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To people who had reason to worry that they, personally, might die in a massive, nuclear “WW3”, increased risk of cancer was likely a lesser concern. If such an attitude was present in the general population, it was present among government and military leaders. Their willingness to endanger soldiers and civilian populations was, I believe, not so much an indication that they considered these people their property, as a belief that such testing was reducing the chance of such a war – the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction.
I would like to think that their intentions were honorable but I'm sorry, I don't. If they were held accountable for their actions, I'd get to hear their reasons as it would come out in a court of law and would be open for all to see. I'd want them to stand and account for themselves and their actions. I suspect they were made aware of the dangers of radioactivity and just chose to ignore the warnings.
Assessing the ultimate correctness of the MAD doctrine, and its cost in economic and human terms, is difficult and controversial. More important now, I believe, are continued effort by individuals, organizations, governments and diplomatic bodies to reduce nuclear arsenals to the point that they are no longer such a threat that they shape public policy.
Well, you see its not just nuclear weapons but nuclear power. There are by-products of using that technology and dangers. But there is a lot of money there too. Money that will find its way into campaign funds or into overseas accounts. So I don't find it surprising that now we are starting to hear pressure to start building Nuclear Power plants again.

Look what's happened at the FDA. Well, try anyway. That stuff will never come out.

Or how about FEMA? Criminality has slithered its way into every nook and cranny of our government. Has anyone bothered to do the math related to the cost of buying 20,000+ fully equipped and not used mobile homes? I would love to find out about that particular money trail. Did you know that there were folks who had proposed building tent cities to handle natural disasters and that these folks were literally locked out of policy meetings at FEMA? Tent cities that could have been erected quickly with medical facilities and screening as people were brought in. In other words, organized and efficient handling of large numbers of people.

"Nice job Brownie". That statement by Bush pretty much sums up the policy toward truth that pervades politics today. Hitler used the big lie too and it's nice to see that lesson has not been lost.

The real danger here is NOT holding them accountable now because when the **** really hits the fan later the people will revolt and tear down what simply should be fixed, not destroyed. So we'll do the three monkeys routine, as usual. And we'll kill this country, not by a crushing blow, but by small cuts. And nobody will be accountable for that either.

We need to punish those sonofabitches when they do wrong or we'll bring about the destruction of the most wonderful country in history.


Hmmm, i agree with you orbsycli, but i think your a tad bit extreme. I dont know why your soo worked up about it. Powerful people ever since there has been power have been corrupt and greedy. Its not just the U.S government that sucks, all the governments do. You've lived with it the whole of your life, why do you want to change it now?

And KickAssClown your right, the key to removing money is to remove evil, but to remove evil you have to remove money, haha.


Here we have a perfect example of how our beliefs fuel our emotions and then our actions. Did the American Government cause 9/11? Personally I don't believe so anymore than they let Pearl Harbour happen as an excuse to enter the Second World War. That they took advantage of it to attack Iraq is obvious as clearly there was never any evidence to link the two events or to show that they were developing weapons of mass destruction (and lets not forget the hypocrisy of threatening Iran with the same excuse when America is the only country I know of to use nuclear weapons on anyone and even used depleted uranium on the Iraqi's: Stupidity is as stupidity does). The British bombers were whipped up by their emotions through propaganda and I dare say the American Terrorists were too. Peace requires level heads, examining the evidence, not reactive hotheads responding to the least provocation. Always the war is between deeper and deeper levels of thought versus shallower and shallower reactive explosions of emotion by those in despair at the state of the world. We need to stay and build upon our knowledge, not pull everything down through our hatred. Peace requires deep thought, tolerance, moderation and the willingness to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of the truth, not profit (spiritual reality not materialistic self-interest - long term goals, not short sighted addictive behaviour). By the way I'm up at the moment but like everyone else I've had my times of wanting to give up and die, so don't think it's just you Ob. - we've all been there and will go there again, as sure as 'association' pulls us all down ('It's only a movie' Sheryl Crow).

That seems incredulous pgrmdave.


Micheal Moore offered ANYONE who could prove ANYTHING that was Factually Incorrect in that movie $10,000 or something along those lines


And NO ONE could!

But Maybe YOU could for us?:confused:

Why don't you give us some facts pgrmdave, instead of always asking for them, and posting some link??



And to be fair, an rebuttal. I personally find it interesting that the first few merely skirt the fringes of legality, claiming Moore never actually stated the things he implied. Incredulous indeed.



Hmmm, i agree with you orbsycli, but i think your a tad bit extreme. I dont know why your soo worked up about it. Powerful people ever since there has been power have been corrupt and greedy. Its not just the U.S government that sucks, all the governments do. You've lived with it the whole of your life, why do you want to change it now?

And KickAssClown your right, the key to removing money is to remove evil, but to remove evil you have to remove money, haha.


Im 18.


My whole life my parents made life seem peachy, and easy, and perfectly OK.


Then I ran into the forest and meditated,

and heard the earth in fast forward.


:confused: :dog: :xx: :zip:


It's all well and good for everyone to talk,discuss,rant,whatever about it, but aren't you part of the problem if you're not offereing solutions,proposals,ideas which would make changes which lead to the maximum benefit to all life? Your energies now are wasted because you're emotionally unfocussed... too busy whining and not trying to make it better.


Please note, that is not directed anyone in particular, just a general comment. Cheers. :confused:


I have asked before


what am I supposed to do?


I can't think of anything, Like I said-


People tell me to like, write the governer, or the president,


but they don't care about what I have to say.


And starting a militia isn't going to help.


What am I going to do about the fact that the US government perfectly executed the fall of the world trade centers?


