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Heylo everyone and my name is Ranga and I come from Sri Lanka which is nice exotic island to the south of India which in turn explains the weird name....=)...And well I'm here to gain as much knowledge possibly and hopefully give something in return...Science has always been an inspiration and cosmology my passion..And I hope I'd get to post something soon...


Thank you all.:eek2:


Hello and welcome Coronus,


You are in good company, and the conversation (while not always on track) is always stimulating. A passion for cosmology is an admirable passion indeed. Enjoy your stay. :)



Cheers. :doh:


Thank you InifiniteNow and um just wondering and hopefully someone would get throug to me..Got two questions...Um how do i subscirbe to a thread and what are thoese rep point thingies?



Thank you InifiniteNow and um just wondering and hopefully someone would get throug to me..Got two questions...Um how do i subscirbe to a thread and what are thoese rep point thingies?



Above the first post is a drop-down menu called "Thread Tools." You can subscribe to threads in there. I think you can also do this from your User CP.


As for rep points (specifically, TheBigDog's post):




Cheers. :)

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