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Since our position on the "LEARNING CURB" of Life Determines what kind of life we have; Here I am PRESENT and ACCOUNTED FOR (somewhat anyway) ready to share life experiences with any one who wants to GROW. Looking forward to our Chats and how we can both GROW. That is all that is really important anyway,once you've realized what life is all about.


I've had what you would call alot of "Spiritual Experiences" in life on which to share and Debate with the Sciences on. I have a view on life that may shed alot of answers and a lot of controversy to those not yet *Enlightened".


I will from time to time make comments where appropriate, but remember I am not out to make one wrong, or my self right, only to share a view from someone who has been "Enlightened". That comment can in it self be a welcoming of "Verbal Arrows" my way. But when one has certainty on something he has a "Reality" that is attainable. Those achieving that same "Reality" will agree those not attaining that "Reality" will disagree.


We both First must agree that all a Reality level is is (Agreement). Water seeks it's own level. So does Conciousness. We could call the ultimate conciousness as "God" or "You" RE-Discovered.

Philosophers saying: "Know yourself and you will know God". Must know that when you are fully concious as a "Being" you too will just know.


I will give you an Idiom I have Realized, "The GOD with-in us all is YOU".

Once you have had that realization, all of the mysteries of life unfold, so here I am to help you to realize "Truth". Once you know it, it is your Duty to Help others out of the trap they are not conciously aware that they are even in.


All Religious leaders through out time have had that Realization and through there own philosopy eventually became societie's Religions.


It is not my goal to start my own Religion,but guide you to the already established Ways for which you can Grow,


You may think your there. If you can make what is in your mind materialize into the physical Universe level, You have made it. How fast, is your ability level.


If you want to become Master of your life, perhaps what I say will enspire you to look for your self. I only tell you as it is blatant obvious to Me.


The reasons Truth is not blatantly obvious are known. It stares us all in the face, beconing to be known. It is the basic motivational factor and purpose to us all. It is the reason for our existence yet due to the apathy which comes from our own mind, most have lost total interest and we are paying for it on a daily basis.


The Greatest purpose there is is finding out that truth, who we really are and everything that goes with that realization, yet I will tell you with total certainty, IF your on that purpose, you will pull-in (Manifest) incredible things in your life, If your off that purpose your life is well "HELL".


I am here to help you realize the Heaven found in life. Our own Mind keeps us individuallyfrom seeing it, as our own mind deteriorates so does society and your life. Fix your Mind and you will fix Your Life. If your life is a Mess, well Da ... Fix it. The Technology exists to fix it, yet we are so insane we are trying to destroy it. That is not Wise.


Man is just an insane "Spiritual Being" When he becomes sane he will know who he is and will be freed from "Hell" or The Physical Level.


If you can create your own heaven here on Earth, then You have what it takes to GROW ON. That Reality is what is waiting for those taking the inititive to Find out the Truth and GROW.


Truth will set you Free. To see the Truth you will rise above the level of man , who is stuck at the level of "THINKING" The Real you is "Conciousness" a "Spirit" if you will, That has the Potential to just know. You have to Know to be Free from this level, we are all trapped on.


Join me on the journey that makes Science Fiction only distored memories of our past and see them for the way they really happened.


You... Believe it or not are eternal and have your own memories and when you Free those memories to see the Truth of your own existence you become free and your perception rises to be able to see the Truth.


I know that is my believe, and it sounds like Science Fiction.. But Honestly if you "KNOW" something, Guess What? It is no longer a "BELIEF". It becomes your Reality or Agreements. Not that that means anything to any one else, but it is your life and that truth will make you the Master of your own Ship" Or in this case, YOUR LIFE. So you might ask? What is happiness, but the achievment of the things you want out of life? So want to be HAPPY?


Couldn't you just say "Hi, I am a scientologist"? That would have saved a lot of virtual ink... just don't try to tout your money pages here, as it would violate our rules.


Welcome, Diamonddille.


