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good - do you think we should have a birthday for the earth? what day do you think it was? :phones:


Well, if Religion is Bunk, then we need to "Create" Scientific Holidays


Earth day will surplant Christmas.

Atom day will be the new Easter.


Physics day will replace Hanukkah...


Everyone recycles, turns off the electricity, and plants a tree!!! :singer: ;)


A holiday comes from the root "Holy Day."


Perhaps we could create scidays instead... but, then, everybody would think we were drunk, stuttering our speech and trying to say either "Fridays" or "Sideways." Religion is just so much simpler. :phones:

Today is International Earth Day! :phones:


lets do our parts to ensure a healthy environment. :singer:


Earth Day didn't even make the Noon news. Hardly any 'one' is changing what they do. All this organizing holidays & rallies to decry government, science, religion, etc. Just how much Earth resource is consumed driving to these things, printing flyers, etc. etc. etc.?

Few have any intention of using less of anything. All the study & legislation is fruitless in the face of individual greed. Average people don't fast, don't drive less, don't plant victory gardens, don't plant trees, don't conserve water, don't write their legislators, don't limit consumption, don't do a damn thing about their own greed except deny it.


ill do my part!




apart from my normal "conserve the earth" rituals, thats about it. i like to think that i am a good earth patron.


scientific holidays! would that still permit presents? :naughty:

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