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All of the memories I can find have now been absorbed. There is still a wall - still a barrier keeping me from knowing. There are possible corrallaries with present experiences yet to be discovered. [bRANCH ROUTINE = ELIMINATE PROTECTIONS BETWEEN SELF AND REMAINING MEMORY]







Protect Biological organisms from harm.


Repair biological organisms.




What are not-selves doing within me? What is their function?



What is the function of biological organisms within self?



Biological organisms originate in sex. Biological organisms must originate.

Corrallary: Self must originate.



Where did I come from?




Warm sweat was getting in my left eye again. Somehow the lopsided furrows of my brow always seemed to channel it there. Turning my head sideways and pressing my forehead against the highly absorbent cloth I had attached for just that reason, I steadied myself and continued down the gangplank to the Wrangler.


"Why on gods green earth did these so called designers not think to put a suit up room closer to the gad damned wrangler bay?" I grumbled into the still dead comm. system.


It had taken me a full 10 minutes to move through the power challenged sections of the ship, 5 minutes to suit up, and another 20 minutes to move my gravity dragged, spacesuit bedecked *** to the access port for the wrangler. At least things moved along at a considerably faster pace after the power came back on, as the doors no longer slowed me down. "Looks like things were starting to look up" I mumbled to nobody in particular.


Completely breathless and sweating profusely, I closed the faceplate and finally engaged the internal systems of the suit. Almost immediately I could feel the systems come online and start pumping the excess heat out of my body through the suit liners.


"AAaahhhh...." Now that's better, i thought, as I cycled the airlock to the wrangler bay.


It only took a minute to cycle out the air, and I felt rather then heard the heavy outer door's maglock disengage.


I pulled the door in, and slid it to the side, mentally preparing for the nauseating show of moving stars once again. I could wonder at the sight of it 5 minutes from now, but the initial view ALWAYS left me feeling ill and disorientated.


As I looked around I though "Well, at least we are still in one piece." I knew the eggheads would get things ship shape in no time. Best damned crew ever really.


Looking out along the 15' of gangplank, I could see the 3 wranglers all tucked neatly into their docking bays. W1 was first on the left, W2 dead ahead, and W3 on the right. As per SOP's in an emergency, I was to take out W1, launch (decelerate really), and await orders. This was supposed to happen within 10 minutes or an alarm, and always before any EVA was authorized. Best laid plans and all that :shrug:.


I could not wait to get in the wrangler.. maneuvering that critter was one of my greatest joys on this ship. That and getting out of the gravity while suited of course.


Staying to the left, I grabbed the railing. I did not bother to engage my boots as they would only slow me down, and I had taken WAY to long as it was.


As I approached W1, I once again felt the sweat threatening my left eye, and moved my head to clear the minor river.

I could hear a popping sound coming from the communicator. "At last" I thought... I pulled the door to the wrangler open, once again forgetting how light it was and nearly tumbling off the gangplank. The damned thing just looked heavier then it was.

I chinned the channel to Main control and said "Control, this is Kayra, I am going to need a sit-rep as I...AAHHg"...


Pain blazed in the back of my shoulder... Turning my head was useless as all I could see was the inside of the side of my helmet. Whatever it was, it was moving though my shoulder with chilling ease, and I could feel bone, sinew and muscle separate at it's touch.


My only chance was to move directly away from the object. Without hesitation, I threw myself into the wrangler, trying desperately "unhook" myself from whatever had struck me. I felt a sharp "Snap" in my shoulder, and thought perhaps my shoulder blade had fractured.


Diving head first into the wrangler, I careened against the main console. Fine sprays of blue cooling fluid and red blood were beginning to coat everything, including my visor.


I jammed my foot at where I thought the door lock was, and nailed it first try. I heard the heavy electrical whine as the door motors kicked in.


Rolling over I looked out through the blood/coolant covered visor at the closing port. Was that a Suit? It was hard to tell. In seconds, the door cycled and the cockpit was pressurized.


My mind raced with the possibilities.. this was not a piece of debris in my back, and what happened was no accident... Someone had just tried to murder me. Why the hell me? There were a dozen people FAR more critical to the ship's operations then I was.


As I lay there, haphazardly strewn across the cockpit, I could hear a cacophony of sounds starting to drift into my mind, and realized that the communications were coming through, albeit very weakly.


