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I have once ran an assessment tool on De Beer's (yes - the diamond company) network to check the health of their servers world-wide. This was a simple assessment tool, with no funnies or strange things, it simply created a text file on the server with all the stats and stuff and then send it back to the machine in Johannesburg from where the request came. Any case, this tool went into a loop and bloated the text file (which was supposed to be no larger than 50k per server) into all the available disk space on the server. Needless to say, this was such a boring exercise that I ran it and went home. I was to analyse the reports the next day.


Three o-clock the next morning, my phone went berserk, and I had to go to De Beers post haste. I got there, only to find that each and every single one of their servers world wide had crashed. This assessment tool had bypassed all their safety checks, and simply congested the machines with gigabytes and gigabytes of useless data untill there was no more space on the disks.


So, the internet might be destroyed through good intentions. Get a virus or a faulty tool like the one above to take out routers and servers and there you go. It won't take the 'net out permanently, of course, but congestion to such an extreme might make the internet effectively useless for quite a while. And how would global economies react to that? This is actually a very good question!


Yes Boerseun, it is a very good question because it allows play and discovery.


What we have is the unknown creeping in. By this I mean the road to hell is paved with good intentions (A load of unknowns when we think we know it all). It is like Mickey Mouse in 'Fantasia' and "The Sorcerers Apprentice". He thought he knew what he was doing but opened up a whole can of worms that his panic made worse (If he'd stopped at the first break and observed the results, it wouldn't have got any worse but still trying to cover it up to preserve his reputation, he repeated the same mistake ad infinitum: Isn't denial a wonderful thing? This isn't happening! This isn't happening! This isn't happening! [Oh yes it is!]).

Yep. A lot of people don't realize that one of the main requirements of the "internet" when the DoD was funding its creation through DARPA was to create a network that would survive a major nuclear strike: they wanted to make sure that if they lost Washington and New York, that they could still get a command from Boston to Topeka to launch our missles. Its also the reason that China hasn't really been able to "shut down" access to "forbidden" sites, because while they can try to control the entry points, the only solution they really have is to find and crack down on users who are bypassing (the survivable part!) the gateways, but its easy to hide the sources of packets, so they can never find enough fingers to put in the dike...


Power systems have similar capabilities, and while its not as effective as the Internet, you still need a "perfect storm" to shut it down...




Bit like hologrammatic plates - smash them and the image survives (genes too?). Life is a disease of opportunity (There is no such thing as an idiot proof lock!). Every answer begets a question from life and keeps the process of exploration going. Life is a journey, not a destination and this is what excites and frightens us - the former, if we grab the bull by the horns and the latter, if we try to run away from the challenge it presents. We want to wallow in the wealth of certainty (our comfort zone) but life isn't like that. Oweee - mighty scary!


6-29-2006 1243AM

Buffy said:

"Another way of looking at it is that the really scary thing is not that someone *could* turn it off, but that no one will ever be *able* to!!!!!"


the reason that i feel the need to reply is because I feel that she was talking about the internet when she said that, and as of right now wouldnt pulling the electricity plug (like racoon had said) be a red button for the internet.

O' Yea it might be the Red Button for everything that we know. But it would be a RED button. I think that the red button has allready been pushed. I think that there is more important stuff then AI and computers. I admit that I do like the **** but I also know that i shouldnt.

I feel that the "red button" you claim has no existence has allready been pushed and as of right now, is undergoing its complete destruction.


And if some how, o lets just say that world destruction were to come about and become reality and destroy everything that we call home. and im talking everything. lets say that every grocery store was destroyed - how would most americans or people in general get there food to eat? lets say that every gas station was destroyed, every bus station, every train station, every repair shop. no more cds, walmarts or mcdonalds. we would have nothing; all over again. it would be like going back to the house on the prairie all over again. The honest to God truth about it is that IF that were to happen, I would kind of ENJOY IT><FOR many diferent reasons.


The point IS, that the way that we live our lives now is going to change. everything that we now know is going to cease to exist.

oVer half of the worlds population is going to be killed from starvation, not being able to buy foods from the grocery stores. people will start to grow by hand again and hunt with sticks. it will be like the beginning of time again.

[do you know what the american religion should be? indians? yes!!! the indians!!!] people will have to learn to live for themselves. alot of people will die off and the people that have the instinct and knowledge to live will survive and start repopulating all over again. the way that they live and teach there young is going to be the way of their childrens childrens kid and that is how the name of our forefathers is now and will be to come.

the thing about it is going to be pretty much a new start for the world. the world will be destroyed and every'thing' in it. the strong will survive and over time unite again like they did before. it will be just like going back into time all over again. except somewhere in the solar system (or universe) a new planet will appear or start just like the earth did.

WE will still have the knowledge that we have now and the motivation to get it done but we will not have the tools and supplys. when we want to build a house now we drive into town and get supplys. anything you want. tools, wood, etc. There will be no way to just make gas or just supply food. we will have to remake everything and start from scratch all over again. more then half of us will die and the SMART ones that do survive will teach there children the proper knowledge and teach them to teach there children and to teach their children to teach their children that way it will always forever and always go on and on. but if it is lost and manipulated like it was this time around we will not succeed and just go back in time again and again. because it will just keep repeating itself. This is what is going to happen


Have you ever watched the house on the prairie? have you ever watched a coboy and indian movie? old yeller? or eve the wild wild west? what did you think? good movie huh? well what would you think about living that lifestyle and back in that time zone? would you like it it is the PEACEful and most spiritual/"god"ly way to live if you ask me....well it may just happen.....

thank you








What would people think if I told them that is what I dreamed about? What would people think if they knew that my dream consisted of over half of the worlds population dieing in front of my eyes. What would the world think if I told them once that happens there will be a stage of UTOPIA but unfortanetely 9 out of 10 people are going to die. What would they say if I told them to WAKE up now because IT IS going to happen and VERY soon it is going to be TO LATE.

And then I realize that nobody is ever going to wake up and understand. People have died trying to get that message across, but it just doesnt work, some of the smart people realize that it is coming but like I said 9 out of 10 people will die during the new world order channel zone shift.

I do apalogize to the people that do not take heed of my message in time but to the ones that did i wish you great luck and sicerity. to all and to all god bless...



Oh boy Dreamer, what a scenario and interpretation! (±±±±*±±± - sunset over the grave of humanity). I too forsee the same events and am preparing for it. Yes, we will collapse back into anarchy and a more primitive way of life but that happens anyway as a cyclic thing (study your ancient legends of the fall etc.). As for this civilization being replaced by a Utopian one? Well it will be young and full of hope, if that's what you mean but we must take over to it what history teaches us about how life develops or we will be mightily disappointed in it after a while.:D


By the way according to a Hopi Prophecy, 'We're the ones we've been waiting for' (meaning if you've been praying for somebody else to rescue you from your plight - it's you you've been praying to, not some outside force (God)).


All I know, there's going to be some crazy **** going down in my life time. I can't tell people what I think is going to happen unless they want to know. Because as we all know this has been said millions of times before. But, even if it hadn't of been said, not even once before me. I still wouldn't be believed by anyone who wasn't going through the same thing.


Children crying, Cast out and neglected, Only in a world so cold,


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