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Intent is a decision, nothing else.


You make a choice to take a certain action at some point in the future. That choice is intent.


As far as thought being generated by chemical actions in your brain, this might belong here, I would think it would fit better in a different forum though.


Intent: That's where I am after any evening sitting around the campfire, drinking a few beers, and telling stories with friends. In tent... :eek_big:



More seriously though... It's the point where our goal oriented motivations meet with past experiences in our conscious awareness.

Intent: That's where I am after any evening sitting around the campfire, drinking a few beers, and telling stories with friends. In tent... :(



More seriously though... It's the point where our goal oriented motivations meet with past experiences in our conscious awareness.



I like both of these answers.


I would say that for most humans... intent would mean something similair to the words- aim, goal, and/or purpose.


But in terms of it being a sense....?


You're trying to think on a deeper level. There is obviously something you've realized recently that is causing you to try and get to the bottom of intent. (care to explain?)


But I don't think I agree with the notion that intent is a sense.


I have an intent to just be happy.


And I think everything else does as well.


intent might stem from selfishness... feeling the need to tinker with things to help stimulate chemicals in your brain to make you happy.


intent to live.


intent to be happy while doing so.







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