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Does anyone know what nebula this is? I thought it was V838, but a website said that V838 has undergone a change and now has a red center. I was facing South Southwest when I took this photo with my Meade DS114. It is the first nebula photo I have taken, but I could not find it in my books or on the Hubble photo archives.



Its all well and good to say you where facing south southwest but without right acension/declination or your position on earth and horizon co-ordinates, and also the time the pic was taken, I really cant help you.. also would like to know the magnification you where using but its not essential.


Was using a 25mm coupled to the 2x barlow with a digital manual focus camera attached. When I located the object, I tried to refocus but the object stayed the same size. You will also note the star in the lower left corner of the picture is in focus.


It would be interesting to catch it again and see if it is moving, it could be some asteroid or comet. Are you able to relate the size of the image to angular size? Many astrophiles have made discoveries, don't completely rule the possibility out, just try to get your info as precise as possible so that it can be checked.

It was about 8:00-8:30 pm CST but I did not record a declination. It was at least 40 degrees but less than 75 degrees from the horizon.

so these are your relative horizon co-ordinates, but they are still useless without the precise latitude and longitude of the sighting.

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