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I don't think in future there will be a generation that can be so much a impact to our world as our baby boomers, so therefore, it is important for scientists to find a way to cure aging. there are many factors that cause aging that have been discovered, so it is just a matter of fact to find strategies to cure them. Aging process is naturally programed in our bodies; therefore, if we know how to modify our bodies, why not making us be younger?


I have a few ways to solve the impact of consequence by living forever:


1. Most industrialized countries--Japan, US--have lowest rate of having babies; therefore, if people of those regions want to live with the latest medical treatments, forcing them not to have kids will be wise choices, or if they want to have, they may not join.


2. Developing countries are poor, so they have many babies. Don't let them enjoy the latest medicines because that will make them live longer; thus, they can live in old ways they want.


3. Try to build up some facilities that can keep an eye on those religious fanatics. Some religious fanatics might try to ruin our diligently-built progress that can turn the world better, so if we monitor them, we can save those babyboomer along with old fellows to the bests.


And we should also try to focus on colonizing to some other planets which have similar life-supports as earth, so I think we need more astrounounts along with geographists to explore the outer space.


However, if you have some older grandparents that you wish them to live longer, try to focus on cryogenic facility. I beleive nowadays techniques are mature enough. And Make sure you find a right company.


Now we need more people to get into our research programs so that we can proceed the advancements of curing aging faster to our needing world. I think most babyboomers are optimistic, and they want to live forever as we do, so more funding and supports are needed. A lot of people say we are trying to defy the nature, defy the god. There is no god in my brain definitions. God, what's that? Just an illusion generated by ancient people.


Also that many systems shall be considered to be changed as this trend is coming: set the retirement age longer, force more people to respect others beleifs.


And I think lviing forever is a good good thing, why:


because we can learn many more things that we haven't learnd during our learning peak, and we can make use, and strong use, of our young bodies to get know of how this logic works. We will have more times to make plans for the world, and oru babyboomers probably will be the most dominant groups in our future comings that they will use their hard-to-get experiences to make the world nice for us.


Aging can be cured--and I meant it--it's jut not "if" but "when." There is only one way to extend our lifes: by restricting calories made of the food we eat. However, if we can truely comprehend and make use of genetic program inside aging mystery, we will be able to extend human lifes into considerable amounts. I think we will achieve to that level pretty soon, but religions and governments will be another concerns.


However, I hope you people can support cloning reseach and stem-cell funding.


Published Friday, March 31, 2006 6:20 PM by ps2huang Edit

Origin form:


Why are you posting your blog entries on our forum?


And we banned you as ps2huang, what should make us change our mind about ps3huang?

I was just thinking the same thing Tormod...........should we nip this critter in the bud?


From ps2huang to ps3huang, Ha,ha,ha, I think we should ban him again for lack of imagination.....................Infy

oh comm on baby

woof woo

I am not welcome.

In 25 words or less, tell us why we should allow you to stay this time. Are you willing to be a good neighbor and add to the overall excellence of Hypography this time around................????

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