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The idea behind it is that the criminal must be in a healthy state in order to understand what's happening when its happening. Else, the punishment will be pointless.


What I don't get, however, is why they bother to sterilize the patch on the guy's arms where they're going to inject the lethal mix? Do they intend to use the hypodermic again? 'Cause if that's not the case, then doing this is utterly pointless.


for use in anatomical studies perhaps ....


Q. What is the purpose of leeches?

What I don't get, however, is why they bother to sterilize the patch on the guy's arms where they're going to inject the lethal mix? Do they intend to use the hypodermic again? 'Cause if that's not the case, then doing this is utterly pointless.


I think it has more to do with the education of the Doctors. Through their training doctors are taught, never to inject a human body without following certain precautions, sterlizing the patch is one of them.


It's hard to unlearn what you have learnt during your training for a profession. I do not think doctors are trained for executing criminals.

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