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There is an electrical current therefore in the human body.


Can you compare it to a Hydro-electric Dam? No

There are 2 important possible misconceptions here, which I think are representational of some of the difficulties in describing chi in “western” terms:
  • There are electrical currents in the human body analogous to those in the electrical wiring of a house.
    An electric current in a conductor, such as copper wire, involves electrons displacing one another in the atoms of the conductor, so that roughly the same number of excess electrons appear at the + end of the conductor as were introduced to the – end. This happens very quickly – depending on the specific composition and molecular arrangement of the conductor, the signal can travel at nearly the speed of light.
    The electric currents in human (as well as other animals and plants) travel only very short distances, just far enough to produce a voltage across a cell membrane that exceed its depolarization threshold, triggering a complicated ion-exchange process. This mechanism repeats, cell membrane section by section, until the signal reaches its destination. Although very fast – the complete ion-exchange process requires only about .001 seconds – the signal is much slower than electricity in a conductor.
  • The voltages and currents in a human body can’t be compared to those in ordinary electrical systems, such as a hydro-electric generator.
    Although much smaller than those found in a large electric generator, electricity in a human body can be measured with equipment not unlike that one would use to measure a mega-watt power system. Human body voltages are on the order of 0.1 volts, 0.0000000005 (5*10^-10) amps – small, but not particularly difficult to measure.

In short, thought complicated beyond completely detailed understanding by current technology, and technically difficult to measure in a normally functioning, living body (in vivo) the electrical and mechanical physics of the body are not beyond our ability to measure with high precision.


IMO, the system in which chi is a concept should be considered an early scientific theory of physiology. Prior to an understanding of the physics of electricity, cellular structure, and other more recent fields, it was an elaborate and admirable attempt to explain the overall function of the human body in both reductionistic and holistic terms. However, as a description of the objective reality of physiology, science has invalidated it, and replaced it with current theory.


These systems remain the basis for very effective meditative techniques. The improvement in physical performance shown by their practitioners is measurably and objectively real. The reduction in stress and improvement in health of their practitioners are measurably, and objectively real. These scientifically verifiable facts don’t make make the system itself an accurate description of physical reality.


- there is a different sense of energy 0.o Something that you can
that makes it different and difficult to describe.

The sweat feels different. Theres a strange tingling sensation, that makes it so noteworthy.

I've felt that too, Rac... maybe it could be measured as some sort of Galvonic skin response?


Part of the change is like getting goose bumps... the overall surface area of the body increases so you feel a chill... Measurable indeed! Now, what do we use as a control group and in what ways do we split the measurement group?

  • 2 weeks later...
.............. Your body is like a factory. Your body uses raw materials to make finished goods. Raw materials are food, water, and air.


Chi is affected by the quality of air you inhale, the kind of food you eat, your lifestyle, and even your emotional make-up and personality.


The food and air are like the fuel and power supply, and there quality affects you. Your lifestyle is like the way you run the machine, and your personality is like the management of the factory.




I could not agree with you more:) Your thoughts and mine are resonating. Compare them with what I said several months ago in a thread about Human Body or those on the thread about our food:QuestionM :QuestionM :QuestionM


Alright everybody... raise your hand if you've ever had a tube of crackers as dinner... Or a bag of chips for lunch... or a sandwich with just bread and jalepenos... Oh god... You think you're eating poorly? I'm a diabetic and I do this... :surprise:

  • 4 weeks later...
You should study the mantis system.


And do some fingertip pushups. This video reminded me of my training in this arena.


Fingertip pushup

your body enough so you can clap

and fall back down onto your hands,

forming back into the

fingertip pushup

  • 2 weeks later...

As I have come to understand the meaning of the term, “Chi”, it is a sort of subtle substance, although not in the sense that we would generally attribute to a material substance today. Chi (substance) is always accompanied by a complementary, and therefore, non-substantial element, Li. In the original usage of the terms, Chi and Li signified the two principle elements that comprise all things, and were roughly equivalent to the modern notions of substance (stability) and structure (pattern of distribution), both of which are embodied in the modern definition of “matter”. Li, it is said, is superior to Chi, for Chi, which is without inherent structure derives its various forms from Li, which possess no inherent substance. Together, Chi and Li make up every kind of thing in existence, including each of the organs in our bodies. Practices, such as Tai Chi, are aimed at establishing and maintaining harmony among the myriad bodily components so as to ensure good health an longevity, however, this is not their principle aim. These concepts, you see, did not originate with Chinese medicine, but are part of the metaphysical system of the ancient Taoist masters, who also happen to be skilful herbalists. When master Lao speaks of the one that becomes two, he means that the one true reality comprises two interdependent and complementary elements, Li and Chi, often symbolized as spirit and water. The two, Lao tells use, then become the three, these being the elements of earth (matter), fire (energy), and wind/wood (activity). The three, he says, then become the ten thousand things. It is these two dynamic elements (Li and Chi), along with their mysterious relationship that is embodied in what is perhaps the greatest symbol ever devised by man, the Tai Chi Tu, where they appear as the Yin and the Yang.


My master taught me that he who can thoroughly grasp the bird’s tail, though he can do nothing else, he has mastered Chi.


Regards, Jehu

  • 5 years later...

Rant by a DragonBallZ fan-boy


Ok here's my thoughts on chi. As a logically minded person I'v always thought of chi as the result of a physical variable (ie. pumping your legs = running). Not the legs themselves or body in motion but the motion itself. I think chi is a 4th dimensional concept, its not the legs or the body being propelled along but the observation of the fact that the said subject in question is running. Just as the 4th dimension is the observation of the 3 primary planes of existence ....... what we call time. To try and quantify an abstract into a physical substance is kinda ludicrous. You just end up with (all be it cool) science fiction about things like Time Particles and Super Saiyans (who are even cooler).


Easter Martial Arts have shown the application of chi/physics for quite a long time now. How ever the Chinese also once thought that dragons lived in your guts and depending on what sounds and or moments they made a physician could determine the health of a patent with a fairly high degree of accuracy. We know today that no such dragons live in are guts (depending on how many chillies I'v recently eaten) but that are guts are in fact filled with .... well guts. And although the Chinese were ignorant about modern medicine they were none the less nearly as accurate at diagnostics of the bowls as we are today.


So for me to say I agree with chi as put down by the "MASTERS" would be false, I do however think they knew something about the subject and am not so quick to dismiss there teachings. If you were to be asked to prove time could you? Time is not a physical place or thing but an abstract idea that explains what came before I did this or that. I can be reasonable sure time exists because I can measure it. If Chi is the observation of reaction then it can be measured and every Scientist has a power level over 9000.


thank you for your time


:rolleyes:IMHO, sensing chi is like seeing auras


and working within that energy



as i have said in other threads, ( bear with me please :) )

if you

look at myatomic model






the nucleus of the atom has a unique energy most of the



i believe conciousness "spikes" this energy


and that is what

we percieve as auras and chi


The human aura is just whatever energy your body is not using at the moment. When are cells metabolize ATP any leftover energy form say bending my elbow or generating a though (neural electricity/ chemical activity) is released as electromagnetic radiation in the form of body heat and EM fields. The Aura is responsible for a number of odd phenomena like those found around faith healers and psychic vampires. Both of which can induce feelings in others but still can't break bricks or throw 200lb A-Holes around.


I still think Chi is a 4th dementia observation of expression and not the physical part or parts involved


your thoughts?

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