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Hello coldcreation


A singularity or a point in space or a wormhole do not exist.


OK, now we are getting somewhere.


Degerative matter reagrdless of the subatomic particals cannot occupy the same space.


The Pauli exclusion principle.


A blackhole is an ultra dense plasma matter that has so much gravity and electromagentic forces that light is unable to escape. The forces that are required to compact matter to 10^30 and more are so great that it holds everything together, it wants to be one unit and in so doing can give a life of a blackhole 10^65 or so. Must check this estimate i read it somewhere.


Yes, the prototypical state of a blackhole. This state is entirely speculative. Some, myself included, would say entirely science fictionesque.



As for wormhole that is science fiction, although sicience may try to explain a worm hole being the space and time between a blackhole and a white hole.


There are those to whom wormhole are not science fiction.

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The type of singularity that allegedly occurred at the flamboyant big bang is of a different variety than those associated with black holes. It didn’t swallow us up, it spit us out; and is hence more acceptable, since without the primordial swollen gland of frightening proportion there would have been no physicists to invent it. Unfortunately, motivation aside, there exists no quantum theory of gravity to wash the slate clean.


Our big bang and its brood of black holes, like the Holy light of the Spirits, shine only in the mist that hangs like a dark cloud in our minds, obscuring the kings in His beauty. The observable paradox is that something must be hidden from sight or it cannot be disclosed. Just as He the big bang, black holes are thought to exist but forever remain hidden from the natural eye.


That is, the Spirit of invisible presence, parousia, emphatically waiting to be unveiled, (The moment of disclosure will be the so-called ‘second coming’ of cosmology). And they (the big-bang-black-hole-hunters) are looking most emphatically towards the sky for such a thing, in the hopes that it will bring deliverance to the entire groaning concept of creation through the manifestation of His power and force, the marvelous apocalyptic disclosure of the big bang and the mind of omniscience.


All—not merely some—of the rich and valued treasures of wisdom and knowledge are contained within the big bang and black hole singularity, hidden behind the pseudo-scientific veil or event horizon. Therefore any searches outside of Him are doomed to failure.


Hawking needed to spiritualize cosmology. It was both a personal and political post-war response. He worked through a conflict that was his own, but also that of our civilization, its calamity and catastrophes, with the help of a little divine finger pointing. He is one of the only new-visionaries to have been illuminated by radiating particles from within, the temperatures of which are inversely proportional to the mass of the hole (known quasi-pictorially as the Hawking effect or Hawking radiation, introduced ad hoc into black hole physics to avoid violating the second law of thermodynamics). Like the CMB, Hawking radiation is a vestige from the Christ-antichrist asymmetry.




Hello coldcreation



Give me facts or calaculations leading to the unknown and i may consider but give me hear say and would say no comment.


Coldcreation you seem a logical person. Work it out.


As for BBT and the expanding universe there is so much negatives against it that , theses days the BBT is not even worth discussing.


For decades i believed in it, and slowly with new evidence of deep field images showing existing galaxies 13.2 billion light years blue the BBT out of the water. I could give you a list of negatives and cosmologist who will tell you that the BBT is dead in the water.


Also the dispute in redshift, the doppler and the hubble constant has put a damper on the BBT.


But it seems the cosmologists who have been with the BBT for so long cannot change from it. God knows why.


The funny thing is, I could be wrong.

Hello coldcreation



Give me facts or calaculations leading to the unknown and i may consider but give me hear say and would say no comment.


Coldcreation you seem a logical person. Work it out.


As for BBT and the expanding universe there is so much negatives against it that , theses days the BBT is not even worth discussing.


For decades i believed in it, and slowly with new evidence of deep field images showing existing galaxies 13.2 billion light years blue the BBT out of the water. I could give you a list of negatives and cosmologist who will tell you that the BBT is dead in the water.


Also the dispute in redshift, the doppler and the hubble constant has put a damper on the BBT.


But it seems the cosmologists who have been with the BBT for so long cannot change from it. God knows why.


The funny thing is, I could be wrong.


Yes, now I remember reading some of your posts agaisnt big bang cosmology. You must have seen mine too in the same threads. We certainly see eye to eye on that. Black holes in retrospect (whether they exist of not) are really just a detail. It does not change anything in my world-view, neither for that matter in Hawking's.


Consider for a brief moment the hope spoken of by Stephen Hawking (in his 1988 bestseller, pp. 88, 89) when he penned those soul-enthralling words about the force of gravitation exerted on an astronaut in the immediate vicinity of a black hole. He cogitates, deliberately realizing the nonrealistic nature of his prose that gravity would become so strong, “the forces would stretch our astronaut out like spaghetti…it would tear him apart…it would mean that no one's life would ever be safe: someone might go into the past and kill your father or mother before you were conceived!”


What a jolly idea. He even quotes the Italian poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) who said of the entrance of Hell: “All hope abandon, ye who enter here.” Hawking then adds to Dante's Inferno: “Anything or anyone who falls through the event horizon will soon reach the region of infinite density and the end of time.” In other words we have in contemporary theoretical speculation both good and evil - creation and destruction - the big bang singularity creates, and the black hole singularity devours.


Hawking knows that there are other models to explain observations that show systems in which there is a star rapidly orbiting around an unseen companion, but feels they are “farfetched.” Hawking encloses the following words which I feel certain bear eloquent testimony to his own experience: “A black hole seems to be the only really natural explanation of the observations…I have done a lot of work on black holes, and it would be all wasted if it turned out that black hole do not exist” (1988 p. 94). A beleaguered thought seems blurred by biting wit. Hawking's writing, often charged, always crosses its wires. Short-circuited, a revealing phrase goes dark.


On page 50 he owns up, after having “proved” with Penrose (1970) that the universe began with a singularity: “…I am now trying to convince other physicist that there was in fact no singularity at the beginning of the universe…”



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