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Craig, I was wondering if you have read or heard about Zecharia Sitchin
Yes. I’m pretty familiar with the writing of the various “ancient astronauts” proponents, though I haven’t directly read any of it since the early 1980s. Their ideas, IMHO, are pretty simple, not requiring whole books to express, and I don’t like their common technique of making very speculative assumptions, then proceed to expand on them as if they are well-established and supported by much theory and observation.
Curiously Sitchin mentioned about this other large planet to revolve around the sun every 3600 years and may be on its way back to Earth's vicinity by 2012 …
The main problem with this hypothesis is that such a body would have to have a very eccentric, “long-period cometary” orbit. Unlike the nearly circular orbits of the 8 planets and many minor solar bodies, such orbits are not subject to orbital resonance effects, so there’s little likelihood that the body will pass close to Earth or any of the other planets, and even less that it would pass close in 2 consecutive 3600 year passes. If a hypothetical spacefaring race had the ability to steer a planet to near encounters with others, as would be required for the periodic Earth-Nibiru encounter Sitchin and other propose, I think they would likely have no need to wait 3600 years to travel between planets.


A more direct objection to the Niniru hypothesis is that a body with a 3600 year orbital period that intersects Earth’s orbit in 2012 would only be about 14 AU away now – between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. An Earth-size body at this distance would hard for the astronomy community’s small army of armature and professional comet finders to miss.

I did a simple subtraction to it and strangely it dated back to the time of the biblical parting of the Red Sea with Moses. Somehow, its presence seemed to be instrumental to events of other myths such as the Great Flood, biblical Adam and Eve, and by my personal research, even Santa Claus(!).
The historical factuality and dates of these events were precisely known, making it easy to propose – with no evidence other than these hypothetical events – a planet with an orbital period coinciding with made-up dates of the events. This is the sort of reasoning that so bothers me in the writing of von Däniken, Sitchin, and others – it’s poor science.


We humans have a strong instinct for nostalgia, which tends to manifest itself in an enthusiasm for proposals that the recent past (see the 10034) or the distant past (eg: ancient civilizations) were morally, artistically, or technologically more advanced than the present. It’s important, IMHO, to, while allowing our imaginations to roam freely, require sound, objective evidence before believing and arguing in favor of theories and interpretations.


As REASON mentions, this tread seem to have drifted far from it’s nearly 2-year old original question about “the afterlife”. Perhaps it should be split? :beer: Somewhere around post #11 seems to be where it took the turn away from the afterlife toward the subject of ancient myths and planetary astronomy.

I'm having a difficult time understanding how all of this discussion about about acient Sumarian myths and water transmission between Mars and Earth relates to the topic at hand...The Afterlife.


Since we were discussing about Afterlife, and there were other posts that also discussed about human origins, I had considered opening up this topic because of the complexities tied up to it. People attempt to explain the Afterlife by religion, but that may seem blurry to some. I proposed an alternative to religion, and that may be the possibility of extraterrestrial intervention by 'higher' sentient beings that the ancients may had abruptly referred to as 'gods', which eventually conceived religion. The discussions about ET may probably be dealing with some basic issues (I also considered this an extension for the need to probe on Ideal Past), though compared to the abstractness of religion, this alternative may be more tangible and eventually verifiable for science, which tends to rely solely on tangibility. I believe this perspective is a necessity as the modern Present society approaches the Future, and such Awareness should enable us to perceive better what lies ahead, rather than stagnate to not knowing such informations, and that such would enable us to ponder more intricately the concept of Afterlife, or perhaps rather, Higher Dimensions.


There's a likelihood for these discussions to be merged instead, rather than to split. Such complexity on Afterlife discussion may demand added perspective to better discuss the topic.


Can you, or anyone else in this forum for that matter, provide any plausible processes, mechanisms, transformations, or evidence of any kind that would allow our human consciousness to be carried on to another existance once we have died?


I previously mentioned the possibility of very minute crystalline structures that seemed to act as the very fiber of our dimension, on the other post (#11, 1st paragraph).



A more direct objection to the Niniru hypothesis is that a body with a 3600 year orbital period that intersects Earth’s orbit in 2012 would only be about 14 AU away now – between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. An Earth-size body at this distance would hard for the astronomy community’s small army of armature and professional comet finders to miss.


What if the existence of such entities may be in the higher realms beyond the visible spectrum that our physical eyes tend to see, which comprises only a minute percentage with the existence of other more invisible wavelengths?


Their planetary orbit is supposedly very elliptical, and by the time it enters the vicinity of the sun, it is summer over there and winter on Earth (which entertained me about the possible explanation on the origin of the Santa Claus legend).

I previously mentioned the possibility of very minute crystalline structures that seemed to act as the very fiber of our dimension, on the other post (#11, 1st paragraph).


Very minute crystalline structures? Wow! I never thought of that. That would make sense. Very minute crystalline structures that have somehow been missed in the course scientific study that includes some very interesting advances in Nuclear Physics and studies relating to the nature of subatomic particles. And the "possibility" of these minute crystalline structures, the existance of which are unconfirmed, "that seemed to act as the very fiber of our dimension," possibly, will carry our brainless consciousness to the unseen world....intact.


I'm affraid, rocket art, that you missed the operative word in my request, plausible.


I would have requested that you provide some sort of information to substantiate these claims and concepts from the ethereal plane. But than I am reminded that this thread is officially now in the Strange Claims Forum, and therefore it will not be necessary.


Enjoy your musings.


We may notice that nature follows very definite patterns as one may see with the fibonacci series, fractal geometry; sometimes it's called living mathematics, and the ancients call such profoundness as 'sacred geometry.' It is intriguing though that such obvious and amazing manifestation seemed disregarded by mainstream science. And yet the symbolic figures had always been subtly instilled on the unknowing populace and its essence corrupted by perpetrators who seemed to use it for ulterior advantage, just as the 12-sided star (corrupted by zionists) and swastika (corrupted by nazis).


There must be definite patterns that such manifestations eloquently follow, and crystalline characteristically store data and guide 'form' that we see in physicality. These may be the "ether" that Einstein, Tesla and many others proposed. You may also research for it at search engines with the tag "cosmic lattice". Some sources may be esoteric but I do not merely disregard it. However, my approach is consistent with my other views, such as in Culturism where Reality is perceived as both the Seen and Unseen (V.ii).

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