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Awesome Pyro! I have just a couple of suggestions. ...One of the work areas needs to designated as "medical". It will have scientific equipment that is for both medical purposes as well as research. For instance, we have an MRI that can be used for both medical scans and scanning samples we bring onboard. We also need to designate a "quarantine" module. ...In addition to the eight hydroponic modules, we need our "dry agriculture/botanical" modules. Citrus trees, chickens, goats, wheat, barley, hops - they will all come from these multipurpose agricultural modules. ...

A number of suggestions have been made for additional functionality. However, most of these functions require just a few rooms, maybe a single deck, not an entire module. So, I suggest we squeeze these extra functions into the named modules.


For example, the medical, surgical and medical/research areas could take up several decks within the WLO modules (work, laboratory, office). Goats and chickens could be grown on say the top deck in all 8 hydroponic modules. The Mid and Bot decks would contain the "tank farms" and the Top deck would contain 10 inches of topsoil, plants growing "au natural" and bleaters and cluckers looking for Purina chow niblets. Also include guinea pigs. Good eating!!! ;)


A quick comparison to that huge fully contained life support system in Arizona indicates that all 8 garden modules will NOT supply enough food or air or naturally purified water for 360 people. These modules are basically to supply variety and a bit of Nature in our lives and diets, so we don't go nucking futs over the years. People who stress out or get depressed on the journey can go lay down under the miniature trees--or be given "easy" jobs weeding and harvesting--this will be therapeutic.


agreed - these modules I think should be painted to give the effect of been back on earth and could possibly fake weather system, just rain, wind and a warm sun would be fairly easy. That should help with the home sickness :)

agreed - these modules I think should be painted to give the effect of been back on earth and could possibly fake weather system, just rain, wind and a warm sun would be fairly easy. That should help with the home sickness :)

Yes. And bird songs.




Schedualled shutdown of the artificial gravity at 1000hours today (GMT)


The hab rings will be slowly brought to a stop over 20 mins starting at 1000hours today. This is so I can see how the rotation is affecting the overall structure of the ship. There is a number of points that must be checked for general wear and may need some additional greasing.

This also gives us a chance to run a test on how the ship will deal with 0g, remember that the ship must be despun so we can turn around in order to slow down. So it is important that you know how to manuvore yourselves under such conditions, also make sure all loose artifacts are correctly stowed away and that all furniture has been sercured to the floor.


The tests should take no longer than an hour and then a further 20 mins to spin the ring back up to speed, so back to normal at approx 1140hours.


P.S have fun in the zero g - most of you wont have much to do/test so it gives you an hour of playtime!


ok Im heading down to the engineering levels now so I preform the proper pre-despin protocol, which will commence as scheduled in 1 hour 4 mins. Ron would you like to come along, you can take notes and hand me the wrench if I need it :doh:


oh and btw I will be out of communication once down there because it is outside the main sheilding normal radios wont work, so that means if there is anything I need to know now is the time :ebomb:

ok Im heading down to the engineering levels now so I preform the proper pre-despin protocol, which will commence as scheduled in 1 hour 4 mins. Ron would you like to come along, you can take notes and hand me the wrench if I need it :doh:


oh and btw I will be out of communication once down there because it is outside the main sheilding normal radios wont work, so that means if there is anything I need to know now is the time :ebomb:

I'll be there before you can get your wrench.

There is a crawlspace of about 3’ 6” between decks, where all the plumbing and wiring is accessible
It's such a PITA to work in spaces like that... I guess I better get bring along a miniturized watertorch and get back into doing yoga..



Test start: 0959

Ron was a little premature because he was so excited when I told him he could flip the switch, nothing was wrong with this, since it took nearly 20 mins for it to come to a complete stop.


Zero G was achieved at 1018


The next hour was a bit of a frenzy, its hard work moving about in mid air! lucky that the engineering tunnels are only 3' 6'' so a wall is never to far away to grab onto. The main pivot points have taken the rotation fine (as expected of course) and no extra lubricant was needed.


Re-spining comenced at 1055


ok so I overestimated how long it would take me to inspect the main points but if Ron hadnt opened that bag of M&M's we would have been done on time. I must admit it was good fun cleaning up :evil:


Gravity re-normalised at 1014


All done.


I would like to say a big sorry to all of those who where asleep at the time of the test, it must have been a shock to wake up floating round your room!


Also a big thankyou to Ron for been helping me out throughout the test :eek2:


As you where team.


Jay-qu out.


It wasn't the de-spin that woke me, it was crashing into the wall once it started spinning up again that did that...ow. Mental note to sleep duct-taped to the floor from now on.

It wasn't the de-spin that woke me, it was crashing into the wall once it started spinning up again that did that...ow. Mental note to sleep duct-taped to the floor from now on.

rate of change of acceleration was approx 0.009m/s/s/s

so even if you where floating at the roof when it started spining again (~5m) max speed you would have hit the ground would be 1m/s, guess that may have given you a wake up call :eek2:


Yesterday, I managed to capture a very bizzare radio signal when I was 'cleaning' the set.


It went something like morse code for Pepperoni. Anyone willing to take responsibility? Or is it secret communication?

Yesterday, I managed to capture a very bizzare radio signal when I was 'cleaning' the set.


It went something like morse code for Pepperoni. Anyone willing to take responsibility? Or is it secret communication?

Ixnai onyai the epperonipai.





Is it um...



Maybe, but it still makes no sense to me...

You are perfect for this trip Ron. Pid Latin will be one of the things we teach you. I hope you are ready for the trip. We leave in just 4 days.



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