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HOT BUTTON!!! ;) :)


500,000 strong marching against New and Tougher reforms!


My basic tenet stands the same, albeit modified after some intelligent and not-so-intelligent posts on an earlier thread!


Here is why its good, and why it is needed...


> the ones who were demonstrating AGAINST these reforms are mostly Mexicans and Latinos. But it seems to me, now that they have sufficient numbers, want to keep 'exploiting' America by saying "Its OK to get here illegally and do whatever...and take advantage of the resources even more"


> How the HELL, do we realistically expect to keep the TERRORISTS out, when all they need to do is cross a barb-wire fence??


> Why 'encourage' Illegal activity if there is no fear of repurcussions?


I think making it a felony to be here illegally, WON'T help the problem.

BUT, making Stiff Penalties for Hiring Illegal Aliens WILL curb the need for such illegals, and make them think twice before Breaking the Law!!:D :D


Again, there is NO EASY answer...

But it is clear something must change...


more to come,



There's only one solution: Go be an Illegal Immigrant in Mexico. Should be easy since, Presidente Fox supports illegal immigration, and I'm sure even your skills are in great demand there! I hear Mexico City has many attractions, or go to Cabo where there are plenty of Gringo babes to hit on!





What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha" mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have the numbers, the political will and the organizational skills to direct our own destinies and not be subservient to the White and Jewish power structures. It means that we can now undertake bigger and more significant mass actions to achieve total political and economic liberation.



  Racoon said:
HOT BUTTON!!!...Penalties for Hiring Illegal Aliens WILL curb the need for such illegals...

Okay, you dun riled me up, Raccy. If'n there's one thing that gripes my gizzard, it's them goldanged aliens illegally coming here and getting hired by folks what is too stupid to see that they have blue skin and little antennas with suckers on the end. I say we clean Area 51 up!!!! And send them aliens back to Mars or Alfalfa Centauri or where ever the hell they came from!!!! But not before they finish picking the strawberry crop and we figger out how their flying saucers work!!!

  Pyrotex said:
Okay, you dun riled me up, Raccy. If'n there's one thing that gripes my gizzard, it's them goldanged aliens illegally coming here and getting hired by folks what is too stupid to see that they have blue skin and little antennas with suckers on the end. I say we clean Area 51 up!!!! And send them aliens back to Mars or Alfalfa Centauri or where ever the hell they came from!!!! But not before they finish picking the strawberry crop and we figger out how their flying saucers work!!!


I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.

  J.B said:
What does the immense success of "La Gran Marcha" mean to Mexicanos and other Latinos? It simply means that we now have...


Uh, "we"? Are you a Latino white power troll?


Creatin' your own little reality there, Mr. Not-so-Cholo?


Pay no attention to the mental midget behind the scotch!


  Buffy said:

The great and powerful slayer has spoken,


I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.

  J.B said:
I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.
  J.B said:
I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.
  J.B said:
I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.
  J.B said:
I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.
  J.B said:
I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.
  J.B said:
I'm sometimes jealous of people like yourself, that can escape reality and create there own little world.
Well, folks, it looks like a 'bot....


Move along, show's ovah,


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