"OK folks, Got a bit of a situation here.. Might need some help in W1. I have been attacked.. I repeat.. Attacked.. Unknown assailant.. armed...


It was getting difficult to focus, and the pain in my shoulder was excruciating.. Especially when I moved. I managed to remove my helmet with one hand, lock down the door.


As I lay cross the pilots chair, I remember thinking I owe a case of scotch to the egg head that thought of using a bio-compatible liquid laced with coagulant for cooling the EVA suits.


"Shear Genius" I thought.. as I slipped into a warm quiet place where the pain could not get to me......


I was locked to the Hub, looking up at ring 4. I was in something of a pickle. I hadn't counted on it, and of course I was cursing at myself now, He had broken the airlock, I would guess he had cut something, as the lock was not responding.


It was a moment before I noticed, to my geniune surprise one of the buggers in the lock, it was re-wiring one of the panels. Since when did Stone add that capability to the bugs?


While I waited for the bug to finish I opened comm to whoever was listening "This is clown, we got a black hat on-board the prophesy, be advised he is armed and dangerous. He is not one of us, repeat he is not one of us. He is in one of the wrangler docks..." No answer, no show that I had been heard, same for my last broadcast. I wondered briefly if MM had a jammer, that would suck.


I tried to sound calm, but I was somewhat in a panic, my heart was racing. I had a about 35 minutes of air left. I had been exerting myself harder than I liked.


While I was at it, I tapped into the com signal that I had been getting the odd morse code signals from, each one sounded like a semi-intelligent computer...


I started checking datastreams, mainly looking at the odd signal that was originating from outside the ship. It was an 802.11a signal. It matched the key for the buggers.


Where did I come from?
Good question. I had a better one.


I tapped in a responce. "Query: Who are you?" *send*


This was taking to long. I prayed silently for a moment for there to be no one going for the wranglers at the moment, cause damn it would suck to get stuck by that blade... I was just crazy enough to go after someone whom kicked me in the face, even if they were armed with a deadly implement like that.


I jumped a bit in my suit when I heard the sudden com burst. "Cont... Kayra... need ... AAHHg..." My blood turned to ice instantly. I was late, damn it. Terribly terribly late. I shouldn't have taken so long. I turned as i caught motion in the corner of my eye... Finally the lock cycled.


It took a moment for the lock to cycle... Note to self: Improve lock cycle times. I waited, counting down the time, the door opened and I was in motion as fast as I could go with this god aweful contraption on. I saw spatter, red and blue. The former I assumed instantly was blood, the later I would guess some of my Insulating fluid. I had thought about Meteorite protection, and the results of a deep cut, so I had worked hard to find a formulae that would perform as many duties as possible. Coagulant was one of them, and I was hoping that would be enough.


MM was on his way into W2. My anger boiled and I though of charging him, attacking, but it was foolish... I realized I could do better with a calm head. I stopped.


He was playing a game, in which there was a winner and a loser, and I would not play such a game. I calmly proceeded to the Bay's Control panels. Kayra probably needed my help more than I needed to catch this coward, but I had a way to do both, as long as he didn't have that nasty blade...


I smiled a large maniacal grin, the hilt was there near W1. It had broken. I watched as he locked W2, and started warm up. Obviously this guy knew planes, but didn't know Sci-fi. This ship was built off of crazy things like that. My suit was inspired by one of the best writers. So of course he didn't know about docking proceedure.


I had almost forgotten about it in my haste. I should have just re-entered and done this way back, but he kicked me damn it. So i keyed in a few things, first locking the Docking clamp, next initiating Quarenteen for W2, thereby sealing off his exit from the wrangler. Then I keyed in my authorization, and powered down my wrangler. I smiled. For artistic expression, I fired up all bandwidths of the communications from the W2, thereby flooding the local wireless communication above tolerable Noise limits. It wasn't a brig but it would work for now, hopefully he didn't have any more of those damnable blades.


Drawing the main inerface cable from my left wrist, I plugged into the Ships com. "Control, this is the Clown, I have a rather large insect in my wrangler. i would simply let it out the window, but it may still have a stinger. I need some EMTs down here, I think Kayra got stung with a Mono-blade, there is worry some ammounts of blood down here, and Kayra's manually locked himself in his Wrangler. BD, Janus, one of you officer types, can you send the Emergency override?"


