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well folks,

I've done my homework

and I DO NOT see why entheogenic substances, today, are ILLEGAL!


It's a fact that humans have been interacting with mind altering herbs, roots, flowers, and toad venom:eek2: for thousands and thousands of years.

Quite possibly even millions (what do you guys think?)


I think somewhere around the time the Human could pick things up and GOT CURIOUS, was the same time the human picked up the mushroom, tripped, and BAM

Conscious thought was jumpstarted.


I'm sure many monkeyhuman things died during the process of learning which mushrooms did what,

and I bet it forced them to look into details

and other possibilities.

Further conscious evolution.


There's a reason why all those tribes wear masks and dance around fires pounding on drums hummming mantras!!!


Don't you feel it?!?!?!?!?


As a kid you are told not to touch toads, especially not lick them!


'cause you'll get warts?


There's a good chance that frog'll have psychedelic vemon

and if you lick that stuff you're going to trip on DMT for an hour!


A childs brain can't handle the intense neural renetworking that psychedelics do to it!


Oh, and one other thing.


This DMT chemical we're talking about here get's released into the brain/body right before you die.


and if THAT's true we must have one WEIRD death...

anyone who's ingested a psychedelic alkaloid knows how much weird stuff you observe,

and think about.

It's not about the hallucinations,

it's about the FEELINGS, and thoughts!

Your brain on overdrive.


Entheogenic substances have become a taboo.

Something degrading, looked down upon.

When our relationship with them is truly one of the most beautiful things i've ever experienced. There are many out there who will agree with me.


I feel exactly like a modern day Shaman.


I mean, think about it.

I ingest and distribute entheobotanicals throughout my tribe; friends; community

I bang on my drum

the rhythm gets me day dreaming

and when I dream I am a medium wedged between other dimensions.

Sorcery isn't magic.


The only ones left are the ones who truly seek.


I don't know anyone else that's hacking down cacti in the middle of the night.

See: San Pedro; Mescaline.


It's just strange to know something right,

and know that's only an opinion.


This is my passion, And I want to teach a class on it or something.


What established ritual pattern do you follow in the use of your favorite flavor of hallucinogen? When using the term Entheogen, it seems to me that this is attached to a spiritual / religious endeavor rather than a "whoo hooo, lets get naked and party" attitude.


You speak of your tribe. Are you speaking of a particular tribe or one that you have established via personal commitment outside of recognised terms.


Personally, I dont think that tripping is an inherently bad thing and most often an enjoyable experience. But I also am aware of how easily something that makes you "feel good" can become a problem for yourself and others.


So I am trying to establish where you are comming from with this post. Are you upset about the illegality because you feel its an infringement on religious freedom, or are you disturbed because something you enjoy is illegal?


News flash-


The reason that hallucinogens cycle out of favor is that they are really, really dangerous.


If any of you had the opportunity to spend any extended time with one of the erstwhile college students from the late '60s that aggressively experimented with LSD, STP and mescaline, you would realize that these little gems are not harmless. By and large, these little gems are no longer drugs of abuse. Once the word gets out, the usage falls.


I recall sitting in on an intake (on a lock-up ward in a VA facility in the late '70's) with a guy that was enrolled at a CA institution (Berkeley as I recall) in the late '60s. It took him about 30 seconds to articulate a simple sentence. Something like "I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me". Try making that sentence consume 30 seconds. Really, try it. Then recall that this guy was enrolled at Berkeley (which even then had pretty high admission standards). This guy used to actually think. Not anymore.


That is why LSD and STP are not used much anymore. MDMA is next.



Hallucinogens are really, really, really bad news.


and I DO NOT see why entheogenic substances, today, are ILLEGAL!


As a kid you are told not to touch toads, especially not lick them!


'cause you'll get warts?


There's a good chance that frog'll have psychedelic vemon

and if you lick that stuff you're going to trip on DMT for an hour!


Entheogenic substances have become a taboo.

Something degrading, looked down upon.


I feel exactly like a modern day Shaman.


This is my passion, And I want to teach a class on it or something.


Toads and frogs can be poisonous with NO tripping out :)

ie Poison Dart frog!

whereby's Indians used to "carefully" lace the ends of their arrows with the stuff for a nastier result. :)

If the frog or Toad is neon orange, its a clue to leave it alone! :D


Due to the unpredictable effects of Entheogens, its probably wiser that they not be readily available for the masses.


I think they are OK for experimental purposes; and as Biochemist stated, keep the uses short, Get the shamanistic direction you seek, and outgrow the phase hopefully with no serious long term consequences...:cup:


Good Enthusiasm Orby!!:)


ps. Acid hasn't been around here for ages...

Mushrooms yes...But even then there aren't any many Liberty Caps :girl: :boy:


biochemist you witnessed what happens when you trip all the time!


You wear down on your neurons because you are OVERUSING them.

it's like moving your arm A LOT and the cartilage in your joints wearing down.


Moderate uses of psychedelics will yield very positive effects.

every once and a while over using your brain is much like a "short-cut" in your brains own evolution.


But if you're using acid every day, all day.....for years....

