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Alrighty then! :)

Lets get down to some Numbers and Analysis shall we?


What kinda' pollster doesn't follow up with the data?


But don't forget, some of these polls are still young yet, and your vote could swing the difference! :hyper:

There will be more updates as MORE votes are cast and tallied and accounted for...


POLL: Do you help the Homeless?

Results (so far): Yup! Hypo's are into helping the Homeless! thats awesome.

Only 8.33 % do NOT do something to help in some capacity.

+ there are at least 2 bleeding hearts around! :) :love:


POLL: Favorite Pizza

Results (so far): Hungry Hungry Hypographers!:tongue:

Most people seem to have individual tastes 36.84%

While there are a number of Carnivores! 26.32% :evil:


POLL: Archery

Most everybody has shot a Bow and Arrow a bit,or before 63.16%

There is one serious Bow Hunter in the bushes here somewhere! 5.26%


POLL: What Do You Believe??

ITS CLOSE FOLKS. looks like a real election!


We are Godless the majority party 23.53%

Believe in God w/ Intelligent Life close at 20.59%


there is also an interesting balance of swing votes with

Yes only 1 god! 11.76%

No, and I doubt it! 11.76%

Remember! - there is still time to Vote! So if you haven't already, you have that priveledge.


Todays Report Brought to you by Racoon,

Listening to the Beat on the Street! :note: :note2: :)


The system is biased toward people without multiple personality disorder. Until each of a person's personalities gets an equal democratic say in the process there will be no peace. :) :tongue:


Bill, Billy, William, Dad


This one just in from the telegraph! :tongue:


Surprising High number of Ambidexterous people on board 31.25%!

Still 56% are right handed.

Only 2 true of Us lefthanders that have come out and voted from the woodwork :note2:


Responses Are Encouraged.

Lobby People! Lobby!! :) :hyper:


a Pollster's work is never done :evil:


POLL: What kind of Movies??

Not even close so far. Sci-Fi Rules! 56.25% :)

a small majority of minority like a good laugh Comedy 12.50% :hyper:


POLL: Have you been arrested??

This one is still in its infancy, but it is clear...

Hypographers are clearly No Saints! :note:


70% have had infractions with the law and have spent Hard Time in the Can!

30% haven't been caught yet! :note2:


Bringing you the Beat from the Street, :tongue: :love:

riley Racoon


This just in :singer:


POLL: Do you vote?

Majority of Hypographers Always vote! 52%

28% vote on issues of personal importance.


Sounds like Hypos get things done! :)



POLL: Buckminister Fuller?

Has the 37.5% who never heard of Buck-Min heard of him now?

37.5% said they were gonna' look at his work...:ebaskbal:

Hows that going?


from The beat that dances on sidewalks, :(

Rac the repster


Pollstering is thirsty work! :beer:


This feedback and analysis just in...:email: :shrug:


HallenRM's poll...:)

POLL: What will the main energy be in the Future?

So far the Majority of Hypo's think it will be Hydrogen! 42.86%

another 21.43% think outside the box and say Portable Nuclear Fission :eek2:


POLL: Least Favorite Music? :hihi: :note:

with multiple choice options its clear...

Nearly half, 42.37% disdain Rap!

another 36.84% turn the station away from R&B


There appears to be a serious lack of Brothers here :eek: :)


POLL: How often do you drink?

Hypos are a relatively Sober Bunch! :)

26.79% Never drink a drop

while another 21.43% might on rare occasion have a couple


10.72% however only Drink in days that end in 'Y' :hihi:

:) :)


Bringing You the Beat from the Street,:) :note: :cup:

Rascally Rac


Latest Updates...:hihi: :(


POLL: Favorite Season

Not many voters yet...

Autumn is clearly the favorite so far 42.86%


POLL: Will World peace ever occur??

Hypographers are Pessimistic, or at least Realistic! :eek_big:

46.15% say It'll never happen

another 23.08% say there are too many Whack-jobs for peace to be possible.


Get out there and vote...

Your voice being heard is just a mouse click away! :)


Any alternative interpretations of the Data??


Bringing you the beat, :hihi:

From the street :) :cup:

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