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Pretty much anything that happens leaves some people wealthier, so what?

what does probability say about all these random(seemingly)events (planes giong astray,the air force training going on at the same time , mayors being warned not to fly, temp of beams , missing gold , security questions,the speed with which both towers fell.......) happening all at the same time?




do you??


i dont know where to get the total amount of gold stored underneath the buildings from every bank.


point is,

gold's missing.


I'm not pointing fingers or anything....


but uh where'd it go?


I don't know.

it's out in the open for anyone, really.

and what about the 7th building ,the guy to whome WTC lease went said on TV that the fire department decided to PULL THE 7th meaning to demolish it. the term PULL is used by people who do controled explosions.and why were the people told that the 7th came down coz of fire?

A man said pull. The word "pull" by a man not in the demolition industry is enough evidence to make you belive that the building was demolished by explosives in front of the whole world without anyone knowing it was happening? Could he have been talking about pulling his people out of the building because of stability fears? hmmm...



what does probability say about all these random(seemingly)events (planes giong astray,the air force training going on at the same time , mayors being warned not to fly, temp of beams , missing gold , security questions,the speed with which both towers fell.......) happening all at the same time?


it says it was a self-inflicted wound.


It's so obvious!



do you??


i dont know where to get the total amount of gold stored underneath the buildings from every bank.


point is,

gold's missing.


I'm not pointing fingers or anything....


but uh where'd it go?


I don't know.

it's out in the open for anyone, really.

Just show me any documentation that gold is missing. Anything other than heresay. What is your source of this knowledge?



Was 9/11 not the principal reason the US govt used for invasion of Afghanistan and that emotion later fueled the invasion of Iraq? War was the vehicle. 9/11 was the fuel.


And that's what I would refer to as 'common sense.'


what about the companies who get the defence contracts????????????????

they are the ones who gain the most !!!!!!!!!!!

to the point that they can buy politicions and the armed forces's think tanks or what ever you call them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please read the theories and ideas by the US war college teachers being preached like religion to the decision makers of america and the public is too busy playing play station!!!!!!!!!!

Was 9/11 not the principal reason the US govt used for invasion of Afghanistan and that emotion later fueled the invasion of Iraq? War was the vehicle. 9/11 was the fuel.

oh and guess what? the contracts for oil and natural gas from the caspian sea reagon went to american companies!!

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