As you should be aware, hypography is a place to share in the enjoyment that can come from observing and participating in science. All posters here are strongly encouraged to support any claims with well defined, reproducible evidence, or clearly explain why this cannot be done.


Be cautioned, however, expecially if you are the same Diamonddille known for promoting Scientology and internet marketing, that hypography is expressly not a place to solicit either of these ventures.


If you’re interested in an objective discussion of Scientology, I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts. The recent thread 6894 is in need of such input.

What is happiness, but the achievment of the things you want out of life? So want to be HAPPY?
Thanks for your concern, but at present, I am happy. My happiness appears to result more from the pursuit of things that I want in life, not their achievement.


The question of what causes happiness is an interesting philosophical subject, for which the Philosophy and Humanities is intended.


Thanks DD for the Welcome, and thank you Tormod for taking the time to read my book. No I am not out to sell anything.

Thanks Craig, Sorry I just have no other web site, to put where they ask for one. They didn't ask for one here. I welcome communication thru any channel


Once you have read something and/or been in it does that make you a _____


Yes I studied Scientology and achieved some of the levels, does that make me a Scientologist? I haven't done anything to speak of since 1979.


I have spent most of my life being a Christian and applying the tenants of a Christian, I still have that knowledge too, does that make me a Christian?


Maybe; but It is now my knowledge and I feel I have the right to do what I wish with it. Duplicating and being part of any group gives you life experience and knowledge. It all adds to the learning curb of life,


I meet people at all levels of the learning curb of life. Where they are is what I determine which route they can HAVE.


On the learning curb of Life or Music or what ever, people are at some realization level about everything. If I were to put a Person that can understand Beethoven on a Beginning course or Visa versa they won't be able to get much out of it. The realizations of life is what determines your ability level in life, just like your performance level in music. I just want people to understand if they want to master life and be cause over it, they have to understand it (LIFE) too.


All Disciplaines are trying to do the same thing. If you want to be Christ Like

look for the disciplains of Christianity that make you Christ like. What one knows manifests in the Physical level. You can see there fruits.


I have just realized man as man cannot duplicate the Truths of existence.

Just as a 3rd Grader in music may not understand a page from Beethoven.

When man does duplicate, realize man, will no longer be man. He will have become himself , a Spirit and will have that conciousness (Awareness)and that life. Those that don't attain it or Don't have that cousciousness or awareness, won't.


One must be able to fix his mind in order to be able to duplicate and there just hasn't been a Science of the mind untill Dianetics and Scientology came on the Scene. I am not trying to sell Scientology. I see the insanity around us and know, that's what it handles. I want to survive, in a sane environment.


I realize not everyone wants to be a musician. That is no reason to degrade a person if they don't want to be. Not everyone wants to really know where they came from either and what they are all about. That is no reason to put them down either. I see in the media People don't have a clue what Scn is.


I just want people to know that if they really want to know and they really want to fix the MIND that there perceptions will "pop out of the roof" and the realities that you will attain will put you in "States of Beingness where nothing, but nothing will strike you down. I only know that people at this stage of our civilization can't have the truth. The ramifications of that truth will determine if society is going to survive or not, and man is at such a degraded level as a group, he doesn't care.


He is happy with his fixed ideas that tells him that he knows, so he doesn't have to Look. He is happy with his materialism. He like the "Wino" with his boose, he thinks he is happy. I know different.


You asked me why I didn't just come out and say I was a Scientologist and save some cyber ink? That is the why... People already have developed their fixed ideas on what Scientology is and won't look. I know what it is and what it isn't. I can tell you with total certainty that the only reason a person is not in Scientology is because he has never heard of it, or he thinks it is something it is not. I know that our survival on this planet determines if people are challenged in time to understand it. Remember I know what it really is... People (The Media) DON'T... If they did they would be in it. PERIOD... I know that with total Certaianty...


Man is not going to survive if he doesn't WAKE-UP. Man is in a deep coma.


