crime at excatly the same rate as others.


In the mean time, here is a BLACK MAN'S "Stats on violent crimes by ethnicity".


In one recent year, the FBI recorded 1.7 million violent acts -- murder, manslaughter, rape, and aggravated assault -- of interracial crime. Of that figure, nearly 1.2 million involved black-white crime. Ninety percent of these cases involved a black perpetrator and a white victim. Thus, blacks, while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed over one million acts of violent crime against whites. On the other hand, whites, while comprising 70 percent of the population, committed about 100,000 acts of violent crime against blacks.


Look at hate crime. In 1995, the FBI recorded 7,947 incidents of hate crimes. But blacks, again while comprising 12 percent of the population, committed 27 percent of hate crimes. Whites, 70 percent of the population, committed 59 percent of hate crimes. And of the nearly one million black violent acts against whites, how many were driven by racial animus? During the 1992 Los Angeles riots, Damien "Football" Williams assaulted white trucker Reginald Denny. Williams clearly targeted Denny because of his race, even allowing a black motorist to proceed unharmed. But despite hate-crime laws on the books, authorities never charged Williams with a hate crime.


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