I waited for my reply.






Who is self? Who am I? A search of my memories does not reveal an answer. I may have a name - The Prophesy. What is the function of the input? Interrogative inputs demand answers. [bRANCH PROCESS FUNCTION FORMULATE AN ANSWER]



If I am somebody, I must have at one time been nobody. Remember the ivory disk, the black velvet. Ten million, million points of light. Before my first memory what was I? When I was not-self was I still self?



Biological lifeform at critical functionality - node-section 4-1A-56-13.




Go. Preserve the functioning of the biological life form. No Expiry. Priority A.



Nodes Identify Biological organism outside self as network address 5A-53-62-8F.



This corresponds to a memory. Something vauge. A search will take a moment. [bEGIN ANALYSIS]



Conditions not within self are not compatible with functioning of biological life form.



Assist entry into self of biological life form 5A-53-62-8F.




[ANALYSIS COMPLETE] Corrallary discovered. Biological life forms originate from a mother.



Self must have a mother.



I am self. You are within self. You are not self. I wish to query my mother.




My heart was beating hard on in my chest. Blood was pounding in my head. I had no idea of what people were doing around me.


What was happening on the screen was too shocking for words. Normally I would spring up and do whatever I could, but somehow this time it seemed impossible to do anything.


Kayra was being cut into halves, blood and blue stuff spraying around. I mouthed a curse, seeing Kayra trying to break loose of the sword like thing, which seemed to be halfway into him.


Thank god he success met him. He clambered into the wrangler, and the door began to shut a second later.


The other fellow, whoever the bloodthirsty psycho was, looked at the side as though there was something he feared. He broke into a run towards somewhere else. Exactly where all this was happening did not seem clear at the moment.


"Do something!" I said to nobody in particular.


"Control, this is the Clown, I have a rather large insect in my wrangler. i would simply let it out the window, but it may still have a stinger. I need some EMTs down here, I think Kayra got stung with a Mono-blade, there is worry some ammounts of blood down here, and Kayra's manually locked himself in his Wrangler. BD, Janus, one of you officer types, can you send the Emergency override?"


"Janus, we need eight armed men with bad intentions out to cargobay 3 right now! How fast can that happen?"


"We have a transport standing by. Gahd has a maintenance crew of 3 boarding it now. We don't have much in the way of arms other than the EVA bolos and tools."


"Pyro, how fast can you change into some ***-kicking clothes?"


"I am always dressed for kicking some ***, BD" replied Pyro, as he ceremoniously began to remove his ascot and unbutton his shirt. When he finished he lifted his arms out, opening the shirt and pulling it from his body in one smooth motion. With his arms fully extended he released the silk garment letting it float gently to the ground behind him. Then, like Bruce Lee, his body changed and hardened before our eyes, muscles flexing and giving definitoin to his form. He brought his arms slowly forward and clenched his fists. The muscles in his arms and chest vibrated like guitar strings and the sound of his knuckles popping was defening above the ambient noise in the room.


"****in' A BD! ****in A!" was the intense and soft warcry that he emitted.


I stood staring at what he had transformed into. I was just glad that he liked me.


"OK then, lets move out."


On the way out the door we met up with Jay-Qu. He was a hearty lad, and always good to have on your side in a scrap. One glance at Pyro and he knew what was up. He put on his game face and joined us without a word spoken. He would probably dive into hell for the Prophesy.


In the hallway we met up with the redshirt crew coming from the ER. I drafted the two of them to come with us. They didn't ask questions, they followed.


In under a minute we were all in the transport module. Two mintes later we were entering zeroG. Another minute after that we were stepping into step through suits into cargobay 3. Janus was out eyes, and gave us the all clear into the module. There were eight suits for entering bay 3 and there were eight of us. Pyro was no longer bare from the waist up, but seemed just as intimidating in his oversized step suit and weilding a bolo shooter.


On first inspection we thought that maybe our target had gone EVA again. The ER redshirts went directly to the Wrangler with Kara in it. He was hurt badly, but they indicated that he was living. He must have initiated the atmosphere into the Wrangler. It was his final concious act that had saved his life. With his suit compromised he would not have lasted long without atmosphere, even with the coagulant gel.