You're done for.

That is for sure, biochemist!


and that's ACID.

What about Kava kava?

Mugwort? Marijuana?

Datura, salvia?

There are so many!

Hundreds, of thousands of different things a human can ingest many different ways

to simply Feel different.



and it's not like i have a tribe!


I've got some friends.

But those days are over.

We live in the city!

I don't practice anything, I just do what feels right.

Usually lots of meditation involved.


and lots of weird, odd timed music.


What bothers me is something that is a part of our culture, our evolution, is now banned and considered a bad thing.

People don't even know!

No one does any research!

They only listen to what this person tells them,

and this person learned from their mom,

who learned it on TELEVISION.


Cha Ching,

There's the problem

Not like it's a problem...

it's just strange...


and racoon is right,

if you don't trip from touching one toad

you could die from touching the other!


Toads are kind of like mushrooms now that I think about it...


Tripping is always a spiritual endevour for me,

I don't use them to..."party"


Most of the times I'll be alone in my room,

a safe environment,

where I can just listen to my thoughts,


make art.

It's intense, and weird, and so amazing that it's all just chemical processes.


Why do you all legally drink alcohol?


I don't understand.


That substance makes you dumb, makes you feel sick!


Imagine something that would make you think so hard,

so indepth,

so crazy it would just make you laugh!

Laugh so hard that the next day your jaw might be sore because you smiled for 12 hours straight! HA


Now let's talk about MDMA.

Shulgin's Love potion!

It is an amphetamine chemical, so right there you know right off the bat not to over use this chemical.


I've tried it twice, and I'm never doing it again because all it does is enhance your senses...just a little bit.


Kids are doing this stuff laced with more meth, more uppers all the time.

And they get obsessed with the unity tied to this drug,

and they just dance.


It sounds fun,

but after a while they aren't going to be as passionate normally.

Their brains are already wearing down, fast.


Does anybody know anywhere where I can read actual studies on Amphetamines and brains? I do not know enough about them.

Just that I personally hate them,

they're addictive psychologically, and some are horribly addictive physically.


MDMA has been on the street since the 90's,

people have been raving with Ecstacy for almost 15 years now.

It always blows up a little bit every now and then.


i live in the bay area, there are raves here all the time.

Loud repetitive music,

lots of people dressed weird,

and trippy lights.


I personally prefer to go somewhere in nature,

perch myself up on a rock somewhere

and think about the threes breathing, and swaying in an almost liquid pool beneath me.


Just know yourself,

try things, but use them moderately.

Don't do LSD every day!

Too much of a good thing can be bad.



Due to the unpredictable effects of Entheogens, its probably wiser that they not be readily available for the masses.



that's why I've found those who seek

are the most interesting humans on the planet.


No wonder jimi hendrix was so innovative,


Moderate uses of psychedelics will yield very positive effects.

every once and a while over using your brain is much like a "short-cut" in your brains own evolution.


But if you're using acid every day, all day.....for years....

You're done for.

That is for sure, biochemist!..

I was making a simpler argument. Hallucinogens (this does not include marijuana or alcohol) can cause irreversible damage to specific brain tracts very quickly, and unpredictably. This is unlike alcohol. Alcohol can cause predictable, dose-related damaged to neurons with chronic use. Hallucinogens can cause irreversible damage after a very small number of trials.


The notion of Russion Roulette should come to mind.


MDMA is not dangerous becasue of its sympathomimetic effects (like amphetamine). It is dangerous because of its halucinogenic effects.


For the record I usually visit my spiritual world once a month.

Every night I walk their with meditation,

it's a long walk, and I never run, or get there thru just closing my eyes and breathing.


But i get close and I see it glowing, REminding.

This is no phase I'm going though,

I remember when i was 13 years old telling my mother I wanted to do shrooms.

I didn't even know anything about them,

but there was my instincts telling me to go out and trip!

Find yourself, discover the world

see it how it really is.

Explore as much as you can, go.


I asked my mom to get some for me, but she laughed and of course didn't.

If we lived tribe-like, she probably would have.

They're illegal, though.

If you sell them to somebody you will be charged with



How absurd.

I've always been seeking things out there to make me feel different.

Whether it's a girl, a dream machine, a twamp, or a swing-set.

I'll always be searching for new feelings,

old feelings,

and i'll blend them with this, and that.

I'll look into the mirror and not see me,

but a dying tree, white.


Fact: If you induce mescaline,

you are probably going to puke (kind of like alcohol!)

But instead of feeling dumb and silly,

you'll probably just sit back and discover that every single thought is an epiphany.

You'd sit back and admire the sun,

your love

and realize that there is knowledge just flowing into your brain.


You'll unite with you, or your buddies, and fall asleep.

Waking up in the morning wide-eyed and sober.




You take acid,

there's no turning back.


and I'll never be the same.


Too much of it though, and you're gone forever.

You won't be able to fire off neurons anymore

because your dumb *** did too many drugs!


I think MDMA isn't dangerous,

but like all chemicals, enough of it will wear down on YOU.

And you'll become you, just less.

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