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Apart from physical death (and discounting 'small deaths' like periods of unconsciousness i.e. getting knocked out, sleeping, coma, illness (delirium etc) and the mind wandering away from the present through imagining the future or remembering the past), there are other deaths, like leaving home, a relationship, a job etc.


What I've found interesting from this point of view is that now I'm in the process of moving home, my paranoia is leaving also. By this I mean I'm not so defensive (interpreting others actions and attitudes as hostile) because I'm not holding onto where I live either. Being open and honest means I'm outgoing and friendly (giving and forgiving), instead of mean, introverted and suspicious of the motives of others. I also am aware that this holding on blunts my perception of the world (black hole/white sun - radiation/absorption effect) and it's not just my attitude that suffers from this and is part of the gravity/levity syndrome. As I said in my first post ('The Systemic Universe') - the outer reflects the inner; the macrocosm, the microcosm. This translates as the same terms for the same things, whether they are in man or the heavens (As above, so below) or how anything works, is how everything works as a basic principle.:eek_big:

Genius or insanity anyone?

Reincarnation is possible. :eek_big:


Since energy is neither is created or destroyed; it changes form...

and we all agree that there is energy within the human body. So where does it go?


Buddhists believe that until you reach enlightenment, that a perpetual death - rebirth cycle will continue.. and it can be painful.

It is also noted that it takes many lifetimes to reach Nirvana..


After that you are free; kinda like Yoda and Obi-wan at the end of Return of the Jedi. :eek2:


I don't think reincarnation is possible.


Racoon, you are talking about energy, which is most certainly different than a "life force".

Reincarnation suggests that a person's "soul" or whatever you want to call it is "recycled" and used again in another organism's corporal body (how redundant:D) at a later time.

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