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I have read several papers stating that Heim figured the live inhabited 3 dimensions and the dead 3 others, He also came up with the source of information about size, location etc. of material things as coming fro G4 (God only knows)


Heim also says no big bang that the universe was without form and void for 10^127 years before matter was created.




Has anyone else here heard anything


Welcome to Hypography.


Which papers are you referring to? Your post title implies that you have some information of this but all you post is hearsay. Please be more specific about what you have read and where we can read up on it.


Seriously, of course. If matter is just organized energy then where is the information on how it is oganized stored.


I haven't read all of Heim's work, just what I can find that has been translated into English.


What I am wondering is that this leads to what Science Fiction author Greg Bear calls the Bell continuum. This would also explain entanglement quite nicely as two entangled particles would share the same information even though separated in space.


I don't really think the information on how it's stored reallyneeds to exist at all, and if it does it'd have to be self-contained.


What's this 'Bell Continuum'?

This would also explain entanglement quite nicely as two entangled particles would share the same information even though separated in space.
I don't see what advantage would be attained in understanding. The violation of Bell inequalities simply goes against local realism, the shared information that you describe wouldn't solve this difficulty.

Not a strange claim. Heim is the one who gave a pretty convincing argument that life is in itself it's own "dimension" then based upon this and other considerations came up with a working unified field theory that accurately predicts particle masses.


I don't see how this is a strange claim. It actually makes sense and should be investigated.


What is strange is that Heim's work was done done by a blind and deaf man with no hands.


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