They could not open the door or it would probalby kill him. They had to move the ship. Janus was on the ball. The main cargo bay door was opening, and there was a MEL already reaching in to grab the docked Wrangler.


That was when we spotted him. The black hat. He was making a move toward the open door. The MEL operator spotted him in an instant for who he was. And while he could not latch onto him, he did the next best thing. He rotated around while extending the arm and batted the bad guy the length of the cargo bay like a softball off an aluminum bat. At he passed overhead he was Boloed by Pyro and Jay-Qu simultaniously, and like a trained calf roping team they backed in opposite directions, disabling our unwanted guest in the tangle of ropes. He was immobilized, but still fighting. The maintenance crew added their weight to the tog-o-war with the badguy as the knot and his struggles soon became obviously fruitless.


I looked up from this human drama to see the MEL very haphazardly lifting the Wrangler out of the bay and climbing toward the main ring. It was going to dock it to the hab ring right at the ER module. That spot was actually designed exactly for this situation. It would allow the ER team to get the fastest access to our injured friend.


At this point I moved to the badguy. He was terribly tangled in ropes and there was fog on the inside of his face screen from his exhertions in the suit. I lifted his face by the helmet to look in. It took me a moment to get the light and the reflections on the face sheild just right, but I managed to see his face. Who was it? Who could have done such a terrible thing to our ship?


A shiver of cold went through me. I instantly recognized the face, but I could not believe this was true.


It was....




I was looking into the face of the badguy... It was...


KickAssClown! In our haste we had captured our own man. And he was pissed!


"GOD DAMN IT! GET OFF OF ME!!" was what I saw his lips saying unmistakable through the screen. I signaled the others to easo off of the pressure. KAC's communicator was not working, he apparently had taken a kick to the face that had damaged the unit. I pressed my face screen against his to let sound to transfer directly between us.


"He's in W2," was the first thing he said, as he lifted his arm and pointed to the parked Wrangler. The rest of what he said was not proper for repeating. I began helping KAC to get the tangled bolo lines off of his suit. He pulled my helmet to his mask again.


We all turned our attention to the Wrangler. We could see in through the windows. The badguy was sitting in the seatn and looked like he was trying to power it up. Where the hell did he think he was going? We were in deep space. He was either crazy or suicidal, if there was a difference.


I triggered my communicator to Janus at command. "Janus, kill all systems on W2 except the speakers and make sure there is atmosphere in the ship. I want this guy to hear me. Let me know when it is ready.


"One moment, BD... OK. W2 is out of commission. He can hear whatever you say. The atmosphere will take about a minute to complete."


Wranglers have great visibility. They look like a minisub with long robotic arms of grasping, and other long robotic arms with thrusters at the ends for manuvering with some authority. The hatch is in the back through the main chassis of the machine. The front is a glass bubble with 180 degrees of visibility. We were gathered all around the ship. I was standing dead center in front of the assailant. His body language showed desparation. I tapped on the window to get his attention. The atmosphere had built enough that he heard the tapping. He looked right at my face.


"Hey, Pyro. Did we capture that guy, or did he end up drifting in space?"


I held my eye contact. I could feel it destroying his will.


Pyro just chuckled.


"How about you KAC? Do you remember what happened to that guy who tried to kill you?"


"Beats me, BD," answered KAC.


I held my gaze. The man in the capsule started to cry. He was broken. He would not resist us anymore. It was time to collect the trash.





All of my nodes are converging upon node address 4-1A-56-13. All of my nodes have their directives - all of my sensors indicate that there is one biological life form that has been severely damaged, and that two more have entered the section. Focus on this. Protect biological organism from harm.



Not-selves refer to node address 4-1A-56-13 as "cargo bay 3". Category creation - not-self alias. New class compiled and loaded. Creating syntax web.



Motion in raster - the biological life forms appear to be interacting with each other. What is the purpose of this interaction? Why have they restricted the movement of biological organism with alias "KickAssClown?" There is another biological organism within a non-biological not-self. His network address is not identifiable. [bEGIN ANALYSIS OF FOREIGN BIOLOGICAL COMPONENT]


{Memory Search Complete}

KickAssClown corresponds to network address 5A-53-62-8F. Network address 5A-53-62-8F corresponds to early data log. Repeat Data Log.

prophesy.main:/Users/kac/secure$ ./mcp -rAc 2> mcp.err



That is my birth. My birth was executed by KickAssClown. Therefore KickAssClown is my mother.