It is like an ice burg where you only see the 10%, The 90% that lies below you can't see; yet is so much bigger than you can imagine. Man can't even imagine what it is we are dealing with in Scientology. His only hope is that we can handle this Ice burg that has everyone at the effect, and all they can see and talk about is the top , the 10%. What it entails to handle what is going to happen to man is the 90% that can only be seen if you get down under the ice burg or everyones conciderations and subconscious, based on the 10% that they can see . Man has to realize the solution and the way out are known. It is a good thing. One can be part of this good thing, In the future when the truth comes out, and it will, You don't want to be know as the one throwing the rocks, I assure you.


Incredible things are in the Dawn of Man. Is there any thing (SUBJECT)more important than our survival? If there is I know you aren't in the know of what is really happening... That is why I am here.


Concideration (Thought) is Senior to the mechanics of the physical universe. Science understands Physical universe. It's time to really understand thought... That is the Spiritual Phenomena, which in time will be part of Science. I just hope to provoke that thought. Intention is senior to physical, you can't see it, but nothing happens without it. What is it? What really is Thought? We can see how it effects energy, through wave lengths, Ect. How is it nothing happens in ones life without It? Who are we and our relationship to it? What is Consciouness for real???? You can know...



I meet people at all levels of the learning curb of life. ..

Strange....................I always thought that expression was; 'The learning curve' , gosh and gee-willakers, I guess we can learn something new everyday.....................Infy



I can tell you with total certainty that the only reason a person is not in Scientology is because he has never heard of it, or he thinks it is something it is not.

That is just plain scary.
Yes I studied Scientology and achieved some of the levels, does that make me a Scientologist? I haven't done anything to speak of since 1979.


...perhaps nothing apart from posting statements like this at various places around the web:


I am a Christian and also a Scientologist.




He is happy with his fixed ideas that tells him that he knows, so he doesn't have to Look. He is happy with his materialism. He like the "Wino" with his boose, he thinks he is happy. I know different.


Good for you. You will find that most people here have quite open minds and look upon long preachings like your own above as an insult.


Concideration (Thought) is Senior to the mechanics of the physical universe. Science understands Physical universe. It's time to really understand thought...


I have said this before but it can stand repeating: "Science" does not understand anything. "Scientists" do. Thought is one of the things that has been studied by scientists for hundreds of years. And not just how we think in a physical sense, but what it is. If you believe that scientists know nothing about thought, you are sadly lacking in your insight about modern neurology.


Thanks for reading my book. Your Right. Scientist know there stuff. So in 300 years there not going to know anything any different than they do now.


Scientists know how the mind works too, they have it all figured out. Drugs and chemicals to handle the brain. Yes they are really fixing people aren't they? Look at what Drugs are doing to "Beings" and our society. Ya they really know... Well they do. They just can know so much more, is all I am saying...


Well Millions of people have had "OBE's" "Out of body experiences" and "NDE's" "near death experiences" and they may not be Scientists, but I assure you because of there experiences they know more than the Scientists, as on a one to one basis, they know they are not there body. That means the Brain is only a "dashboard" for the body, it is not what does the thinking. A piece of meat doesn't think... Listen to Coast to Coast am at night with Art Bell and George Nori and Ean Putnam. They have Millions listening to them and listen to what people are talking about. It is not things you hear on normal radio and TV. Man is starting to wake up to some of the truths. Yes its very little compared to what one can know, but I see man in general is starting to become aware of things I knew 30 years ago, so that excites me.


The chemical reactions of the brain doesn't do the thinking, yes it controls the body, Yes drugs can effect the thinking process, like putting current to the light switch, it may effect it's efficiency and slow down it's function, but you are the one that turns that switch on or off. You or consciousness, thru the brain controls the body.


If you ever had an "OBE" you would know that you can be on the Moon or on the other side of the planet and cause things to happen thru intention alone. You as a Spirit or consciousness, don't need to have a body.


I am only saying Science I believe, is on the verge of making some incredible discoveries. I believe automated robots with the same thinking capacity will soon to be a reality. I am sure they are working on it.


