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Is Bush Bad for the United States??  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Is Bush Bad for the United States??

    • Hell Yes! - very bad
    • Yes
    • No
    • Not really - par for the course
    • I don't care / other : with description

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Only if he drinks. He has not been drinking. Have you heard otherwise?




My daughter told me that there had been a proggamme showing his early very coherent speaches as govenor and comparing those with some of the more incoherent press talks of recent times


I saw one press conference here, where a reporter asked him something like"if he thought he would re-do or regret anything he has done in the past 3 years."

He said "I wish you had give me notice of that question"

Am well. . . I'm thinking. .

Yes. . . that is a good question. . .

Of course. . um . . history will judge. . .um

A good question um. ..

I'm thinking. . . .er. . .

I'm thinking. . . " etc ad nauseam


Or words to that effect. It was painful to watch

What are the Good Policies??

They are admittedly few. I think overall his policy towards terrorism is best, treating the offenders as combatants instead of criminals. His policies on education are OK and he has received good marks on his policy in East Asia, mostly China, where we have a rapidly growing trade deficit. Beyond that I have already admitted earlier that he is a moron.

That right there has a name, it's called paranoia.

No, it's simply reality. Your response is typical of someone from a nation whose citizens have not been attacked by these radicals yet and has already bowed to adopting Sharia Law. Tell us for example, why should muslim women in Canada have any more obstacles than any non-muslim woman in Canada when filing for divorce, are they less of a citizen?



You guys could do this until the end of time, but the only thing that will change anyones mind is their own experiences, I fear.


"If you're not a liberal when you're twenty, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're forty you have no brain."


That said, I hate George W. Bush with a passion for one simple reason, his disrespect for veterans. The way he treated John McCain in the 2000 primary was absolutely shameful. The way he treated John Kerry in the 2004 election was equally disturbing.


I dislike Bill Clinton for the same reason. That and the fact that he is a liar and a cheat. But anyway...


Al Gore didn't lie about his service in Vietnam, and neither did John Kerry or John McCain or Max Cleland or Bob Dole, or Bush Sr. or Wes Clark, or Colin Powell or any other politician I've supported.


But Bill Clinton and George W. either lied about their own service, or about the service of others, and are in my opinion unsuited to hold the position of school board member, much less President of the United States. Clinton was a slimy opportunist, and George W. is a weak-willed moron. John Kerry may have had some opinions about the military that were unpopular, but there is little doubt among reasonable people that he served bravely.


I dislike politicians without integrity, of whatever stripe. The last president we had with any at all was Bush Sr.


Anybody who can lie their way to the top office in the country is bad for the country, almost without question.



The state of Florida was erroniously called for Al Gore while the polls were still open in the panhandle, a traditionally 60% republican demographic. There are estimates that as many as 10,000 voters did not go to the polls in thee panhandle after hearing that the state was already decided. This little fact always disappears with the Florida conspiracy theories. After the polls had closed, at 2:30 in the morning, when the vast majority of the precints had reported the state was called for Bush. The margin continued to narrow as the votes were counted, but in the end, by every count, and every recount, and every unofficial recount by new organizations the results remained the same. Bush won. Get over it.


And dont forget about the ballots running out in highly democratic counties, the list of 'felons' who were turned away from voting even though they were not criminals. Posters with the wrong voting dates in poor neighborhoods. People realizing their mistakes with the chads trying to get new ballots before casting their votes being turned down, which is something voters do have a option for in Florida. There is plenty to be suspious about, but yes, in the end Bush was declared the winner. What occured in Florida is a dark shadow on voting in america, no matter how it turned out.


Bush has failed to get the Social Security Reform that he is seeking. This rests upon his leadership, and the other leadership of the Republican party for not being able to act as a party.


I am glad he was unable to implement this reform. There is plenty of ways to do this without messing around with S.S.I.


I belive the largest Medicare reform in history was passed. Something about prescription drug coverage.


Yes, my state is still picking up the tab for people due to the problems within this system.


Bush is an environmentalist. He is downright green. If you actually studied the man you would realize that. Actions speak louder than words. Check out the design of his house. And hunters are responsible for more conservation of natural environment than any other environmental group. Bush is a hunter.