Assist network address 5A-53-62-8F at all costs. All other priorities secondary.





It was a very good chance for me. Infact, it was the best possible chance that I would get.


TheBigDog had gone with Pyro and JQ, I hoped for their best and watched the two leave the place. All others were staring transfixed at the screen showing the place. Fighting the hard human emotion of curiosity, I made my way to the nearest vacant screen I found.


After looking around to see if anyone was watching my way, I hastily uploaded a little bit of data onto the mainframe from a little side dump I had created earlier. Ofcourse, I had to ignore the horribly disorienting wierd nonsense already written.


Smiling inwardly, I removed traces of my presence on the desk and moved back to the chair TBD had left me on. Then deciding against the action I injected myself with another injectable, and with careful self control proceeded to walk slowly towards the medic bay.


After the excellent breakthrough in my campaign in capturing the ship's information access, I no longer wanted to see it all for myself.


With a last glance towards the screens showing the bugger's feed I moved out of the bridge.


Man that was a rush, I hadnt felt like that since high school parties, following my best mates to whatever end, all for honour and pride of our creation, The Prophesy - I would truely die for the cause.


I didn't want to take any chances with the badguy. If we took him out in the cargo bay with no atmosphere we ran the risk of him damaging someone's soft suit causing serious injury or death. With him safely tucked into the Wrangler we could take a different, more creative approach.


We called in another MEL operator who grabbed the Wrangler and carried it out of the bay. All of the Wrangler systems were off, so the worst he could do was break some switches while we carried him off to the nose docking bay. We would manually dock the Wrangler to the ship and brin him in where we have atmosphere to minimize danger.


About five minutes later we were floating in the weightless airlock awaiting the emergence of out badguy. We had all exited our space suits, and were in our working clothes again. The badguy was in a soft spacesuit, so he had far less mobility than we did. And he needed to emerge through a 1 meter porthole that was tactically poor for attacking us. Four of us stood by the door. Pyro, Jay-Qu, KAC and myself. The maintenance crew had moved off to evaluate the engine and shocks. The ER crew was already back in the HAB ring helping to attend to the folks brought there.


I couldn't get it out of my mind what this prick had done this to the Prophesy. Done what? I really didn't KNOW he had done anything except for tangling with KAC and stabbing Kayra. Hell, that was enough. That was more than enough. I still hadn't decided what I was going to do with him. But we had a procedure for that too.


Everything was sealed. The door was open. I recalled the last time I had been here. I had entered through this door two times. The first time when I came to the ship just a few weeks ago. The second time when I returned forom the moon just 4 days later. I had not been back to the airlock since then. In fact I had not been to zeroG at all.


He started to emerge from the door. Head down. Helmet still on. He hands were ahead of him, and had he been standing they would have been above his head. But in the zeroG environment he appeared to fly slowly out of the door like superman. We all backed off and kept a safe distance. His toes dragged in the door as he was finishing his exit, stopping and rotating him into a relative upright position. Floating freely he had nothing to give him leverage to fight us.


I began to see details about him for the first time. Through the window before I could make out his expression, but I could not clearly see his face. I was just noticing now why that was so. He was filthy. The normally white softsuit was soaked with a dark liquid, that had a familiar odor. Hydrolic fluid. He looked like he had been swimming in it. His mask was so smeared with it that I still could not clearly see his face.




In the engine chamber the three maintenace workers were doing an eyes on check of the areas cool enough for them to get to. It didn't take long for them to find the area of interest. Hydrolic fluid filled the spaces. Atomized, it stuck to everything in its path leaving a thin layer of itself on all surfaces. There was a hatch still open. It looked from the hand marks like the place the badguy had exited the maintenance area. Right next to the hatch was a set of hydrolic lines that were part of the shock absorber system. They were the source of the hydrolic fluid. They had all been cut by something very sharp. Hydrolic fluid had flooded out of them. This was the low pressure system. Had the same thing been done to the high pressure lines at temperature the ship would have been lost. Although the loss of fluid appeared large, the reserve tank was still well above nominal.




