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So NYC will go out with a bang this 4th?


I'm skeptical, but I'm also listening.


I'm just lucky I'm on the west coast. So I'll just have to sit, wait, watch, and see.



As for, the rest of the end of the world? Predictions of the last day?

I say 12/12/12 for various reason.

1. God has a sense of humor.

2. 12/12/12 split up into two numbers is 121 212. Which added together is 333. Then 333 can be multiplied by 2, 3, and 4 to get: 6/6/6 (rebirth, anti), 9/9/9 (second coming, jesus), and back to the end date 12/12/12.

3. I've seen a chart of time waves that exhast in the latter part of 2012. http://www.valdostamuseum.org/hamsmith/2012.html Keep in mind that Terence was a big druggy. :eek: Yet, it does not effect his credentals.

4. Mayan calender ends fairly close to that date, 12/21/12.



Any other information I could use? Any fallicies? Questions? Comments? Concerns for my metal heath?




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