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morphine (an opiate)

is easily addictive

'cause it makes you feel


and so numb.


marijuana's not bad at all if you look at it like I do.

I just figure I'm not going to be around here

that long,

and If I can smoke something

that makes me feel that good (and inspires me to just be



and groovy)

every so often,

I will.


You walk into the park in san francisco

and everybody's going to be asking you

if you want buds, or medicine.

If someone asks you

if you have any,

they're undercover


  y063banana71 said:
All things like its use as a medicinal drug, and effects on the brain considered... is marijuana actually a dangerous drug?


Is a hammer a dangerous tool? :shade: Same difference.:doh:


But a hammer has so many potentially positive uses in the world, using them dangerously isn't really what most people would associate them with. Marijuana on the other hand seems to have a plethora of negative uses, so would it be seen as dangerous simply because tha's the way everyone has been taught to think? Other medicinal drugs out there are probably just as bad as marijuana, except these drugs havent been blamed for ruining families, or been in the media as much as marijuana.

So it's dangerous in the wrong hands, however, the hands that hold marijuana are more likely to be dangerous with it... Is that an agreeable concluion?


You could argue both sides.


Lots of things are both dangerous and positive.


Cancer is a danger when smoking anything (even barbequeing), so that's a danger when smoking pot.


Pot smokers tend to be non-violent, and often have strong bonds with their friends who engage in similar behavior. That's a positive.



You're either considering trying it, have tried it and are questioning your morals, or you are just raising a fuss. Which do you think? What do you think?




Article: Cancer Pain Treatment


I will give testiment that Medicinal Cannabis helped my grandma in her last few months, it helps to reduce pain, increase appetite (something that a number of pain meds actually reduces), and keeps you more or less lucid.


As for the whole Tar thing? Simple solution, don't smoke it. There are a number of methods of intake, one of the best is the Vapor method. As most of you probably know celloid matterial only burns at 451* F. The medicinal components of Cannabis however vaporize at much lower tempatures and as such can be delivered, almost directly into the blood stream through vaporization.


Further there is the tincture method, by which the essence is extracted and distilled into a drinkable solution, this was the method used for my grandmother. To make a tincture often the leaf material will be heated in an alcoholic solution.


There is also the oil solution, in which once again the leaf is usually heated in a vat of oil, like olive oil for instance for a period of time to produce a food alternative, as the oil can be used on a number of things like sandwhiches, soups, salads, and pasta. This is similar however somewhat different from the butter method that is often employed to make pot brownies or cake.


(On a personal note I rather enjoy Pot curry, made right you can't taste a difference but it still has a potent, long lasting, and pleasant effect.)


I'm working on finding the goverment backed research data at the moment, which showed that cannabis tincture reduced the occourance of cancer in rats. Wow, imagine that weed might actually be Healthy for yah!


More later, once i've done some research.


Nausea reduction

Anti-cancer effect

Related Articles


Research Libary Resource


I'll further note that, I am the only child of my mother's brood that was subject to cannabis while in vitro. My mother had read up on the effects that had been observed and what she concluded was that there may have been a danger of Chromosomal damage, which she endeavoured to fight with a supplement of Folic acid as it is proven to repair Chromosomal damage.


Article; Mutagenicity, developmental toxicity and carcinogenicity of cannabis

Article;Effects of Cannabis on the Fetus


Article; DNA instability is increased by folic acid depletion in human lymphocytes in vitro

Article; the Role of Folic Acid and B12 in genomic stability of human cells


If it is dangerous or not depends on the definition of dangerous. Dangerous to the long-term of health of the individual user, yes (short-term danger is, on my limited knowledge, probably nothing more than a few thousand dead cillia that regrow in a short time). Now whether or not it is dangerous to society depends on the situation. Someone who uses it in their basement alone or with friends is not harming anything (and since pot is NOT like drugs such as PCP and LSD, the users won't experience anything absolutely crazy and go utterly insane, possibly harming themselves or the people with them). People who use marijuana and do activities such as driving a car while high is, even though it may not highly affect their ability to drive, are a danger to society. Solution? Don't get stoned and drive...or operate heavy machinery. However, the danger of pot solely depends on how it is used.

  y063banana71 said:
But a hammer has so many potentially positive uses in the world, using them dangerously isn't really what most people would associate them with. Marijuana on the other hand seems to have a plethora of negative uses, so would it be seen as dangerous simply because tha's the way everyone has been taught to think? Other medicinal drugs out there are probably just as bad as marijuana, except these drugs havent been blamed for ruining families, or been in the media as much as marijuana.

So it's dangerous in the wrong hands, however, the hands that hold marijuana are more likely to be dangerous with it... Is that an agreeable concluion?



Dangerous in the wrong hands?


A hammer is dangerous in the wrong hands.


But marijuana mostly causes self inflicted damage. There's not much other damage you can do with a dime bag, a bong, and a lighter.


Everything is balanced.... smoking pot can be very theraputic.... but if you wanna take a little, you gotta give a little, too. It's just a different way to live. No better or worse than anything else in the world. Well, atleast, that's how I see it.:shrug:


I would ask you, Nootropic, to substantiate your convictions.


To my knowledge the long term effects of pot consumption may be beneficial. I agree that one should not drive or operate heavy machinery while intoxicated.


Article; Long Term Effects on Cognition


Also I would like to note that I know of several people within my local area whom whithout constant medication would not be able to cope with society.


I seem to remember hearing something about cannabis being a atheletic enhancer... Can't seem to find info on that.

  y063banana71 said:

. . . Marijuana... seems to have a plethora of negative uses . . .

Could you specify some of these negative uses?

Personally, i have found mostly positive uses with some negative side affects.

Moderation is a large part of not getting harmed by bud.


. . .so would it be seen as dangerous simply because that's the way everyone has been taught to think? Other medicinal drugs out there are probably just as bad as marijuana, except these drugs havent been blamed for ruining families, or been in the media as much as marijuana.

You'll have to keep in mind that one big reason pot is so frowned upon is that it is extremely common. Unfortunately, some people get out of hand with certain things.

I find it interesting how many more people will get drunk than smoke pot.


So it's dangerous in the wrong hands, however, the hands that hold marijuana are more likely to be dangerous with it... Is that an agreeable conclusion?



That's iffy. It can be dangerous, but not very easily, from my experience

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