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Ok, this is Computer Technology meets Social Problems...

(mods can use their judgement here)


Chip Implants! :P

An increasing reality. Especially when it comes to implanting Illegals and Aliens. (now a hot topic)


"Verichip" is the main company. They say the Chip Implants will help keep track people...

Or will it be used to control people?


Some say the chips could be good for that reason, and will also contain Medical Records, and be valuable in those regards.


First we start implanting the Illegals,

Military people will also get chipped.

Felons and parolees will get chips...


What do you think? bad?


When they say "keep track", they won't be able to locate you from a satellite or anything...

But rather Doorways will read the chip as you pass through them. At a theatre, the library, subway station...


One arguement was that it could help prevent kidnappings. But the counter-arguement is that people will cut-off chipped limbs.


It would be good for monitoring people, but would it ever end?


The technology is cool, but I am weary of the intended uses.


Opinions? more information?

Yes, and all the Religion Nuts are saying "Mark of the Beast"

Revelations: chpt. 13 verse 10-20


I'm somewhat of a "religion nut", but I support the idea of chip implants. I think they could revolutionize the concept of identity.

It would make it easier for medical professionals to gain a copmlete background/history on the patient.

Also, as already mentioned, it makes identification of those tricky illegal immigrants easier.

Implanted chips would also make business transactions easy. They oculd be used as credit cards... (identity theft would be much harder). ...Ironically enough, the Bible says that that is what the "mark of the beast" would be used for... haha. :)



You are talking about tracking devices in the human body, right? Coz chips can refer to any thing- pacemaker computer, paralisis solving thingy, potato wafers...


Such chips if used in the military are not going to be flowery because if we can track our military leaders, so can our enemies.


Further, the issue of the so called 'privacy', and 'human rights' will blow up if it is used without the consent of the to-be cyborg.


Well, it had been said that chips can prevent kidnappings. Counter argument: limbs cut off! Why put it in the limb then, put it in the... rib cage or cranium or outer stomach lining etc.


No need to rush though, Racoon man. They have to pin you to implant and if you struggle the no dice.


Anyway, I support Identification purposes. howeve with the current societial model all that would go on is you walk into a electronics store and the tvs start showing you commercials that they think will entice you to buy more junk, based upon previous history and such.



As for illegal aliens? Once again the simplest answer is the best in this situation. Recognize all people as people of earth and accept them under then terrestial banner. F*ck lines, and borders and all that. You want to prevent nuclear disaster? I got an idea, why not get rid of divisions, lowers the chances of nuking anything cause you are all one nation under god, allah, brahma whatever. Bush said: "United we stand, divided we fall." and then blew the sh*t out of another nation fracturing us diplomaticly.



Anyway, I wouldn't mind being tracked. I do mind abuse. I do mind oppresion, and I do mind division. I would like to be able to control wheather or not I can be read by one company or another or whom has access to my records.


Enloe (our local hospital) knowing my previous medical records? Good. http://www.manonmanonwomanonmanonwomanongoataction.com knowing who I am and my previous internet history? Bad.


Other than some minor concearns, I'm for it. Soon enough we will communcate with thoughts. Imagine blogging into a network of blogs that are of pure thought? Would drive you nuts I'm sure, would be lots of fun I think.

No need to rush though, Racoon man. They have to pin you to implant and if you struggle the no dice.



There I agree with you Kickassclown!


But I must say I'm a bit paranoid regarding these technologies. I felt the same way when cookies were introduced.


But come on, before the information gathered by these chips can be used against you, they would have to scan billions of records.


Come to think of it, with all the might of the US govt., it has not been able to track down Osama bin Laden (or is it "so they claim;) ). The fact of any society and technology is, that it is never perfect, ingenious people can always devise means to overcome them.


Don't you agree Buddy!:eek2:


My mom always told me, people often give others more credit than they deserve for the things they fear most.


The chips are a curiousity, however the practicality of them is questionable. Thinking of the kinda infrastructure that would have to be put in place for these chips to track everything you do, and further, think of just how much information that they would tracking.


In the Divided States of America we are something like 250 Million confused.


In one day the ammount of information that would be gathered would be astounding. if you transmit one byte of information every second then in one day the accumalated data would be

[math]1*60*60*24*250,000,000 = 21600000000000 Bytes [/math]

[math]= 21600000000 kBytes = 21600000 mBytes [/math]

[math]= 21600 gBytes = 21.6 tBytes [/math]


I don't know about you but that is allot of information and I am sure that they would have to transmit way more than 1 byte a second. Not to mention the database structures, server farms thousands of other conciderations for that to be practical in anyway, shape or form.


The ammount of control that can be exert therefore would be minimal and insignificant. Nothing to lose sleep over. As for cancer or other such things? Have you ever read about toxic america? do you concider every bite of food you take, or how about the pesticides used on a regular basis? Silicon is non-reactive to the body, at worst it accumalates.


Like I said, I am not worried. Nothing to panic about.


Then exercise the right ot one's own body and politely refuse any attempt. If they force then I would suggest some kind of sharp implement, such as a scapel or craving tool and some localized anesthetic, Then upon removing the chip smash it into small pieces. The cost of said chip should be significant and therefore should discourage future attempts to force such things.


I will back you up in exerting your right to bodily freedom and privacy. I do not support any kind of infringement on another's freedom excepting where it adversely affects my own.

I don't want a goddamned chip in my arm! :confused:

eek! :) :confused:


Do you sport a mobile Racoon?


If yes, you are carrying such a chip on your body almost all the time, and are being tracked!


Lets put a Microchip in your arm then. :confused:


First one to test them out...

Just incase you are not aware of this.


This chip in a human technology already exists, although it can only transmit information about the identity of the person, that too from a distance of 10 cm, when you point a device at it.


As I've heard this device goes into a tiny capsule, and is injected into the victi... volunteer via a very large bore injection.


So I guess the rejection problem can be forgotten for now.

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