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You are called upon by the next President of the United States to head up a....

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.........to head up a task force to recommend a national program to rectify the current situation in which the United Staes finds itself.

President’s Task Force Report July 24, 2007

Until further consultation with experts in the various areas offers better solutions, I propose, Madam President, the following strategies.

1. Energy:

Remove government subsidies and tax breaks to oil companies ($11.9 billion in 1995). Give incentives (grants and tax breaks) to sustainable energy companies instead: solar, wind, hydrogen, magnet, tidal, biofuels.

Require that oil companies allow production of fuel-efficient vehicles and alternative energy systems that they currently hold patents on.

Promote energy-efficiency, especially in building construction. Encourage green-roofs, earth-sheltering, passive ventilation and shading; sub-floor and solar heating, photo-voltaic roof panels.


2. Agriculture:

Remove government subsidies and tax breaks to giant corporate owned agri-businesses ($25 billion per year).

Give incentives (grants and tax breaks) to family farms, cooperatives and certified organic growers.

Require GMO labeling.

Promote local food production including in urban areas.

Promote hemp production for fiber, fuel and medicine.


3. Transportation:

Tax gas and diesel until US car owners pay as much as Europeans ($5-$6 per gallon with up to 75% being taxes). Use the money collected to subsidize public transportion, particularly rail and electric.

Tax car companies that produce gas-guzzlers and give incentives to manufacturers making fuel-efficient and alternative-fueled vehicles.


4. Healthcare:

Provide universal healthcare along the lines of other Western nations.

Eliminate for-profit health-insurance companies.

Focus on preventative health-care.


5. Security and Law-enforcement:

Decriminalize marijuana (and eventually other street drugs).

Criminalize environmental destruction and increase penalties for “white-collar” crimes (i.e. corporate and money-related crimes).

Impeach and prosecute certain members of the current government.


6. Foreign Relations:

Withdraw from Iraq as soon as possible. Write a letter of apology to Iraqis.

Order the CIA to cease and desist all under-cover warfare.

Make friends with the rest of the world.

Commit to total nuclear disarmament within 10 years.


7. Economy:

Use the Genuine Progress to replace the gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure of economic growth.

Heavily tax polluters, green-house gas emissions, multi-national corporations, people who make more than $10,000,000 a year.

Put an environmental tax on “disposable” items.

Make it a criminal offense to charge more than prime plus 5% interest.

Eventually dissolve the Federal Reserve and create a Fiat US Currency that does not require going into debt nor profiting private individuals in its creation.

Eventually eliminate welfare, unemployment insurance and old-age pension programs and replace Them with a tax-free Guaranteed Annual Income for everyone.


8. Government:

Eventually implement some form of proportional representation and/or direct democracy. Various concepts are possible: representatives from local and neighborhood groups electing representatives for the municipal groups then they elect for state government and they elect for national government; computer-facilitated direct voting on referendum issues; individual allocation of personal tax-monies to specific areas.

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