But as a Scientologist, I know drugs decrease or increases ones awareness and makes it very hard to retrieve ones memories of there past as it screws up ones memories and makes retriving Past life memories very hard. If you never get freed from your past you will never see the truth of existence, and your doomed to this low level for an eternity. This is not just a believe. It is a Fact. One can know that with total certainty. That is what sanity is all about. Knowing who you really are. Fixing the mind means making man sane...


We can get you stabily exterior to the body, so that you have no need for one, We can get you to operating on a level of knowingness rather than thinkingness. I am sure you have reality on this:


I am sure you have gone out on a mountain top and viewed the city and after a while started to start feeling extroverted and the solutions to your problems Just came to you. Follow my drift? Well that is a form of being exterior. If you were to run processes to really get you out of your body, you could have a reality on being stabily out of your body with Full perceptions. There are 55 different perceptions, rather than the 5 most only have that reality on.


Cosmic Consciousness is when your conscouness becomes one with the universe. That will blow your socks off and get you to realize that in the scheme of things the physical level is rather insignificant. You will know what God is I assure you. You have the same potential, as you are a spiritual being, also ya know...


Consciousness trust me is something scientist may have some reality on, but if they truly understood it, we would have quite a different society. Imagine not having material universe, imagine not playing a body game, imagine operating on a level of knowingness, rather than thinkingness. Imagine willing things into existence. This is what I am talking about and this is what I am here to tell you one can have a Reality on. That reality makes everything man now know's insignificant. That is our future, That reality is going to change everything man knows about everything. It is not Science Fiction. It is a different Reality Level that can be easily be experienced, with the know how. That is what the processes of Scientology that you never hear about is all about.


If this planet is to survive, we need to be on that conscious level. That level will give us the solutions to mans problems. If you were ever on that level even for a brief moment, you would have incredible hope for the future of man kind.


(LRH) L Ron Hubbard founded the technology to get you out of your body stabily It is a state of being That you want to be at. That is what Scn is all about for real. Who doesn't want that knowingness and abilities?


I have only been stabily out for a few days but I can see that is our native state and we have been degraded to the current level of man.


What I know from that experience you would think I was nuts if I talked about. But from a Spiritual Reality it was all caused and the reasons are known and when you know them, your life will dramatically change, your abilities will dramatically change. You will transform into a NEW MAN. Every being on a one to basis will recall for themselves these experiences. It is not the belief that changes you it is the truth. You at the right time will recognize the truths. One has to fix there Mind. Your missing out on the other 90% of your abilities. Stopping and invalidating Scientology is only stopping you and all of us.


Man always fights change. You will know why if you follow the taped path up and out of the trap of the physical universe. Science Fiction, Diamonddille is NUTS. Go ahead and believe what you want. I know the truth is going to come out and some of you are going to look pretty stupid when it does...


A "wino" will not recognize your consciouness, he blames you for his problems. If you understand the concept I am trying to communicate then I hope you can see that a higher consciouness can only be recognized if you yourself are there. That is the "Dirty Pool" of life darn it. It takes awareness or consciouness to see consciouness. Unless you have in your concepts what I have, you will not agree with me. I cannot make it real, unless you yourself have experienced the phenomena that I am talking about. Just honestly look.


Well it is to me so exciting, I just want everyone to experience what I have been so fortunate enough to get a glimmer of reality on.

I am sure that there are those that have a reality on what I am talking about and could share them on this Blog. Man has to know, The significance of it means everything.


If we wake up I assure you we will have contact with Higher forms of intelligence and then you will know how little we really do know.


What if what I am saying is true. Think of the significance of it and why there is nothing else worth talking about... Really.

Thanks for reading my book. Your Right. Scientist know there stuff. So in 300 years there not going to know anything any different than they do now.


I did not read your book, I simply googled your nickname name.


I did not imply that scientists know everything, only that scientists do in fact study all aspects of thought.