Can't do anything about that.


Nope nope nope

What am I going to do about the fact that the US government perfectly executed the fall of the world trade centers?


Can't do anything about that.


Nope nope nope

Here is a bit of advice, since you seem to be seeking it...


You could continue to accept the lies you believe to be truths are factual and continue to spead those lies. It seems to be working out for you. Ever suppose the reason you are having such a hard time understanding all of this is because what you say you believe is simply not true? The truth goes down pretty easliy. And the truth is far less ominous than the demons of your fiction. You are so emotionally desperate for the government to be the villian that you have abandoned all reason and loudly beat the drum of disproven and foundless theory. When given any kind of sound advice you lash out with your rage. When offered conversation about it you lash out with your rage. When presented with evidence and fact you lash out about lies and coverup. You never respond with facts or reason. Always with rage and ignorance or scattological gibberish that seems to be pertinent to your altered state of the moment.

Orb, I have watched that film and it is bunk. It uses some outright lies, sprinkled with enough historical plausibility to sell its bill of goods. You are buying into propaganda of those who would take down this country from within by convincing the citizenship that their elected officials are in some sort of giant conspiracy against them. I know that you have good enough critical thinking ability to see through the charlatan salesmanship of this video. I would like to discuss any portion of the video that your choose. Pick the parts that you feel make the best case for your worst fears of the government, and I will examine each of them with you.



The offer still stands. Are you up for discussion?




Come'on Orb.


Which is more likely - a small cadre of shadowy individuals managed to convince (slightly less than) half the United States that they had their best interest at heart, dupe 535 congressman into believing they had their best interest heart, convince the US Military they had their best interest at heart, demolish two major American Landmarks while not leaving any incontrovertible evidence as to their involvement, hijack two planes, find 20 patsy's to take the rap, declare a war, invade a country, declare an unrelated war and invade another country, all so that only a few of our most paranoid citizens suspect them of any wrong doing.




A small cadre of shadowy individuals flies under FBI radar because we're all staring out the window and thinking about whether Bill did or didn't, steal a few planes and crash them into a couple of buildings.




Occam's Razor, folks.




I've argued why i believe what I do,

it's buried in the pages of this thread.




Like a fire, and rocks, under mud

to keep warm on a cold night.


Everything is peachy when i disregard the disgust,

Why are you posting your psychoanalyzation?


Yeah I'm far out,

And i'm sober,


you dick.


Anyway, I think the u.s. government is disgusting for various reasons,

hence the thread i'm dangling from my shirt.


Ok so evidently there is nothing I can do about this strange country?


You guys think this place is great?


You guys think that a mysterious ridiculous war is good!


Good for the economy!




Disgusting. absolutely pitiful.


There's so much more to life.


I seriously think a lot of us need to die.


I think that's the only thing that is going to fix this mess.


But then I think about the balance . .


OK Old guys, yeah I'm confused


What were you like when you were 18?


Oh stupid kid, doesn't know anything,


at least I'm questioning. sheeesh. I can tell just by watching the twin towers fall that it was set-up.


I've watched a few videos from planes who have hit buildings,

and none of those buildings reacted the way the world trade centers did.


I've seen on the frickin discovery channel buildings fall with precision,

Just like the WTC's.


putting all the things i have ever learned about the invisible government together all I realize is we are being lied to as a mass,


and nobody seems to care!


That is why I am so worked up!


Life in this country is based around tv and cars.

Alcohol and cigarettes.




Obviously I am just rambling,

Don't have anything else to do.


Someone tell me how I can talk to the president.


Nope cant sorry.


I'm just saying F*** it,

going in my room,

and practicing the spanish gypsy scale on my les paul

so i can screw around with it in my psychedelic studio

and indulge in the funky rhythms of life

completely forgetting about the idiots

who run this place.


(No, not hypography, calm down, I love you Tormod, you know that.)



And hey, Don't make fun of they way I communicate.

This is the way I've evolved,

Streaming my thoughts

improvising words


You must know a thing or two about Jazz, no?


Come on Dude,


What is more likely?


The government to lie to you to make sure everything is peachy and nobody panics,


or they tell you the truth and everyone cries and wants to kill the president?





I've sat thru history class with wide eyes

and I know those mofos

are up to no good.


Spread the love,

meditate the negativity

to a single point until it


In a wavely fashion.




So many strangers

not so strange


orbsycli's a poet, a young poet

learning about his environment.


(an environment choking


beg for borrowed land)


I really don't have anything else to say.


I'm a dreamer, don't bother argueing with me


I am just disgusted, that's all.


I inevitably have to be, it's awkward and fun in this spontanious thunderstorm.



The best rulers are scarcely known by their subjects;

The next best are loved and praised;

The next are feared;

The next despised:

They have no faith in their people,

And their people become unfaithful to them.

When the best rulers achieve their purpose

Their subjects claim the achievement as their own.


TaoDeChing - Lao Tze


Some things never change?:)


The government may not be perfect, but I absolutely hate people who criticize the government for their actions.


I would challenge anyone to run a country, especially as one as powerful and complex as the United States.

It's a hard job.


Show some respect for those who give you a place to lay your head at night, and allow you to date someone of the same sex, and who lets you buy that new Rolls Royce Phantom, and allows your grandpa to buy his viagra at discounted prices, and provides free education to everyone so that our future generations can develop a cure for cancer. :P

People just look at the bad and don't concentrate on the good.... which is far greater I may add. :)


Oh go easy on Orb, he's just looking for hope. Everyone needs hope. And no you won't find it in this world, because everyone is greedy. I suggest reading the bible, if only experimentally.

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