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This is a test;


infy, you could just select the desired text, right click on the selected text, choose copy, then go to the moderators forum and paste it in your response :) (that would be right clicking inside your response and saying paste)


Hey OK it works..............cool.


Many thanks; alexander and Tormod...............Infy


oh and you can delimit your text with quote tags such as

infy, you could just select the desired text, right click on the selected text, choose copy, then go to the moderators forum and paste it in your response (that would be right clicking inside your response and saying paste)




OK, let's give it a try;

infy, you could just select the desired text, right click on the selected text, choose copy, then go to the moderators forum and paste it in your response :( (that would be right clicking inside your response and saying paste)



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