Your argumentation is a stellar example of why religion is a Bad Thing for a lot of people. Your post is in fact the best anti-scientology post I've read in a while. Keep on rambling like that and 1) you will lose all credibility (assuming you have any), and 2) you will be banned from our forums for preaching.


Please read our rules before you post again.


I know the truth is going to come out and some of you are going to look pretty stupid when it does...


Thanks for this direct violation of our rules.


I'll place my bets elsewhere though. I generally don't heed religious nuts' assertions that they know the Truth (because, as a matter of fact, I have no faith in Truth).


If anyone here appears close minded, it is indeed yourself. :)


Hello Diamonddille, and welcome to hypography. We have a GREAT bunch of people here.


This is mostly true because the users almost enforce an open minded approach to most aspects of the world. As any scientist worthy of being called such can tell you, we know little of this world, but we will eventually learn everything there is to know of the physical world. They know that the only way to accomplish this is to be willing to trash absolutely everything they believe in should the facts show them to be in error.


The courage they show in every document they submit, and every theory they propose is astounding to me. They go out on the biggest public limb in the world, with all of their peers eagerly watching, and shout to the rooftops exactly, precisely what they believe in. And they have to try to prove it. They open themselves up to a public scrutiny that is unheard of in almost any other context. In the end, if they are proven to be wrong, they accept it and move on to the next obstacle.


It is that willingness to part with ideas and concepts that they hold as dear as children that truly sets them apart from groups that claim knowledge beyond the knowable, proclaim insights based on facts that are not facts at all, but simply claims of believers.


You are so very correct when you say that "I know the truth is going to come out and some of you are going to look pretty stupid when it does..."Scientists often end up looking pretty stupid in hindsight. Almost always after another scientist has proven them wrong. The truth will come out, it will do so in it's own time, and I would be willing to bet it will be at the hand of scientists that are willing to take personal risks that I doubt you can comprehend.


With that in mind, I can see that there is little point is showing you the many errors in your speech as you have already decided what is, and what is not, in this world. You have insight decades ahead of all scientists and a Cosmic Consciousness that spans the universe.


Perhaps you could consider using all that insight and awareness to drum up some provable facts (Fact: An indisputable truth.) for the poor lost scientists.


Or might I suggest that a religious forum suit your needs better?


If not, I know that this will be difficult for a scientologist to accomplish, but please try to keep in mind that the purpose of this forum is to discuss science, and not Scientology. Perhaps if you try to "imagine operating on a level of knowingness, rather than thinkingness." this might come to pass.


Sorry for the long post, and again welcome to Hypography.


Thanks Kayra for the reply. I can take the hint. I am doing more harm than good. I need to stick to my day job, as I am not a writer.


I just see the morales of society going down the tube,and in other civilizations that means the end of that civilization. I was just trying to help.


I am fixed I know, but I know and can see what I know. You know what one knows by there fruits. I just wanted Science to look at a different viewpoint, in hopes of being able to Help, to me the real important matters, as I see society slipping away.


Materialism and Spirituality are two different things. My hope was to combine them, but I can see that can't occure. There will never be a microscope made to see the real truths of existence, That is why there is Religions I guess. For people like me who just know there is much more to life.


I thought I was unique, as I hate hearing the same old thing over and over and over, and thought others did too, I guess not. Sorry.


Out here in the real world, I know I am highly respected and my viewpoint changes peoples lifes. In the computer world, People can only look at my faults. I wish I was a better writer. I should have learned that in school and not in these forums. But I grew and knew what I knew later on...


I really only wanted to HELP...

Out here in the real world, I know I am highly respected and my viewpoint changes peoples lifes. In the computer world, People can only look at my faults. I wish I was a better writer. I should have learned that in school and not in these forums. But I grew and knew what I knew later on...


I really only wanted to HELP...

Know your audience. When talking to scientists use scientific arguments. I do not reject ideas. I reject preaching without listening. If you are not prepared to hold you ideas up to the scrutiny of your audience then you are not prepared to present those ideas. Stick to those who listen without questioning and you will continue to do just fine.



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