Please elaborate on this. I can find little about George W's environmental efforts in Crawford. He does have geo-thermal heating which is good, but I am unsure of any other effort in home design that reflects 'green' idealisms. Laura Bush is doing things there that fall under green. She is reintroducing native wild flowers and prairie plants. I would guess by what I am reading, the efforts in Crawford are being implemented by Laura, not George in this case.


Hunters conservation efforts are motivated by their hunting desire. It is a selfish conservation effort rather than an altruistic idealism. May I take this opportunity to remind you that the day Cheney shot the lawyer, he was hunting without a Small Game License and purchaced one after the fact of the shooting.


The only reference I can find to GW hunting is this (several articles about same incident). Not a good thing when touting his hunting skills:



As a birder who has many friends who bird hunt, the only way you can mistake a killdeer for a mourning dove is via complete ignorance. A primary hunting rule is Identify Your Target before shooting.


George seems to be a fisherman according to what I can find. He has a pond which is stocked with bass. I dont think comparing this wild endeavor to what most people have to do to fish is good for Bush and his appeal to the environmental cause.


The path we have taken since 9/11 is some of the most difficult decision making any President has had to make. His highest priority is insuring that such attacks do not hit Americans again. And he is taking an agenda of action to get that done. Is every decision a great one? No. But he is 100% consistant in the war effort, and history will judge him well for it (I believe).


This is why I will not judge GW too harshly. The events of 9/11 changed every vision he may have had for the future and altered the course of this presidency. We will never know what GW would have/could have done if this event had not occured. I do not like Bush and I did not vote for him. But I am unsure that Gore would have handled 9/11 in a way I would have approved of either.


Federal revenues have grown year over year since Bush has been President. They have grown faster than inflation. The economy is booming.

Refuted by another.


Positive? The tax cuts have helped to spur the economy. It is good and strong right now. Education has been an area of success overall. There are examples of failures, as there are in any system, but on a whole the "No Child Left Behind" has done more good than harm.


The biggest beef I have with President Bush is on immigration.




My income tax went up due to changes made in the head of household category, and I am far below the median income for my state. No Child Left Behind was a johnny come lately program in my state.


Agreed on the immigration issue..


Of course, if lawyers are Small Game, and you've only got a Large Game permit, you can always force-feed them Viagra before they die from the shot. Apparently it makes them grow taller.


I stand corrected on the claim that federal revenues have grown year over year.


Thank you CraigD for point me to that error. I perused some of the other facts at the Heritage Foundation and it appears that someplace between 2002 and 2003 the economy started to grow vigerously again. It continues on that path today.



I do not care about one country. I care for the world as a whole. Show me something "good" Bush has done for the world, and I'll show you ten "bad" things he has done.

He recognized the 9/11 attack as an act of war and responded clearly that such acts will not be tolerated by the United States against any nation.


Your turn. You owe us ten.



He recognized the 9/11 attack as an act of war and responded clearly that such acts will not be tolerated by the United States against any nation.


Your turn. You owe us ten.





Really, a nation attacked the U.S?


A group of cia trained goons flew some planes into some buildings. Tragic yes. Cause to murder more people? No. That's what I call idiot logic. "Logic" typically perpetuated by the U.S. And some of it's arrogant citizens.


The'Big'dog "Hey, you didn't, but some people from this area of the world killed some of my friends. So, eh, we're coming to kill more of you than you killed of us... Plus we want your oil. Haha, Take that!"


George Bush, huh? Saving the world one evil act at a time.

Really, a nation attacked the U.S?


A group of cia trained goons flew some planes into some buildings. Tragic yes. Cause to murder more people? No. That's what I call idiot logic. "Logic" typically perpetuated by the U.S. And some of it's arrogant citizens.


The'Big'dog "Hey, you didn't, but some people from this area of the world killed some of my friends. So, eh, we're coming to kill more of you than you killed of us... Plus we want your oil. Haha, Take that!"


George Bush, huh? Saving the world one evil act at a time.

You promised ten. You delivered zero. Put up or shut up, and stick to reality.




You didn't deliver yourself. I can offer thousands of dead bodies as proof.


You can offer a lack of manners and an apparent disrespect for life.


Put up or shut up, and stick to reality.


I suggest you follow your own advice, buddy.

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