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Well. First, I would like to start by saying that I am new here.

I have done a little exploring through these forums, and it appears that a lot of people are interested in performing chemistry experiments at home... myself being one of them. I have access to some chemicals at my workplace, but being a chemistry fanatic, I wish I could do more things at home.

I wanted to start this thread as a "database" where people can post chemicals that can be purchased from various local places available to the public.

Please feel free to post as many chemicals as you wish, and the place they can be purchased. THANKS!


I'll start:

Sodium Bicarbonate : Can be bought in supermarkets (sold as Baking Soda)

Sodium Carbonate : Can be bought at some supermarkets (sold as Washing Soda)

Hydrochloric Acid : Can be bought at hardware stores as an industrial cleaner

Sodium Hydroxide : Can be bought at hardware stores as a drain cleaner

Magnesium Sulfate : Can be bought in pharmacies and supermarkets (Epsom Salts)

Sodium Chloride : Table salt


Google "chemical equivalency list"


Acacia..............................................................Gum Arabic

Acetic Acid........................................................Vinegar

Aluminum Oxide..................................................Alumia

Aluminum Potassium Sulphate................................Alum

Aluminum Sulfate................................................Alum

Ammonium Carbonate..........................................Hartshorn

Ammonium Hydroxide...........................................Ammonia

Ammonium Nitrate...............................................Salt Peter

Ammonium Oleate...............................................Ammonia Soap

Amylacetate......................................................Banana Oil

Barium Sulfide....................................................Black Ash

Carbon Carbinate................................................Chalk

Carbontetrachloride.............................................Cleaning Fluid

Calcium Hypochloride...........................................Bleaching Powder

Calcium Oxide.....................................................Lime

Calcium Sulfate..................................................Plaster of Paris

Carbonic Acid....................................................Seltzer

Cetyltrimethylammoniumbromide............................Ammonium Salt

Ethylinedichloride................................................Dutch Fluid

Ferric Oxide.......................................................Iron Rust

Furfuraldehyde...................................................Bran Oil

Glucose............................................................Corn Syrup

Graphite...........................................................Pencil Lead

Hydrochloric Acid...............................................Muriatic Acid

Hydrogen Peroxide..............................................Peroxide

Lead Acetate....................................................Sugar of Lead

Lead Tero-oxide.................................................Red Lead

Magnesium Silicate.............................................Talc

Magnesium Sulfate.............................................Epsom Salt

Methylsalicylate................................................Winter Green Oil


Phenol.............................................................Carbolic Acid

Potassium Bicarbonate........................................Cream of Tarter

Potassium Chromium Sulfate.................................Chromealum

Potassium Nitrate...............................................Salt Peter

Sodium Oxide.....................................................Sand

Sodium Bicarbonate.............................................Baking Soda

Sodium Borate....................................................Borax

Sodium Carbonate...............................................Washing Soda

Sodium Chloride..................................................Salt

Sodium Hydroxide................................................Lye

Sodium Silicate...................................................Glass

Sodium Sulfate...................................................Glauber's Salt

Sodium Thiosulfate..............................................Photographer's Hypo

Sulfuric Acid.......................................................Battery Acid

Sucrose.............................................................Cane Sugar

Zinc Chloride......................................................Tinner's Fluid

Zinc Sulfate.......................................................White Vitriol



Chemical - Used In - Available at


Alcohol, Ethyl - Alcoholic Beverages - Liquor Store

....................OR Solvents: 95% min for both - Hardware Stores

Ammonia CLEAR - Household Ammonia - Supermarkets or 7-Eleven

Ammonium Nirate - Instant-Cold Paks - Drug Stores

Nitrous Oxide - Pressurizing Whip Cream - Party Supply Stores

OR Poppers (like CO² ctgs.) - Head Shops

Magnesium - Firestarters - Surplus or Camping Stores

Lecithin - Vitamins - Pharmacies or Drug Stores

Mineral Oil - Cooking, Laxative -Supermarket or Drug Stores

Mercury - Mercury Thermometers - Supermarkets, Hardware Stores Sulfuric Acid - Car Batteries - Automotive Stores