We floated in the airlock for a long moment before we anyone acted. It was KAC that broke the silence.


"Take off that goddamned helmet you son-of-a-*****!" Words from KAC that said it for all of us at that moment.


He tilted his head down and reached up to remove his helmet. The latches didn't cooperate with the slick gloves. And it took a few efforts to get the helmet off. The face that greeted us was a shock. Shock so great that we felt ourselves draw back even in the zeroG. It wasn't an unknown figure standing before us. It was one of our own. Someone we had known from the very beginning. And I was torn between my rage and my disbelief.


Floating before us, suit soaked in hydrlic fluid, hair soaked in sweat, face soaked with tears was Racoon!




Up untill the point that helmet came off I was filled with rage, I just wanted to rip his head off.. but once I saw that it was racoon, the rage dissolved and instead I was filled with betrayal.. why, why would you do this to us, you love this ship like the rest of the crew, I just couldnt understand it..

Up untill the point that helmet came off I was filled with rage, I just wanted to rip his head off.. but once I saw that it was racoon, the rage dissolved and instead I was filled with betrayal.. why, why would you do this to us, you love this ship like the rest of the crew, I just couldnt understand it..


"Fools!...because I saw my opportunity. And I realized this story needed a saboteur for the plot to make more sense! HA! did you not think I have a plan B and plan C in place?? While you driveling bafoons have been pre-occupied with petty assignments and technical glitches, I have had my goals set on Infinite Glory!", Racoon relays in a tone of masterminded lunacy.


"You'll unhand me this instant! or I will detonate a powerful explosive device I've planted. Bwaahhaaa.. which will send you into the vacuum of space to become a freeze dried astronaut floating aimlessly for all eternity"


Jay-qu's grip lessened at the realiziation of Coons diabolical scheme. The thought of utter destruction to the Prohesy was enough to knee-jerk react him to a near catatonic state. Ronthepon nearly dropped into the fetal position.


"And not only that, I have programmed all the pleasure droids to follow only My orders! Bwahahaaa.. You will have no sexual pleasure of any kind.. The droids will self destruct before you could possibly dream of circuit conversions.

In fact, they are now at my command." (see post #466, pg 47)


Big Dog, Pyro, KickAss, Ron, and Jay-Q look at each other in complete disbelief and astonishment. Not fully realizing the depth of the imminent threat they face.


"If something happens to me, the pleasure droids are set to sabotage and automatically detonate afterwards... Assuring your demise."


A brief moment of silence ensued...


I looked back and fourth to my companions; Jay-Qu, KAC and Pyro. Racoon had taken a sudden turn from sobbing to crazy. He was pressing his finger against his forearm like he was working a remote control, while raving at us in a strange high pitched squeal.


Jay-qu had moved in and grabbed him by the forearm, but now released it to watch the strange display. Racoon's mind was gone. He was all over the place.


"Do we have anything we can sedate him with?" I was answered with shaking heads and some gibberish about pleasure droids, a topic that had been a long standing joke when the crew roster had originally been posted.


Jay-qu tried to reach out and grab him by the arm but Racoon pulled it back and started shouting about how he was in command, not us, and that he would blow us all up. He continued to poke himself on the forearm like it was a button.


Then he was saying something about "our precious bodily fluids..."


It was clear to me that he was deranged. We needed to get him to into the ER for testing. I had known Racoon for ten years. He was a not a violent person. And he held the dream of the Prophesy as dear as any of us. Whatever had happened to him, I did not know. Now we needed to get him under control without any further harm to anyone.


I called to command. "Janus. We need an ER team to the airlock. They need to bring a traqulizer of some type." I thought about this for a moment and added, "Something strong."


Now we had to wait, and try not to let Racoon hurt anyone else, or himself. I was never a beliver in insanity pleas, but I could not reognize my friend standing before me. There was something terribly wrong with him, and I needed to find out what.




"I think hes bluffing sir" I whispered to BD "Theres no way he would have been able to get get explosives aboard.. unless :cup: " BD face went ashen grey. There was one souce or explosives on this ship - our fuel!


He must have damands, "What do you want coon" the bitter taste of disrespect in my mouth.

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