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Materialism dumbs us down, removes free thought, gives us something shallow to focus on, something on the surface, and gives us kind of a happiness. A happiness when purchasing new materials, a happiness when new materials come out, consuming, consumers...:confused:

theres a rough vague start, jump kick me please


I wouldn't personally say that purchases bring happiness, but perhaps distraction and temporary relief from evolved desires toward acquisition. Think food and sex, and you'll get to the root of our need to "get stuff." It's just become more complex during the last several millenia.


Anyway, did you just want to be heard, or potentially have a question for discussion?


That's just how Mr. Sun delivers himself.


Once the human had enough free time to think about his thoughts, rather than think about how to aquire food next,

consciousness sparked

and now with all of this free time on our hands we

simply need amusement.


It's easiest to distract ourselves from the important stuff.


What would we do if we didn't have 'things'?


probably be really bored.


And really scared.




Materialism. It's part of our nature. We need to consume to protect ourselves. Make use of the land. Because physically, we are hardly even equipped to face all the dangers nature has in store. Then it got out of hand.


Now we have all this stuff to occupy us since we have no reason to worry about predators.


I can't really remember what my point was.


I'm drunk.


I need to get out of here.


without materialism, we would all get really, really bored, until there was something else to focous on. everyone wants to be a better or more advanced human being. everyone knows their weaknesses. therefore, people pre-occupy themselves with work, so that they can earn money, not so that they can survive, but so that they can achive all they they want to achive, and suceed in becoming a mythical "perfect" or "better" human. the problem is,. the instead of persuing knowlege, they persue possesions, the latest technology, maybe the "best" place to live. maybe the fancy car. advancement has just gone way out of whack.

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