Glycerine -- Pharmacies or Drug Stores

Sulfur - Gardening - Garden or Hardware Store

Charcoal - Charcoal Grills - Supermarkets, Gardening Stores

Sodium Nitrate - Fertilizer - Gardening Stores

Cellulose (Cotton) - First Aid - Drug Stores

Strontium Nitrate - Road Flares - Surplus or Auto Stores

Fuel Oil - Kerosene Stoves - Surplus or Camping Stores

Potassium Permanganate - Water Purification - Purification Plants

Hexamine or Methenamine - Hexamine Stoves - Surplus or Camping Stores

Nitric Acid - Cleaning Printing Plates - Printing/Photography Stores

Iodine - Disinfectant (tinture) - Pharmacy, OSCO

Sodium Perchlorate - Solidox Pellets - Hardware Stores

............................OR Cutting Torches (IMPURE)

Okay. Wow. So you just basically finished off my thread. hahaha. It's all good though. If anyone can possibly think of anymore, feel free to post...:lol:


Tell us more about your Chemistry Interests and Ideas Mercedes Benzene?

Tell us more about your Chemistry Interests and Ideas Mercedes Benzene?


Well, if you'd really like to know more about me... haha.

Chemistry is pretty much my life. Seriously.

I would have to say organic chemistry is my specialty, but I enjoy inorganic and nuclear chemistry as well.

I suppose I lean towards nuclear chemistry or particle physics as my ultimate career goal, but we will just have to see.

That is pretty much me in a nut-shell (And just in case you were wondering, I do have a life outside of science) HAHAHHA. It's just my #1 passion

If you have any more questions, I would be more than happy to answer. I very much enjoy these forums. :lol:

(And just in case you were wondering, I do have a life outside of science)

It's just my #1 passion

If you have any more questions, I would be more than happy to answer. I very much enjoy these forums. :hihi:


Chemistry is very cool! I didn't mean to throw this thread off topic...


You sound fascinating ;)


I have had a little.

I memorized the Periodic Table of Elements (and subsequently forgot:hihi: )


What do you think about Boron ?


too stable?

or does it have potential to be a Superconductor?


OH I see. I'm young too... :eek: Anyway... Boron. I envision possible semiconductors arising from Boron, but certainly not any Superconductors. It's just way too.... hmmm... i don't know, Boron-ish. haha. I do believe there are metallic compounds of Boron that exhibit immense thermal-conductive properties... I suppose we shall just have to wait and see.


It is a freakishly strong oxidant and yes for that reason it is not easy to come by! There was a time when it was in some medical kits, I heard it was useful for something to do with snakebites :)


detergent would probably do the same job but may contain things that are bad for the plants - phosphates or something, any surfactant will lower the surface tension of the water enough to help it soak in :hihi: you didnt have to be watching backyard blitz last night?


I'm fairly certain that detergents would work just fine... I'm not a botanist thought, so I'm not sure...

As Jay-qu said, you would just have to watch out for chemicals that may damage a plant... althought I'm sure phosphorus would help a plant grow. Hmmm.

detergent would probably do the same job but may contain things that are bad for the plants - phosphates or something, any surfactant will lower the surface tension of the water enough to help it soak in ;) you didnt have to be watching backyard blitz last night?


Aanother ozzie lurking!

Please go immediately to Skywathers' Journal (Southern hemisphere)


I think phosphates have been taken out of detergents (because we were getting too much sea weed?). So detergent should be OK for the soil.


Putting detergent on the leaf of the plant might rip off protective waxes/resins.

Do wetting agents last longer/ Is there a reason I should pay 400% more for them than soap?


I have lost interest in backyard blitz although they do occasinally have some good odd-ball tips.

Thanks for your help.

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