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I found this rather mind boggling article:


<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/WEBONLY/resource/sep04/0904nfus.html




The evidence for cold fusion actually having been achieved looks surprisingly strong.


Can anybody think of a mechanism for this cold fusion? I won't ask for a convincing mechanism. Anything better than "If it works there must be a reason" would be a good start.


Good catch. Interesting. I think the final paragraph says a lot: "The review will give cold fusion researchers a chance—perhaps their last—to show their mettle."


It doesn't sound too optimistic to me.


Wow, Tormod, I think you missed the otherwise relatively optimistic tone of the article. As it stated after your quote:


" But for a discipline whose name has become a byword for junk science, the DOE's review is a big opportunity."


I think, as indicated in this quote, that the general opinion of the general population and most of science was that it was the posterchild for junk science. I have used it myself as such. The info I was operating under was that the original claims were not in any way reproducable. An INTENTIONAL fraud for whatever reasons. Yet it seem that there has been some success and even a potential mechanism has been identified. That's exciting. Thanks Blame for posting it. There is hope for you yet!


I agree with your suggestion (as the quote you chose indicated) that a great effort will be needed to establish even basic credibility after the well publicized failure the 1st time around. But the article seems to indicate that that is an actual possibility.


And there is so extremely much to gain from success.


One has to wonder if the powers that be from the powers that generate revenue from the powers we are harnessing have the power to thow cold water on this heavy water success?

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