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Its allajoke


I was watching basketball on TV the other night and had to marvel at the physical grace and skill the human body is capable of. Only a small percentage of humans engage such potential but it certainly exists.


Occasionally I wonder around within my PC and I always find various capacities that are awesome. I am aware of software that will allow me to do creative things with pictures and video and audio and God only knows what else. I suspect there is software that will allow me to do anything I might imagine. Few of us engage one small element of the potential of the PC but it certainly exists.


McLuhan, the man with the marvelous insight, enlightens us with the knowledge that our technology is an extension of our self; the bomb extends the fist, the Internet extends the nervous system, our discussion forums lay bare the vacuous chaos and foolishness of our brain. TV allows us to observe famines, tsunamis, hurricanes, beheadings, bombings, the grace of Olympic skiers, etc. We can barely touch or feel these events in any human way but we ‘see’ that they certainly exist.


Within the human body there exists such marvelous potential that is never tapped. How did we acquire such potential? How is it possible that such capability can evolve within a creature never even conscious of such ability let alone use it for any good purpose? I see that other animals seem to have what they need and they utilize all that they have. Humans seem to have more than we realize and far more than we ever explore and use, but we can ‘see’ that it exists.


We have this marvelous ability to reason but we have distorted and warped this rationality to produce an Arnold like powerful and muscular upper torso mounted on long, spindle, weak, and varicose-veined legs. The upper torso represents our instrumental rationality and the lower torso our communicative action rationality. Our instrumental rationality made the bomb a reality and our communicative action rationality makes our annihilation by that bomb likely.


We use our critical capacity only to be negative. I suspect that the gods, Zeus, Allah, Jesus, Holy Ghost, etc. sit around the table in heaven havin a beer and a big laugh at all of the human antics. I suspect they have given us all this possibility just for their pleasure. I suspect its allajoke.


As McLuhan said, "the medium is the message", so its important to realize that its easy to get enthused about "possibilities" when the devil is in the details. Creativity and superlative skills are *hard*. That's why Sturgeon said "90% of everything is crap."


Animals have been shown to have all the same weaknesses of humans, at least when you adjust for the difficulty of survival in a given environment. Its not true that humans are inherently lazy or misdirected: its the nature of the bell curve...


Moral indignation is a technique used to endow the idiot with dignity, :)



To be free of negativity is to be a God because you have no anchor points to hold you here (It's the equivalent of gravity). Criticism is firing grappling hooks into the earth to stop the balloon of our consciousness drifting away. Only the uncritical (innocent) can drift off into sleep (death) because they have no guilt to keep them awake (weigh them down in the present like a lead balloon).


Life's a joke and death's the punchline:lol:

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