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A couple things have come together to put this thought into my head. It is nearly July 4th, I time that I like to think back to fond memories of the past. Painting fire hydrants red, white and blue as a cub scout back in 1976. Sitting on the hood of my car watching fireworks in the quiet company of a young love. Holding my own child at a fireworks show to comfort him because he was terrified by the noise, even as he was mystified by the sights.


It occurred to me that we should do more to honor past events here at Hypography, in our own small way. I know that some members are thread hounds, reading through old dusty posts from pages 2 and higher. Sometimes someone finds an interesting topic, and they add to it after the thread has been resting for months or even years.


The other thing that occurred to me is that REP is like a measure of current events. But hidden among the threads are treasures and gems beyond your wildest imagination. Post of such profound wisdom, that bumping is just not enough. So I would invite others to join me in honoring great posts of the past with REP from the present. Even if the author is no longer around much. Or they have written other things that make your head spin in anger. Join me in acknowledging the gems, so the authors are reminded of and rewarded for the quality of the body of their work.


You reap what you sew... sew accolades for a few days.



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